
Post Modernism




Bertens, Hans, and Douwe Fokkema, eds. “The Reception and Processing of Postmodernism: Central and Eastern Europe.” International Postmodernism: Theory and Literary Practice. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997. 413-59.
Bjork, David. “A Model for Analysis of Incarnational Ministry in Post-Christian Lands.” Missiology 25:3 (July 1997): 279-91.
Bottum, J. ‘Christians and Postmoderns’, in First Things (New York), no. 40, Feb 1994, pp 28-32.
Cady, Linell E. “Resisting the Postmodern Turn: Theology and Contextualization.” In Theology at the End of Modernity: Essays in Honor of Gordon Kaufman, ed. Sheila Greeve Davaney, 81-98. Philadelphia: Trinity Press International, 1991.
Cleaveland, Adam B. Emergent Postmoderns: Who Are They And What Is Their Biblical Hermeneutic? (2005)
Graham Cray, From Here to Where? The Culture of the Nineties, Board of Mission of the Church of England, 1992
Grenz, Stanley ‘Star Trek and the Next Generation: Postmodernism and the Future of Evangelical Theology’, in Crux (Vancouver), 30(1), March 1994, pp 24-32.
Jenson, Robert ‘How the World Lost Its Story’, in First Things (New York), no. 36, October 1993, pp 19-24.
Kettle, David ‘Bearings on the Sea of Faith’, in Leading Light, Vol.2/2, Autumn 1995
MacGregor, Jock ‘Madonna: Our Lady of Meaninglessness’, in Gospel and Culture (U.K.), no. 20, Spring 1994, pp 1-4.
McQuilkin, Robertson and Bradford Mullen. ?The Impact of Postmodern Thinking on Evangelical Hermeneutics.? Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. 40 (1997): 69-82.
Simpson, Theo. “Theology in Context.” Theology 95 (September/October 1992): 343-353.
Postmodernism and the interpretation of biblical texts for behavior. Biblical Theology Bulletin, Fall, 2003, by John F. O’Grady “Postmodernism has many meanings and many names. Whatever it actually means depends on different cultures and different individuals. That explains enough the current American situation, as well as the general condition in developed countries. * * * Can biblical scholars and religious leaders ever be clever enough to be aware of, and respond to, the lived existence of ordinary believers? This article offers no definitive answers– [it] only attempts to orchestrate the problems.” (annotation theirs)
Postmodernism Gale Encyclopedia of Popular Culture by Sam Binkley “Beginning in the early 1980s, postmodernism began to emerge as a vanguard movement in the idea market, with all the equipment for a successful intellectual coup–its own fancy vocabulary, a cryptic set of canonical texts, and a seemingly inexhaustible ability to come off cleverer than any of its challengers. Indeed, the ability of the postmodern rhetorician to inflate the significance of familiar issues by describing them with thick jargon has proven a fruitful intellectual stratagem for postmodernists, one whose success rivals that enjoyed by structural functionalist sociologists of the 1950s who, under the leadership of Talcott Parsons, stormed American sociology in a whirlwind of technical sounding lingo.” (annotation theirs)
Blind spots: Christianity and postmodern philosophy Christian Century, June 14, 2003, by Merold Westphal “Though the postmodern philosophers are mainly atheists, or as Derrida puts it, “rightly pass” for atheists, their arguments actually show not that God does not exist, but that we are not God, either individually or collectively. Objective knowledge of reality–seeing reality through, as it were, “God’s eyes”–is not possible.” (annotation theirs)
Douglas Groothius responds to Mr. Westphal’s article with Postmodern fallacies: a response to Merold Westphal Christian Century, July 26, 2003, and Merold Westphal replies with Merold Westphal replies (Response to Douglas Groothuis’ Response to Westphal’s Original Article) Christian Century, July 26, 2003.
Toward a Theological Understanding of Postmodernism Cross Currents, Winter 1997-98, Vol. 47 Issue 4, by Daniel J. Adams “The postmodern era can best be understood in terms of four major characteristics: the decline of the West, the legitimation crisis, the intellectual marketplace, and the process of deconstruction. Indeed, we can say that these four characteristics define the meaning of postmodernity.” (annotation theirs)
Theology and Science without Dualism Cross Currents, Spring 1998, Vol. 48 Issue 1, by Elizabeth Newman “In this essay, I ask where one belongs if knowing, whether scientific or theological, is not to become objectivistic, relativistic, or hegemonic. First, I will show how, despite efforts to the contrary, the dualism of objectivism versus relativism continues to haunt both modern and postmodern imaginations. Then I will describe more fully a knowing place, biblically informed, that moves beyond objectivism and relativism.” (annotation theirs)
Postmodernism and the Desire for God: An e-mail Exchange Cross Currents, Fall 1998, Vol. 48 Issue 3, by Edith Wyschogrod and John D. Caputo “In this essay, I ask where one belongs if knowing, whether scientific or theological, is not to become objectivistic, relativistic, or hegemonic. First, I will show how, despite efforts to the contrary, the dualism of objectivism versus relativism continues to haunt both modern and postmodern imaginations. Then I will describe more fully a knowing place, biblically informed, that moves beyond objectivism and relativism.” (annotation theirs)
The Antimoderns: Six postmodern Christians discuss the possibilities and limits of postmodernism a discussion with Carlos Aguilar, Vincent Bacote, Andy Crouch, Catherine Crouch, Sherri King, and Chris Simmons “I think there is some reticence on behalf of emerging urban Christian leaders to buy fully into the postmodernist shift. We place a little more trust in reason, in what knowledge can do to empower people. Maybe we need to change our view as to what constitutes knowledge; maybe we only need a move away from the more radical modern view that it’s certitude we’re after, and maybe we should seek something like justified true belief.” (annotation theirs)
The New Search for Truth by Dr. Thomas Hohstadt “What we seek is an ancient/future knowing that resurrects premodern insights and reveals postmodern intuitions. It’s a different “seeing” where epiphany replaces proposition. It’s a different “sensing” where participation replaces empiricism. It’s a different discernment where knowledge “of” Truth replaces knowledge “about” Truth–where “how” we know replaces “what” we know.” (annotation theirs)
Era and Epoch, Epoch and Era: Christian Intellectuals in the Postmodern Turn by Scott H. Moore
“I believe that Christian intellectuals have much to celebrate in the cultural-intellectual turn which is Postmodernity. While much has been written about the dangerous character of many of the ideas which march under the heading of “postmodernity” and “postmodernism,” here I would like briefly to offer a perspective for Christian intellectuals on how we might celebrate certain aspects of postmodernity.” (annotation theirs)
Christianity and Postmodernity by Alan G. Padgett “Christians, therefore, must develop their own theologically motivated and faith-full hermeneutics of suspicion to deconstruct differance and undo the negativity of French poststructuralism.” (annotation theirs)
The Postmodern Moment by Glenn T. Stanton “Modernism is dying because experience brought the Enlightenment project up short in some important areas. For instance, working in a closed, naturalistic system, science cannot answer the ultimate questions of why the universe is this way rather than another, or whether there’s any meaning behind it.” (annotation theirs)
Preaching and the Postmodern Condition by Jay Cooper Rochelle “Preachers face an audience whose cultural perceptions are “post-modern.” The author shows what this means among those who hear us preach and how proclaimers may begin to respond to it.” (annotation theirs)
Truth, Contemporary Philosophy, and the Postmodern Turn by J.P. Moreland “In what follows I shall weigh in on the topic first, by sketching out the correspondence theory and the postmodern rejection of it, and second, by identifying five confusions of which I believe postmodern revisionists are guilty. I shall close by warning that not only are postmodern views of truth and knowledge confused, but postmodernism is an immoral and cowardly viewpoint such that persons who loves truth and knowledge, especially disciples of the Lord Jesus, should do everything they can to heal the plague that postmodernism has and inevitably does leave.” (annotation theirs)
Philosophical Objections to the Knowability of Truth: Answering Postmodernism by Andrew F. Uduigwome “For another, if postmodernism can be shown to be true, then its main thesis (rejection of objective truth) is wrong. It is tantamount to saying that there is at least one objective truth and, that is, that postmodernism is true. In either case, the postmodernist rejection of rational objectivity is self-defeatist, self- refuting or self-destructive. It is either that it denies the plausibility of its own position or it presumes the reliability of reason and the objectivity of truth.” (annotation theirs)
At The Chrsitianity Today Library (CT free previews or $49.95 full year) (all annotation theirs)
“The Back Page: More Doctrine, Not Less” We need to proclaim truth to a truth-impaired generation Charles Colson
A-maze-ing Prayer
Church in Action: Pastor X Pastor X: In sneakers and jeans, Southern Baptist Chris Seay is getting his generation to go to church?at least we think it’s a church. by Steve Rabey
COVER: Reaching the First Post-Christian Generation Raised in a world of MTV, AIDS, and a trillion-dollar debt, Generation X is making new demands on the church Andres Tapia
Current Innovations
Editorial: Doers of the Word The Amsterdam Declaration illustrates how far evangelicals have come in 26 years?especially in putting ideas into practice. A Christianity Today Editorial
Faithfully Dangerous Christians in postmodern times Brian D. McLaren
Growing Edge Growing Edge Growing Edge Book Review: Not What I Do
the pastor of a postmodern ministry makes the case against cloning his church. Eric Nelson
Growing Edge: In Brief
In Summary:Popular Apologetics Recent and important releases that will shape evangelical thought. By Mark Galli
It’s the Gospel, Stupid Generation X and Religion Jim Belcher
Let’s Get Personal Yes, the church needs to get past modernity’s impersonal techniques. But adding the prefix post doesn’t solve anything Andy Crouch
Ministering with My Generation
My Emerging Guilt With one hand still clutching the smoothie, I was pulled into the conga line. How did I get here, dancing, off beat and out of touch? By Ron Benson
Navigating Cultural Currents
New York’s New Hope From inner-city gardens, to fine-art exhibitions, to political activism, street-smart churches are changing the culture of America’s largest and most dynamic city. By Tony Carnes
Post-Contemporary Worship
Post-Evangelicalism Last in a series of responses to Brian McLaren’s book, A New Kind of Christian.
Tony Jones
Reflections:Classic and Contemporary Excerpts Classic and contemporary excerpts
Reformed or Deformed? Questions for postmodern Christians Mark Dever
Reviving the Altar Call
Serious Symbolism
Starbucks Spirituality
The Antimoderns Six postmodern Christians discuss the possibilities and limits of postmodernism.
A forum with Carlos Aguilar, Vincent Bacote, Andy Crouch, Catherine Crouch, Sherri King, and Chris Simmons
The Consumer Trap
The Dick Staub Interview: Eddie Gibbs Reconsiders Gen X Churches The author of Church Next and Fuller’s professor of church growth says his views on church leadership have grown
The Emergent Mystique The ’emerging church’ movement has generated a lot of excitement but only a handful of congregations. Is it the wave of the future or a passing fancy? By Andy Crouch
The Gospel for Generation X Dieter Zander
The Long View: The Virtue of Unoriginality The old kind of Christian is the best hope for church renewal. Mark Galli
The Postmodern Moment Are Christians prepared for ministry after modernism’s failure? Glenn T. Stanton
The Subversive Art Drawing from the prophets, the rabbis, and Jesus to confront the culture.
Interview with Rob Bell
This is Not Your Father’s Preaching Style
This World Is Not My Home What some mainline Protestants are rediscovering about living as exiles in a foreign culture.By Richard J. Mouw
Unsolved Mysteries
Warrior, Chief, Medicine Man
Weblog: Has Emergent Emerged? “More Christmas stories, China prepares for Christmas and demolishes churches, as well as Christians in Iraq, Anglicans in New Westminster, The Blind Boys of Alabama and Articles from online sources around the world” Rob Moll
At (annotations theirs)
What Postmodernism Means for Evangelism By Paul Mumo Kisau
Postmodernism calls for a subtler mode of evangelism. The declaration of ?thus says the Lord? must be clothed in an attractive coat. Read >>
Postmodernity and the Emerging Church By Geoff Westlake
As emerging churches seek to infiltrate the culture and transform society, a greater understanding of the movement on the part of the established Church is needed. Read >>
Burned Out on Church, Fired Up for Jesus: Love Evangelism in the Postmodern Era By Mark Russell
In the postmodern era, we need to be concerned not with bringing people to church, but to bringing the church to people. Read >>


Adam, A. K. M. ed. Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press, 2000. (275 pages)
Allen, Diogenes. Christian Belief in a Postmodern World: the Full Wealth of Conviction. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1989.
Ashley, Jennifer and Mike Bickle eds. The Relevant Church.  Lake Mary: Relevant Books, 2004.
Bandy, Thomas G., Kicking Habits upgrade edition. Nashville: AbingdonPress, 2001.
Barna, George.  Generation Next: What you Need to Know About Today?s Youth.  Ventura, CA: Regal, 1995.
Barrett, William. Death of the Soul: From Descartes to the Computer. New York: Anchor Books, 1987.
Bauman, Z. . Intimations of Postmodernity. Routledge. London. 2000
Beckford, J. Postmodernity, High Modernity and New Modernity in Flanagan, K. & Jupp, P.. Postmodernity, Sociology and Religion. MacMillan. London. 1996
Burnham, Frederic B., ed. Postmodern Theology: Christian Faith in a Pluralist World. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Callahan, Kennon.  The Future That Has Come.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002.
Callahan, KennonVisiting in an Age of Mission. San Francisco:  Jossey-Bass, 1994.
Clegg, Tom and Warren Bird. Lost in America. Loveland: Group Publishing, 2001.
Cox, Harvey Religion in the Secular City: Toward a Postmodern Theology New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
Deeley, John N. New beginnings: early modern philosophy and postmodern thought. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1994.
Dockery, David S., ed. The Challenge of Postmodernism: An Evangelical Engagement. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1995.
Erickson, Millard J, Paul Kjoss Helseth, Justin Taylor, eds. Reclaiming the center: Confronting evangelical accommodation in Postmodern times. Wheaton, ILL:Crossway Books, 2004.
Erickson, Millard J. Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge ofPostmodernism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998.
Erickson, Millard J. Truth or Consequences: The Promise and Perils of Postmodernism. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2001.
Flanagan, K. & Jupp, P. . Postmodernity, Sociology and Religion. MacMillan. London. 1996
Gellner, Ernest. Postmodernism, Reason and Religion. London; New York: Routledge, 1992.
Gibbs, Eddie & Ryan K. Bolger. Emerging Churches: creating Christian community in Postmodern cultures. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2005.
Grenz, Stanley J. . Created for Community: Connecting Christian Belief with Christian Living. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998. (335 pages)
Grenz, Stanley J. A Primer on Postmodernism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996.
Grenz, Stanley J. Renewing the Center: Evangelical Theology in a Post-Theological Era. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000. (366 pages)
Grenz, Stanley J., and John R. Franke. Beyond Foundationalism: Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context. Westminster: John Knox, 2000. (298 pages)
Griffin, David Ray. Varieties of postmodern theology. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989.
Groothuis, Douglas. Truth Decay: Defending Christianity against the Challenges of Postmodernism. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2000.
Guiness, Os. The Gravedigger File: Papers on the Subversion of the Modern Church. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1983.
Hammet, Edward H., The Gathered and Scattered Church. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys, 1999.
Hauerwas, Stanley. A better hope: resources for a church confronting capitalism, Democracy, and postmodernity. Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2000.
Hawkin, David J. Christ and Modernity: Christian Self-Understanding in a Technological Age. Studies in Religion Supplements, vol. 17. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1985.
Heinecke, Paul T., Kent R. Hunter, and David S. Luecke. Courageous Churches: Refusing Decline, Inviting Growth.  St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1991.
Hunt, Arthur W. The vanishing Word: the veneration of visual imagery in the Postmodern world. Wheaton, ILL: Crossway Books, 2003.
Jones, Tony, ed. Post-Modern Youth Ministry: Exploring cultural shift, creating holistic connections, cultivating authentic community. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001
Kimball, Dan. The Emerging Church–Vintage Christianitiy for New Generations. Grand Rapids , MI: Zondervan, 2003.
Kraus, C. Norman An Intrusive Gospel?: Christian Mission in the Postmodern World 1998 About this book
Lawrence, Bruce B. Defenders of God: The Fundamentalist Revolt Against the Modern Age. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Loscalzo, Craig A. Apologetic Preaching: Proclaiming Christ to a Postmodern World. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 2000.
Lyon, David. Postmodernity. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994.
Malphurts, Aubrey and Michael Malphurs.  Church Next. Grand Rapids: Kregel 2003.
McCallum, Dennis (ed) The Death of Truth Bethany House
McIntosh, Gary L.  Three Generations: Riding the Waves of Change in Your Church.  Grand Rapids , MI: Revell, 1995
McLaren, Brian D. A Generous or+Hodoxy: Why I Am a Missional, Evangelical,Post/Protestant, Liberal/Conservative, Mystical/Poetic, Biblical, Charismatic/Contemplative, Fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Green, Incarnational, Depressed-yet-Hopeful, Emergent, Unfinished Christian. El Cajon, CA; Grand Rapids, MI: Emergent YS; Zondervan, 2004. (297 pages)
McLaren, Brian D. More Ready Than You Realize: Evangelism as Dance In The Postmodern Matrix. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 2002.
McNeal, Reggie.  The Present Future. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003.
Mead, Loren B. The Once and Future Church: Reinventing the Congregation for a New Mission Frontier.  The Alban Institute, 1991.
Mead, Loren B.  Five Challenges for the Once and Future Church.  The Alban Institute, 1996.
Middleton, J. Richard & Brian J. Walsh. Truth is stranger than it used to be: biblical faith in a postmodern age. Downers Grove, ILL: InterVarsity Press, 1995.
Miller, M. Rex.  The Millennium Matrix. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2004.
Mouw, Richard J., and S. Griffioen. Pluralisms and Horizons: An Essay in Christian Public Philosophy. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1993.
Oden, Thomas C. Two worlds: notes on the death of modernity in America & Russia. Downers Grove, ILL: InterVarsity Press, 1993.
Penner, Myron B, ed. Christianity and the postmodern turn: six views. Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2005.
Phillips, Timothy R, and Okholm, Dennis L. Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1995.
Pippin, Robert B. Modernism As a Philosophical Problem: On the Dissatisfactions of European High Culture by (1999)
Rainer, Thom S.  Surprising Insights From The Unchurched.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan 2001.
Raschke, Carl A. The next reformation: why evangelicals must embrace postmodernity. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004.
Reid, Alvin L. Radically Unchurched: Who they Are and How to Reach Them. Grand Rapids: Kregel Academic & Professional, 2002.
Rozko, J.R. Restoring Hope to the Church in Western Culture: Exploring the Relationship Between Culture, Theology, and the Church (2006) 374 page academic paper, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Smith, Chuck. The End of the World ? as we know it. Colorado Springs: WaterBrook Press, 2001.
Smith, James K. A. Who?s afraid of postmodernism?: taking Derrida, Lyotard, and Foucault to church. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006.
Sweet, Leonard, ed.  The Church in Emerging Culture.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Sweet, Leonard.  Post-Modern Pilgrims: First Century Passion for the 21st Century World.  Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2000.
Thistleton, Anthony C. Interpreting God and the postmodern self: on meaning, Manipulation, and promise. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995.
Turner, James. Without God, Without Creed: The Origins of Unbelief in America. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1985.
Ward, Graham. The Postmodern God: a theological reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1997.
Webber, Robert. Ancient-future faith: rethinking evangelism for a postmodern world. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1999.
White, Heath. Postmodernism 101: a first course for the curious Christian. Grand Rapids, 2006.
White, Stephen K. Political theory and postmodernism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
At paid subscription ($99 yr or $20 mo.) but incredible online research library of 67,000 full text Books and 1.5 million journal Articles on any topic ? can view table of contents of each book and first page of every chapter. Great site to scope out books before buying them. all annotations are theirs
14 of the Best Books and Articles on Postmodernism as selected by Questia librarians (all annotation theirs)
Being and Becoming: A Critique of Post-Modernism by F. F. Centore. 290 pgs. …Contemporary society, according to Centore, is dominated by a post-modern philosophical world-view. Lacking until now, from the many works that have been written on…
Constructive Postmodernism: Toward Renewal in Cultural and Literary Studies by Martin Schiralli, Ralph A. Smith, Matthew Kieran. 163 pgs. …Are indeterminancy and relativism the only possible consequences of embracing the uncertainties of the postmodern era? Are other less deconstructive options to be found…
Marx and the Postmodernism Debates: An Agenda for Critical Theory by Lorraine Y. Landry. 236 pgs. …This book is a meticulous argument for the contemporary value of Marx’s democratic theory as an interpretive key for the postmodernism debates. Landry uses the works of…
Opting for the Margins: Postmodernity and Liberation in Christian Theology by Joerg Rieger. 208 pgs.
Postmodernism: A Very Short Introduction by Christopher Butler. 140 pgs. …Postmodernism has been a buzzword in contemporary society for the last decade. But how can it be defined? In this Very Short Introduction Christopher Butler challenges and…
Pragmatism: From Progressivism to Postmodernism by Robert Hollinger, David Depew. 348 pgs. …American pragmatism can be best understood against the background of 20th-century American culture and politics. The essays in this volume, by philosophers, cultural…
Rediscovering Values: Coming to Terms with Postmodernism by Hugh Mercer Curtler. 182 pgs. …The author’s primary purpose in this short book is to clearly define the nature of value and restore it to a central place in discussions of ethical and aesthetic problems…
The Desperate Politics of Postmodernism by Henry S. Kariel. 184 pgs. …The Desperate Politics of Postmodernism Rehearsals The Eclipse…The desperate politics of postmodernism / Henry S. Kariel. p. cm…Modern — 20th century. 2…
The Origins of Postmodernity by Perry Anderson. 152 pgs. …A scorching indictment of the decision to close fire companies in New York City & a frightening study of the way misguided & malevolent social policy can spark a chain…
The Parameters of Postmodernism by Nicholas Zurbrugg. 183 pgs. …The Parameters of Postmodernism The Parameters Of Postmodernism Nicholas Zurbrugg Southern Illinois University…Cataloging-in-Publication Data Zurbrugg, Nicholas. The…
The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism by Stuart Sim. 401 pgs. …Following full-length Articles on postmodernism and philosophy, politics, feminism, lifesyles, television, and other postmodern essentials, readers will find a wide range…

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