Sites Providing free access to quality data on religion ?The ARDA allows you to interactively explore the highest quality data on American and international religion using online features for generating national profiles, maps, church membership overviews, denominational heritage trees, tables, charts, and other summary reports. Over 400 data files are available for online preview and most can be downloaded for additional research.? (annotation theirs) Providing free access to quality data on religion ?The ARDA allows you to interactively explore the highest quality data on American and international religion using online features for generating national profiles, maps, church membership overviews, denominational heritage trees, tables, charts, and other summary reports. Over 400 data files are available for online preview and most can be downloaded for additional research.? (annotation theirs)
Journal of Religion in Europe – BRILL
JSTOR: Religion in Contemporary Europe
Marburg Journal of Religion (free access online journal)
Religion in Eastern Europe (George Fox University 1996-2007 full access to entire journal)
JSTOR: Religion in Contemporary Europe
Marburg Journal of Religion (free access online journal)
Religion in Eastern Europe (George Fox University 1996-2007 full access to entire journal)
‘Faith’s Comeback?: The Demographic Revival of Religion in Europe’
In Europe, God Is (Not) Dead- Wall Street Journal
Religion in the European Union Wikipedia
Bjork, David. “A Model for Analysis of Incarnational Ministry in Post-Christian Lands.” Missiology 25:3 (July 1997): 279-91.
Greenham, Ant. “Secular Europe Won’t Take Our Gospel Medicine.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 28:3 (July 1992): 292-99.
Spindler, Marc R. “Europe’s Neo-Paganism: A Perverse Inculturation.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 11:1 (January 1987): 8-11.
In Europe, God Is (Not) Dead- Wall Street Journal
Religion in the European Union Wikipedia
Bjork, David. “A Model for Analysis of Incarnational Ministry in Post-Christian Lands.” Missiology 25:3 (July 1997): 279-91.
Greenham, Ant. “Secular Europe Won’t Take Our Gospel Medicine.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 28:3 (July 1992): 292-99.
Spindler, Marc R. “Europe’s Neo-Paganism: A Perverse Inculturation.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research 11:1 (January 1987): 8-11.
NOTE: many (but not all) below deal with the state’s view of religious groups
Davie, G. 1992. “God and Ceasar: religion in a rapidly changing Europe.” Pp. 216-238 in Social Europe., edited by Bailey, J. London and New York: Longman.
Davie, G. 1999. “Europe: The Exception that Provides the Rule?” Pp. 65-84 in The Desecularization of the World. Resurgent Religion and World Politics, edited by Berger, P.L. Michigan: W. Eerdmans.
Davie, G. 1999. “European Religion: A Sociological Perspective.” Pp. 36-53 in A Europe of Neighbours? Religious Thought and the Reshaping of a Pluralist Europe, edited by Morton, A. and J. Francis. Edinburgh: Centre for Theology and Public Issues.
Davie, Grace ?Is Europe An Exceptional Case?? International Review of Mission; Jul-Oct 2006; vol. 95, pp. 247-258 Excellent article on the state and future of Religion in Europe.
Dobbelaere, K. 1995. “Religion in Europe and North America.” Pp. 1-30 in Values in Western Societies., edited by de Moor, R. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.
Durham, W. Cole Jr., Natalie J. Peterson, Elisabeth Sewell (2004), ?Introduction: A Comparative Analysis of Association Laws in Post-Communist Europe?, in W. Cole Durham, Jr. and Silvio Ferrari (eds), Laws on Religion and the State in Post-Communist Europe, Leuven, Peeters, VII? XLIII
Duvert, Cyrille ?Anti-Cultism in the French Parliament: Desperate Last Stand or an Opportune Leap Forward? A Critical Analysis of the 12 June 2001 Act?, in James T. Richardson (ed.), Regulating Religion, 41?52
Ester, P., and L. Halman. 1994. “Empirical Trends in Religious and Moral Beliefs in Western Europe. A Cross-Sectional Longitudinal Analysis: 1981-1990.” Pp. 157-182 in Towards a European Nation? Political Trends in Europe, edited by Haller, M. and R. Richter. New York: Sharpe.
European Consortium for Church?State Research (1999), New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union: Proceedings of the Meeting (Lisbon, Nov. 8?9, 1997), Brussels-Milano- Trier, Bruylant, Giuffr?, Nomos
Fautr?, Willy ?Belgium?s Anti-Sect Policy?, in James T. Richardson (ed.), Regulating Religion, 113?25
Ferrar, Silvio (2003), ?The European Pattern of Church and State Relations?, in Comparative Law, vol. 20, (Nihon University, Tokyo), 1?24
Ferrari, Silvio (1996), La nozione giuridica di confessione religiosa (come sopravvivere senza conoscerla), in Vittorio Parlato ? Giovanni Battista Varnier, Principio pattizio e realta religiose minoritarie, Torino, Giappichelli, 19?47
Ferrari, Silvio (2004), ?Individual Religious Freedom and National Security in Europe after September 11?, in Brigham Young University Law Review, vol. 2004, no. 2, 357?383
Ferrari, Silvio (1989), Introduzione, in Silvio Ferrari (a cura di), Diritti dell?uomo e liberta dei gruppi religiosi. Problemi giuridici dei nuovi movimenti religiosi, Padova, Cedam, 1?16
Ferrari, Silvio New Religious Movements In Western Europe
Gaudemet, Brigitte Basdevant (2005), ?State and Church in France?, in Gerhard Robbers (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Gautier, Mary L., “Church Attendance and Religious Belief in Postcommunist Societies,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 36 (June, 1997), 289-296.
Gunn, Jeremy ?Germany, England, Spain?, unpublished paper prepared for the conference on Comparative Approaches to Regulating Religion and Belief: State Authority and the Rule of Law, Beijing, 18?20 October 2004
Guthrie, Stan. ?Global Report: Evangelicals in Europe Dropping Anchor of Hope?, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 1 July 1995, Volume 31:3, 330-335.
Harvey, Graham Europe: Was it ever really Christian? The interaction between gospel and culture
. Scottish Journal of Theology. Edinburgh: 1998. Vol. 51, Iss. 2; p. 255 (2 pages)
Harvey, Graham Europe: Was it ever really Christian? The interaction Europe: Was l and culture
. Scottish Journal of Theology. Edinburgh: 1998. Vol. 51, Iss. 2; p. 255 (2 pages)
Herman, Stewart Winfield. Report from Christian Europe. New York: Friendship, 1953.
Hoellinger, Franz, “Church Attachment and the Role of Churches in State and Society: A Cross-national Comparison,” The European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms, 1 (1996), 1361-1368,
Hoellinger, Franz, “Die Privatisierung der Religion: Westliche Laender Vergleich [The Privatization of Religion: Western Societies in Comparison]” in Oesterreich im Wandel: Werte, Lebensformen, under Lebensqualitaet, 1986-1993 [Austria in Change: Values, Lifestyles, and Quality of Life, 1986-1993], edited by Max Haller, Kurt Holm, Karl H. Mueller, Wolfgang Schulz, and Eva Cyba. Vienna: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996.
Human Rights Without Frontiers (1998), ?The Belgian State and the Sects: A Close Look at the Work of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Sects Recommendations to Strengthen the Rule of Law?, in Human Rights Without Frontiers, vol. 10, no. 1?2, 1?31
Introvigne, Massimo and J. Gordon Melton (ed.) (1996), Pour en finir avec les sectes. Le d?bat sur le rapport de la Commission parlementaire, Paris, Dervy
Jagodzinski, W. 1995. “Religious Pluralism in Western Europe.” Pp. 7-27 in The Future of Religion East and West, edited by Borowik, I. and P. Jablosnki. Krakow: Nomos.
Kobia, Samuel (General Secretary of the World Council of Churches) ?Europe, the former ?Christian Occident?, has become a mission field. The continent, which sent out missionaries around the world in the 19th century, is full of people who have never heard of the faith. ?In many places today we can no longer assume the religious, much less Christian, awareness which existed 20 years ago?
Kuzmic, Peter. ?Europe? in Toward the 21st Century in Christian Mission . Philips, James M. and Robert T. Coote, eds. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993.
Lemmens, Paul (1999), ?New Religious Movements and the Law in Belgium?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 87?104
Leyte, Guillame (1999), Aper?u historique sur la notion de secte, in Francis Messner (dir.), Les ?sectes?, 9?19
L?chau, Peter Report on Surveys of Religion in Europe and the United States … (2004)
Mar?chal, Brigitte, Stefano Allievi, Felice Dassetto, Jorgen Nielsen (eds) (2003), Muslims in the Enlarged Europe: Religion and Society, Leiden-Boston, Brill
McClean, David (1999), ?New Religious Movements and the Law in the United Kingdom?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 341?64
Messner, Francis (dir.) (1999), Les ?sectes? et le droit en France, Paris, PUF
Messner, Francis , Pierre-Henri Pr?lot, Jean-Marie Woehrling (ed.) (2003), Trait? de droit fran?ais des religions, Paris, Litec
Ministerio de Justicia (1998), Spanish legislation on religious affairs, Madrid, Ministerio de Justicia August?n Motilla (1990), Sectas y derecho en Espana. Un estudio en torno a la posici?n de los nuevos movimientos religiosos en el ordenamiento jur?dico, Madrid, Editoriales de derecho reunidas
Motilla, August?n (2001), ?Church and State in Spain in 2000?, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 8, 119?23
Motilla, August?n (1994), Sectas religiosas y sociedad democr?tica, in Derecho y Opini?n, no. 2, 309?16
Motilla, August?n (1999), El concepto de confesi?n religiosa en el Derecho espanol. Pr?ctica administrativa y doctrina jurisprudencial, Madrid, Centro de estudios pol?ticos y constitucionales
Navas Renedo, Begona (2001), Tratamiento jur?dico de las sectas. An?lisis comparativo de la situaci?n en Espana y Francia, Granada, Editorial Comares
Nowak, Manfred (2001), ?Restrictions on the Activities of Religious and Belief Communities: What is Permissible in Law and Practice??, in Seminar on Freedom of Religion or Belief in the OSCE Region: Challenges to Law and Practice, The Hague, OSCE, 54?77
Olsen, Ted. ?The Church in Absentia: Membership in the Church of Scotland has dropped 22 percent?is that enough?,? Christianity Today Online, 22 January 2004 [magazine on-line]. Available from: ; Internet.
Overgaard, Frands Ole (1999), ?New Religious Movements in 20th Century Denmark?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 105?35
Papastathis, Charalambos K. (1999), ?New Religious Movements (NRM) and the Law in Greece?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 191?200
Potz, Richard (1999a), ?New Religious Movements in Austria?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 69?86
Potz, Richard (1999b), ?Church and State in Austria in 1998?, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 6, 161?72
Potz, Richard (2005), ?State and Church in Austria?, in Gerhard Robbers (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Richardson , James T. (2004a), ?Governmental Reports on Minority Religions: An Assessment?, in Fides et Libertas, 87?96
Richardson, James T. (ed.) (2004b), Regulating Religion: Case Studies from around the Globe, New York, Kluwer
Richardson, James T. and Massimo Introvigne (2001), ??Brainwashing? Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on ?Cults? and ?Sects??, in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 40, no. 2, June, 143?68
Rolland, Patrice (1998), Du d?lit d?opinion dans la d?mocratie fran?aise, in Pouvoir et libert?. Etudes offertes a Jacques Murgeon, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 645?70
Schilling, Timothy P (2006). ?Spreading the News: A Report on Europe’s New Evangelization.? Commonweal, 133(15), 16-19. (a catholic call to missionaries for Europe)
S?guy, Olivier-Louis (1999), Les travaux parlementaires fran?ais et belges relatifs aux sectes, in Conscience et libert?, no. 57, 71?82
Seiwert, Hubert (1999), ?The German Enquete Commission on Sects: Political Conflicts and Compromises?, in Social Justice Research, vol. 12, 323?40
Seiwert, Hubert (2003), ?Freedom and Control in the Unified Germany: Governmental Approaches to Alternative Religions since 1989?, in Sociology of Religion, Fall 2003, 367?76
Spindler, Marc. ?Europe?s Neo-Paganism: A Perverse Inculturation.? International Bulletin of Missionary Research. January 1987.
Stark, Rodney, and Laurence R. Iannaccone. 1996. ?Recent Religious Declines in Quebec, Poland, and the Netherlands: A Theory Vindicated.? Journal for theScientific Study of Religion 35: 265?271.
Stark, Rodney. 1993. ?Europe?s Receptivity to New Religious Movements: Round Two.? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 32: 389?397.
Teles Pereira, Jos? A. (1999), ?New Religious Movements in Portugal: Legal Aspects?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 309?24
Tennant, Agnieszka. ?The French Reconnection: Europe’s most secular country rediscovers its Christian roots.? Christianity Today Online, March 2005. Available from:
Torfs, Rik (1999), Les nouveaux mouvements religieux et le droit dans l?Union Europ?enne.Rapport g?n?ral, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 37?66.
Van Bijsterveld, Sophie C. (2001), ?Church and State in the Netherlands in 2000?, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 8, 219?26.
Vervliet, Luc (1999), L?Eglise er l?Etat en Belgique, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 6, 1?10
Voy?, Liliane (1999), Des sectes: de la rumeur aux valeurs, in Conscience et libert?, no. 57, 83?101
Wallis, Roy. 1986a. ?The Caplow-DeTocqueville Account of Contrasts in European and American Religion.? Sociological Analysis 47: 50?52.
Weigel, George. ?Europe?s Problem ? and Ours?, First Things 140, February 2004. Available from:
Willaime, Jean-Paul (1999), Les d?finitions sociologique de la secte, in Francis Messner (dir.), Les ?sectes?, 21?46
Willaime, Jean-Paul (2000), Les Etats en Europe face a la libert? des confessions et des religions, in Conscience et libert?, no. 59, 65?80
Willaime, Jean-Paul (2004), Europe et religions. Les enjeux du XXI siecle, Paris, Fayard
Williams, Stuart Murray. ?The End of Christendom.? Presented at Global Connections Interface Consultation, May 2004.
Winter, Michael, and Christopher Short. 1993. ?Believing and Belonging: Religion and Rural England.? British Journal of Sociology 44: 635?651.
Witteveen, Tobias, and Sophie van Bijsterveld (1999), ?New Religious Movements and the Law in the Netherlands?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 257?71
Woherling, Jean-Marie (1999), Une d?finition juridique des sectes?, in Francis Messner (dir.), Les ?sectes?, 63?90
Yacoub, Joseph (2002), Au nom de Dieu! Les guerres de religion d?aujourd?hui et de demain, Paris, JC Lattes
Zincone, Giovanna Roberta Aluffi-B.-P. (eds) (2004), The Legal Treatment of Islamic Minorities in Europe, Leuven, Peeters
Davie, G. 1999. “Europe: The Exception that Provides the Rule?” Pp. 65-84 in The Desecularization of the World. Resurgent Religion and World Politics, edited by Berger, P.L. Michigan: W. Eerdmans.
Davie, G. 1999. “European Religion: A Sociological Perspective.” Pp. 36-53 in A Europe of Neighbours? Religious Thought and the Reshaping of a Pluralist Europe, edited by Morton, A. and J. Francis. Edinburgh: Centre for Theology and Public Issues.
Davie, Grace ?Is Europe An Exceptional Case?? International Review of Mission; Jul-Oct 2006; vol. 95, pp. 247-258 Excellent article on the state and future of Religion in Europe.
Dobbelaere, K. 1995. “Religion in Europe and North America.” Pp. 1-30 in Values in Western Societies., edited by de Moor, R. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.
Durham, W. Cole Jr., Natalie J. Peterson, Elisabeth Sewell (2004), ?Introduction: A Comparative Analysis of Association Laws in Post-Communist Europe?, in W. Cole Durham, Jr. and Silvio Ferrari (eds), Laws on Religion and the State in Post-Communist Europe, Leuven, Peeters, VII? XLIII
Duvert, Cyrille ?Anti-Cultism in the French Parliament: Desperate Last Stand or an Opportune Leap Forward? A Critical Analysis of the 12 June 2001 Act?, in James T. Richardson (ed.), Regulating Religion, 41?52
Ester, P., and L. Halman. 1994. “Empirical Trends in Religious and Moral Beliefs in Western Europe. A Cross-Sectional Longitudinal Analysis: 1981-1990.” Pp. 157-182 in Towards a European Nation? Political Trends in Europe, edited by Haller, M. and R. Richter. New York: Sharpe.
European Consortium for Church?State Research (1999), New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union: Proceedings of the Meeting (Lisbon, Nov. 8?9, 1997), Brussels-Milano- Trier, Bruylant, Giuffr?, Nomos
Fautr?, Willy ?Belgium?s Anti-Sect Policy?, in James T. Richardson (ed.), Regulating Religion, 113?25
Ferrar, Silvio (2003), ?The European Pattern of Church and State Relations?, in Comparative Law, vol. 20, (Nihon University, Tokyo), 1?24
Ferrari, Silvio (1996), La nozione giuridica di confessione religiosa (come sopravvivere senza conoscerla), in Vittorio Parlato ? Giovanni Battista Varnier, Principio pattizio e realta religiose minoritarie, Torino, Giappichelli, 19?47
Ferrari, Silvio (2004), ?Individual Religious Freedom and National Security in Europe after September 11?, in Brigham Young University Law Review, vol. 2004, no. 2, 357?383
Ferrari, Silvio (1989), Introduzione, in Silvio Ferrari (a cura di), Diritti dell?uomo e liberta dei gruppi religiosi. Problemi giuridici dei nuovi movimenti religiosi, Padova, Cedam, 1?16
Ferrari, Silvio New Religious Movements In Western Europe
Gaudemet, Brigitte Basdevant (2005), ?State and Church in France?, in Gerhard Robbers (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Gautier, Mary L., “Church Attendance and Religious Belief in Postcommunist Societies,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 36 (June, 1997), 289-296.
Gunn, Jeremy ?Germany, England, Spain?, unpublished paper prepared for the conference on Comparative Approaches to Regulating Religion and Belief: State Authority and the Rule of Law, Beijing, 18?20 October 2004
Guthrie, Stan. ?Global Report: Evangelicals in Europe Dropping Anchor of Hope?, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, 1 July 1995, Volume 31:3, 330-335.
Harvey, Graham Europe: Was it ever really Christian? The interaction between gospel and culture
. Scottish Journal of Theology. Edinburgh: 1998. Vol. 51, Iss. 2; p. 255 (2 pages)
Harvey, Graham Europe: Was it ever really Christian? The interaction Europe: Was l and culture
. Scottish Journal of Theology. Edinburgh: 1998. Vol. 51, Iss. 2; p. 255 (2 pages)
Herman, Stewart Winfield. Report from Christian Europe. New York: Friendship, 1953.
Hoellinger, Franz, “Church Attachment and the Role of Churches in State and Society: A Cross-national Comparison,” The European Legacy: Towards New Paradigms, 1 (1996), 1361-1368,
Hoellinger, Franz, “Die Privatisierung der Religion: Westliche Laender Vergleich [The Privatization of Religion: Western Societies in Comparison]” in Oesterreich im Wandel: Werte, Lebensformen, under Lebensqualitaet, 1986-1993 [Austria in Change: Values, Lifestyles, and Quality of Life, 1986-1993], edited by Max Haller, Kurt Holm, Karl H. Mueller, Wolfgang Schulz, and Eva Cyba. Vienna: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1996.
Human Rights Without Frontiers (1998), ?The Belgian State and the Sects: A Close Look at the Work of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on Sects Recommendations to Strengthen the Rule of Law?, in Human Rights Without Frontiers, vol. 10, no. 1?2, 1?31
Introvigne, Massimo and J. Gordon Melton (ed.) (1996), Pour en finir avec les sectes. Le d?bat sur le rapport de la Commission parlementaire, Paris, Dervy
Jagodzinski, W. 1995. “Religious Pluralism in Western Europe.” Pp. 7-27 in The Future of Religion East and West, edited by Borowik, I. and P. Jablosnki. Krakow: Nomos.
Kobia, Samuel (General Secretary of the World Council of Churches) ?Europe, the former ?Christian Occident?, has become a mission field. The continent, which sent out missionaries around the world in the 19th century, is full of people who have never heard of the faith. ?In many places today we can no longer assume the religious, much less Christian, awareness which existed 20 years ago?
Kuzmic, Peter. ?Europe? in Toward the 21st Century in Christian Mission . Philips, James M. and Robert T. Coote, eds. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1993.
Lemmens, Paul (1999), ?New Religious Movements and the Law in Belgium?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 87?104
Leyte, Guillame (1999), Aper?u historique sur la notion de secte, in Francis Messner (dir.), Les ?sectes?, 9?19
L?chau, Peter Report on Surveys of Religion in Europe and the United States … (2004)
Mar?chal, Brigitte, Stefano Allievi, Felice Dassetto, Jorgen Nielsen (eds) (2003), Muslims in the Enlarged Europe: Religion and Society, Leiden-Boston, Brill
McClean, David (1999), ?New Religious Movements and the Law in the United Kingdom?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 341?64
Messner, Francis (dir.) (1999), Les ?sectes? et le droit en France, Paris, PUF
Messner, Francis , Pierre-Henri Pr?lot, Jean-Marie Woehrling (ed.) (2003), Trait? de droit fran?ais des religions, Paris, Litec
Ministerio de Justicia (1998), Spanish legislation on religious affairs, Madrid, Ministerio de Justicia August?n Motilla (1990), Sectas y derecho en Espana. Un estudio en torno a la posici?n de los nuevos movimientos religiosos en el ordenamiento jur?dico, Madrid, Editoriales de derecho reunidas
Motilla, August?n (2001), ?Church and State in Spain in 2000?, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 8, 119?23
Motilla, August?n (1994), Sectas religiosas y sociedad democr?tica, in Derecho y Opini?n, no. 2, 309?16
Motilla, August?n (1999), El concepto de confesi?n religiosa en el Derecho espanol. Pr?ctica administrativa y doctrina jurisprudencial, Madrid, Centro de estudios pol?ticos y constitucionales
Navas Renedo, Begona (2001), Tratamiento jur?dico de las sectas. An?lisis comparativo de la situaci?n en Espana y Francia, Granada, Editorial Comares
Nowak, Manfred (2001), ?Restrictions on the Activities of Religious and Belief Communities: What is Permissible in Law and Practice??, in Seminar on Freedom of Religion or Belief in the OSCE Region: Challenges to Law and Practice, The Hague, OSCE, 54?77
Olsen, Ted. ?The Church in Absentia: Membership in the Church of Scotland has dropped 22 percent?is that enough?,? Christianity Today Online, 22 January 2004 [magazine on-line]. Available from: ; Internet.
Overgaard, Frands Ole (1999), ?New Religious Movements in 20th Century Denmark?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 105?35
Papastathis, Charalambos K. (1999), ?New Religious Movements (NRM) and the Law in Greece?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 191?200
Potz, Richard (1999a), ?New Religious Movements in Austria?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 69?86
Potz, Richard (1999b), ?Church and State in Austria in 1998?, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 6, 161?72
Potz, Richard (2005), ?State and Church in Austria?, in Gerhard Robbers (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos
Richardson , James T. (2004a), ?Governmental Reports on Minority Religions: An Assessment?, in Fides et Libertas, 87?96
Richardson, James T. (ed.) (2004b), Regulating Religion: Case Studies from around the Globe, New York, Kluwer
Richardson, James T. and Massimo Introvigne (2001), ??Brainwashing? Theories in European Parliamentary and Administrative Reports on ?Cults? and ?Sects??, in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 40, no. 2, June, 143?68
Rolland, Patrice (1998), Du d?lit d?opinion dans la d?mocratie fran?aise, in Pouvoir et libert?. Etudes offertes a Jacques Murgeon, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 645?70
Schilling, Timothy P (2006). ?Spreading the News: A Report on Europe’s New Evangelization.? Commonweal, 133(15), 16-19. (a catholic call to missionaries for Europe)
S?guy, Olivier-Louis (1999), Les travaux parlementaires fran?ais et belges relatifs aux sectes, in Conscience et libert?, no. 57, 71?82
Seiwert, Hubert (1999), ?The German Enquete Commission on Sects: Political Conflicts and Compromises?, in Social Justice Research, vol. 12, 323?40
Seiwert, Hubert (2003), ?Freedom and Control in the Unified Germany: Governmental Approaches to Alternative Religions since 1989?, in Sociology of Religion, Fall 2003, 367?76
Spindler, Marc. ?Europe?s Neo-Paganism: A Perverse Inculturation.? International Bulletin of Missionary Research. January 1987.
Stark, Rodney, and Laurence R. Iannaccone. 1996. ?Recent Religious Declines in Quebec, Poland, and the Netherlands: A Theory Vindicated.? Journal for theScientific Study of Religion 35: 265?271.
Stark, Rodney. 1993. ?Europe?s Receptivity to New Religious Movements: Round Two.? Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 32: 389?397.
Teles Pereira, Jos? A. (1999), ?New Religious Movements in Portugal: Legal Aspects?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 309?24
Tennant, Agnieszka. ?The French Reconnection: Europe’s most secular country rediscovers its Christian roots.? Christianity Today Online, March 2005. Available from:
Torfs, Rik (1999), Les nouveaux mouvements religieux et le droit dans l?Union Europ?enne.Rapport g?n?ral, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 37?66.
Van Bijsterveld, Sophie C. (2001), ?Church and State in the Netherlands in 2000?, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 8, 219?26.
Vervliet, Luc (1999), L?Eglise er l?Etat en Belgique, in European Journal for Church and State Research, vol. 6, 1?10
Voy?, Liliane (1999), Des sectes: de la rumeur aux valeurs, in Conscience et libert?, no. 57, 83?101
Wallis, Roy. 1986a. ?The Caplow-DeTocqueville Account of Contrasts in European and American Religion.? Sociological Analysis 47: 50?52.
Weigel, George. ?Europe?s Problem ? and Ours?, First Things 140, February 2004. Available from:
Willaime, Jean-Paul (1999), Les d?finitions sociologique de la secte, in Francis Messner (dir.), Les ?sectes?, 21?46
Willaime, Jean-Paul (2000), Les Etats en Europe face a la libert? des confessions et des religions, in Conscience et libert?, no. 59, 65?80
Willaime, Jean-Paul (2004), Europe et religions. Les enjeux du XXI siecle, Paris, Fayard
Williams, Stuart Murray. ?The End of Christendom.? Presented at Global Connections Interface Consultation, May 2004.
Winter, Michael, and Christopher Short. 1993. ?Believing and Belonging: Religion and Rural England.? British Journal of Sociology 44: 635?651.
Witteveen, Tobias, and Sophie van Bijsterveld (1999), ?New Religious Movements and the Law in the Netherlands?, in European Consortium for Church?State Research, New Religious Movements and the Law in the European Union, 257?71
Woherling, Jean-Marie (1999), Une d?finition juridique des sectes?, in Francis Messner (dir.), Les ?sectes?, 63?90
Yacoub, Joseph (2002), Au nom de Dieu! Les guerres de religion d?aujourd?hui et de demain, Paris, JC Lattes
Zincone, Giovanna Roberta Aluffi-B.-P. (eds) (2004), The Legal Treatment of Islamic Minorities in Europe, Leuven, Peeters
Aston, Nigel, ed. Religious Change in Europe, 1650-1914 : Essays for John McManners. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Bailey, J. Martin. The Spring of Nations: Churches in the Rebirth of Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Friendship Press, 1991.
Beeson, Trevor. Discretion and Valour: Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe. London: Macmillan, 1975. 401 pp. ISBN: 0002151561.
Berger, Peter (ed.) (1999). The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics, Washington: Ethics and Policy Center.
Berghammer, C., D. Philipov and T. Sobotka, ‘Religiosity and demographic events: a comparative study of European countries’, paper delivered at European Population Conference (EPC), Liverpool, 2006
Brown, Callum G. (2001). The Death of Christian Britain, Routledge, London & New York.
Brown, Callum G. Religion and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006.
Bultman, Bud. Revolution by Candlelight. Portland: Multanomah, 1991. 300 pp. ISBN: 0880704349.
Burleigh, Michael. Earthly Powers : The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe from the French Revolution to the Great War. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.
Burleigh, Michael. Sacred Causes : The Clash of Religion and Politics, from the Great War to the War on Terror. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Byrnes, Joseph F. Catholic and French Forever : Religious and National Identity in Modern France. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005.
Byrnes, Timothy A., and Peter J. Katzenstein, eds. Religion in an Expanding Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Chadwick, Owen. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Reprinted, 1995.
Chadwick, Owen. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century : The Gifford Lectures in the University of Edinburgh for 1973-4. New York: Cambridge Un iversity Press, 1975.
Clarke, Peter B. New Religions in Global Perspective : A Study of Religious Change in the Modern World. New York: Routledge, 2006.
Clendenin, Daniel B. Eastern Orthodox Christianity?A Western Perspective. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994. ISBN: 0801025885.
Davie, Grace (1994). Religion in Britain since 1945. Believing without belonging. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Davie, Grace. 2002. Europe: the exceptional case : parameters of faith in the modern world (London : Darton Longman & Todd)
Davie, Grace. Religion in Modern Europe : A Memory Mutates. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Dawson, Christopher. Religion and the Rise of Western Culture. New York: Doubleday, 1950.
Dawson, Christopher. Understanding Europe. New York: Doubleday Image, 1960.
Driskel, Michael Paul. Representing Belief : Religion, Art, and Society in Nineteenth-Century France. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992.
Evans, Malcolm D. (1997), Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Evans, Malcolm D. Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Ford, Caroline C. Divided Houses : Religion and Gender in Modern France. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press, 2005.
Gill S (etal.) (eds.) (1994) Religion in Europe : Contemporary Perspectives, Kok Pharos Publishing House, Kampen
Gill, Robin. The “Empty” Church Revisited. New ed. ed. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.
Greeley, Andrew M. (2004). Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium: A Sociological Profile. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2004 252pp.
Greeley, Andrew M. Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium : A Sociological Profile. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers, 2003.
Guest, Mathew, Karin Tusting, and Linda Woodhead. Congregational Studies in the UK : Christianity in a Post-Christian Context. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004.
Hall, D. J. The End of Christendom and the Future of Christianity. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity International Press, 1997.
Halman, Loek, and Riis, O., eds. Religion in Secularizing Society: The European?s Religion at the End of the 20th Century. Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Halman, Loek, and Riis, Ole. ?Contemporary European Discourses on Religion and Morality.? In Religion in Secularizing Society: The Europeans? Religion at the End of the 20th Century, pp.22-47 . Edited by Loek Halman and Ole Riis. Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Hecht, Jennifer Michael. The End of the Soul : Scientific Modernity, Atheism, and Anthropology in France. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.
Hill, Ronald J., and Jan Zielonka, eds. Restructuring Eastern Europe : Towards a New European Order. Brookfield, VT: E. Elgar, 1990.
Hinchliff, Peter Bingham. God and History : Aspects of British Theology, 1875-1914. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Hocken, Peter. Streams of Renewal : The Origins and Early Development of the Charismatic Movement in Great Britain. Washington, D.C.: Word Among Us, 1986.
Jelen, Ted G., and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective : The One, the Few, and the Many. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Jenkins, Philip. 2002. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jenkins, Philip. God’s Continent : Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s Religious Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Jeremy, David J. Capitalists and Christians : Business Leaders and the Churches in Britain, 1900-1960. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
Jeremy, David J. Religion, Business, and Wealth in Modern Britain. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Knippenberg, Hans. The Changing Religious Landscape of Europe. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2005.
Machin, G. I. T. Churches and Social Issues in Twentieth-Century Britain. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Maclear, J. F., ed. Church and State in the Modern Age : A Documentary History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
McKnight, Stephen A. Sacralizing the Secular : The Renaissance Origins of Modernity. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989.
McLeod H (1997) Religion and the People of Western Europe 1789-1989, Oxford University Press, UK
McLeod, Hugh and Werner Ustorf. The Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 234pp.
McLeod, Hugh, ed. European Religion in the Age of the Great Cities, 1830-1930. New York: Routledge, 1995.
McLeod, Hugh. Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.
McLeod, Hugh. Religion and the People of Western Europe, 1789-1989. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
McLeod, Hugh. Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
McLeod, Hugh. World Christianities c. 1914-c. 2000. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Melloni, Alberto, and Janet Martin Soskice, eds. Rethinking Europe. London: SCM Press, 2004.
Michel, Patrick. Politics and Religion in Eastern Europe : Catholicism in Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Oxford: Polity, 1991.
Modood, Tariq, and Pnina Werbner, eds. The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe : Racism, Identity, and Community. New York: Zed Books, 1997.
Nielsen, Niels Christian. Revolutions in Eastern Europe : The Religious Roots. Maryknoll, N.Y: Orbis Books, 1991.
Ostergren, Robert Clifford, and John G. Rice. The Europeans : A Geography of People, Culture, and Environment. New York: Guilford Press, 2004.
Ramet, Sabrina P. Eastern Europe : Politics, Culture, and Society since 1939. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
R?mond, Ren?. Religion and Society in Modern Europe. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
Robbers, Gerhard (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos 2005
Robbins, Keith. History, Religion, and Identity in Modern Britain. London: Hambledon Press, 1993.
Strenski, Ivan. Contesting Sacrifice : Religion, Nationalism, and Social Thought in France. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Tomasi, L. (Ed.). 1993. Young People And Religions In Europe: Persistance And Change In Values. Trento: Reverditi Edizioni.
Tomka, Mikl?s, and Paul Michael Zulehner, eds. Religion during and After Communism. London: SCM Press, 2000.
van der Veer, Peter, and Hartmut Lehmann, eds. Nation and Religion : Perspectives on Europe and Asia. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1999.
Vanier, Jean. Faith in Europe? : The Cardinal’s Lectures : A Series of Six Public Lectures at Westminster Cathedral. London: Darton Longman & Todd, 2005.
Ware, Timothy. The Orthodox Church. New York: Penguin, 1963. 334 pp. ISBN: 0140146563.
Warner, Carolyn M. Confessions of an Interest Group : The Catholic Church and Political Parties in Europe. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Wolffe, John. God and Greater Britain : Religion and National Life in Britain and Ireland, 1843-1945. New York: Routledge, 1994.At
Bailey, J. Martin. The Spring of Nations: Churches in the Rebirth of Central and Eastern Europe. New York: Friendship Press, 1991.
Beeson, Trevor. Discretion and Valour: Religious Conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe. London: Macmillan, 1975. 401 pp. ISBN: 0002151561.
Berger, Peter (ed.) (1999). The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics, Washington: Ethics and Policy Center.
Berghammer, C., D. Philipov and T. Sobotka, ‘Religiosity and demographic events: a comparative study of European countries’, paper delivered at European Population Conference (EPC), Liverpool, 2006
Brown, Callum G. (2001). The Death of Christian Britain, Routledge, London & New York.
Brown, Callum G. Religion and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006.
Bultman, Bud. Revolution by Candlelight. Portland: Multanomah, 1991. 300 pp. ISBN: 0880704349.
Burleigh, Michael. Earthly Powers : The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe from the French Revolution to the Great War. New York: HarperCollins, 2005.
Burleigh, Michael. Sacred Causes : The Clash of Religion and Politics, from the Great War to the War on Terror. New York: HarperCollins, 2007.
Byrnes, Joseph F. Catholic and French Forever : Religious and National Identity in Modern France. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2005.
Byrnes, Timothy A., and Peter J. Katzenstein, eds. Religion in an Expanding Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Chadwick, Owen. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. Reprinted, 1995.
Chadwick, Owen. The Secularization of the European Mind in the Nineteenth Century : The Gifford Lectures in the University of Edinburgh for 1973-4. New York: Cambridge Un iversity Press, 1975.
Clarke, Peter B. New Religions in Global Perspective : A Study of Religious Change in the Modern World. New York: Routledge, 2006.
Clendenin, Daniel B. Eastern Orthodox Christianity?A Western Perspective. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1994. ISBN: 0801025885.
Davie, Grace (1994). Religion in Britain since 1945. Believing without belonging. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Davie, Grace. 2002. Europe: the exceptional case : parameters of faith in the modern world (London : Darton Longman & Todd)
Davie, Grace. Religion in Modern Europe : A Memory Mutates. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Dawson, Christopher. Religion and the Rise of Western Culture. New York: Doubleday, 1950.
Dawson, Christopher. Understanding Europe. New York: Doubleday Image, 1960.
Driskel, Michael Paul. Representing Belief : Religion, Art, and Society in Nineteenth-Century France. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992.
Evans, Malcolm D. (1997), Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Evans, Malcolm D. Religious Liberty and International Law in Europe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Ford, Caroline C. Divided Houses : Religion and Gender in Modern France. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press, 2005.
Gill S (etal.) (eds.) (1994) Religion in Europe : Contemporary Perspectives, Kok Pharos Publishing House, Kampen
Gill, Robin. The “Empty” Church Revisited. New ed. ed. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.
Greeley, Andrew M. (2004). Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium: A Sociological Profile. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2004 252pp.
Greeley, Andrew M. Religion in Europe at the End of the Second Millennium : A Sociological Profile. New Brunswick, N.J: Transaction Publishers, 2003.
Guest, Mathew, Karin Tusting, and Linda Woodhead. Congregational Studies in the UK : Christianity in a Post-Christian Context. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004.
Hall, D. J. The End of Christendom and the Future of Christianity. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity International Press, 1997.
Halman, Loek, and Riis, O., eds. Religion in Secularizing Society: The European?s Religion at the End of the 20th Century. Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Halman, Loek, and Riis, Ole. ?Contemporary European Discourses on Religion and Morality.? In Religion in Secularizing Society: The Europeans? Religion at the End of the 20th Century, pp.22-47 . Edited by Loek Halman and Ole Riis. Leiden: Brill, 2003.
Hecht, Jennifer Michael. The End of the Soul : Scientific Modernity, Atheism, and Anthropology in France. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003.
Hill, Ronald J., and Jan Zielonka, eds. Restructuring Eastern Europe : Towards a New European Order. Brookfield, VT: E. Elgar, 1990.
Hinchliff, Peter Bingham. God and History : Aspects of British Theology, 1875-1914. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Hocken, Peter. Streams of Renewal : The Origins and Early Development of the Charismatic Movement in Great Britain. Washington, D.C.: Word Among Us, 1986.
Jelen, Ted G., and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Religion and Politics in Comparative Perspective : The One, the Few, and the Many. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Jenkins, Philip. 2002. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jenkins, Philip. God’s Continent : Christianity, Islam, and Europe’s Religious Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Jeremy, David J. Capitalists and Christians : Business Leaders and the Churches in Britain, 1900-1960. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
Jeremy, David J. Religion, Business, and Wealth in Modern Britain. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Knippenberg, Hans. The Changing Religious Landscape of Europe. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2005.
Machin, G. I. T. Churches and Social Issues in Twentieth-Century Britain. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Maclear, J. F., ed. Church and State in the Modern Age : A Documentary History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
McKnight, Stephen A. Sacralizing the Secular : The Renaissance Origins of Modernity. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989.
McLeod H (1997) Religion and the People of Western Europe 1789-1989, Oxford University Press, UK
McLeod, Hugh and Werner Ustorf. The Decline of Christendom in Western Europe, 1750-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003 234pp.
McLeod, Hugh, ed. European Religion in the Age of the Great Cities, 1830-1930. New York: Routledge, 1995.
McLeod, Hugh. Religion and Society in England, 1850-1914. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996.
McLeod, Hugh. Religion and the People of Western Europe, 1789-1989. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
McLeod, Hugh. Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
McLeod, Hugh. World Christianities c. 1914-c. 2000. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Melloni, Alberto, and Janet Martin Soskice, eds. Rethinking Europe. London: SCM Press, 2004.
Michel, Patrick. Politics and Religion in Eastern Europe : Catholicism in Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. Oxford: Polity, 1991.
Modood, Tariq, and Pnina Werbner, eds. The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe : Racism, Identity, and Community. New York: Zed Books, 1997.
Nielsen, Niels Christian. Revolutions in Eastern Europe : The Religious Roots. Maryknoll, N.Y: Orbis Books, 1991.
Ostergren, Robert Clifford, and John G. Rice. The Europeans : A Geography of People, Culture, and Environment. New York: Guilford Press, 2004.
Ramet, Sabrina P. Eastern Europe : Politics, Culture, and Society since 1939. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998.
R?mond, Ren?. Religion and Society in Modern Europe. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.
Robbers, Gerhard (ed.), State and Church in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos 2005
Robbins, Keith. History, Religion, and Identity in Modern Britain. London: Hambledon Press, 1993.
Strenski, Ivan. Contesting Sacrifice : Religion, Nationalism, and Social Thought in France. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
Tomasi, L. (Ed.). 1993. Young People And Religions In Europe: Persistance And Change In Values. Trento: Reverditi Edizioni.
Tomka, Mikl?s, and Paul Michael Zulehner, eds. Religion during and After Communism. London: SCM Press, 2000.
van der Veer, Peter, and Hartmut Lehmann, eds. Nation and Religion : Perspectives on Europe and Asia. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1999.
Vanier, Jean. Faith in Europe? : The Cardinal’s Lectures : A Series of Six Public Lectures at Westminster Cathedral. London: Darton Longman & Todd, 2005.
Ware, Timothy. The Orthodox Church. New York: Penguin, 1963. 334 pp. ISBN: 0140146563.
Warner, Carolyn M. Confessions of an Interest Group : The Catholic Church and Political Parties in Europe. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2000.
Wolffe, John. God and Greater Britain : Religion and National Life in Britain and Ireland, 1843-1945. New York: Routledge, 1994.At
A Theology for Europe: The Churches And the European Institutions (Religions and Discourse) by James Barnett (Jul 8, 2005)
Belief in History: Innovative Approaches to European and American Religion by Thomas Kselman (April 1991)
Christendom And European Identity: The Legacy Of A Grand Narrative Since 1789 (Religion and Society) by Mary Anne Perkins (Oct 30, 2004)
European Religion in the Age of Great Cities: 1830-1930 (Christianity and Society in the Modern World) by Hugh McLeod (Mar 13, 1995)
Freedom of Religion under the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford European Convention on Human Rights Series, 1) by Carolyn Evans (April 19, 2001)
Law and Religion in Post-Communist Europe (European Consortium of Church and State Research, 1) (European Consortium of Church and State Research, 1) by Silvio Ferrari, W. Cole, Jr. Durham, and Elizabeth A. Sewell (April 2003)
Muslim European Youth: Reproducing Ethnicity, Religion, Culture (Research in Ethnic Relations Series) by Dansk Center for Migration Og Etniske Studier, Steven Vertovec, and Alisdair Rogers (Jul 1998)
Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics, rev. ed. (Duke Press Policy Studies) by Pedro Ramet (Dec 1988)
Religion and Society in Modern Europe (Making of Europe) by Ren? R?mond and Antonia Nevill (1999)
Religion and the European mind, (The L. P. Stone lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary) by Adolph Keller (Unknown Binding1934)
Religion in a Secularizing Society: The Europeans’ Religion at the End of the 20th Century (European Values Study, 5) by Loek Halman and Ole Riis (Dec 2002)
Religion in an Expanding Europe by Timothy A. Byrnes and Peter J. Katzenstein (Jun 19, 2006)
Religion in Modern Europe: A Memory Mutates (European Societies) by Grace Davie (Oct 12, 2000)
Religion in the New Europe (Conditions of European Solidarity) by Krzysztof Michalski (Aug 31, 2006)
Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in European Society by Ellen Badone (Jan 23, 1990)
The Long European Reformation: Religion, Political Conflict and the Search for Confirmity, 1350-1750 (European History in Perspective) by Peter G. Wallace (Nov 22, 2003)
The Role of Religion in Modern European History (Main Themes in European History) (1964)
Belief in History: Innovative Approaches to European and American Religion by Thomas Kselman (April 1991)
Christendom And European Identity: The Legacy Of A Grand Narrative Since 1789 (Religion and Society) by Mary Anne Perkins (Oct 30, 2004)
European Religion in the Age of Great Cities: 1830-1930 (Christianity and Society in the Modern World) by Hugh McLeod (Mar 13, 1995)
Freedom of Religion under the European Convention on Human Rights (Oxford European Convention on Human Rights Series, 1) by Carolyn Evans (April 19, 2001)
Law and Religion in Post-Communist Europe (European Consortium of Church and State Research, 1) (European Consortium of Church and State Research, 1) by Silvio Ferrari, W. Cole, Jr. Durham, and Elizabeth A. Sewell (April 2003)
Muslim European Youth: Reproducing Ethnicity, Religion, Culture (Research in Ethnic Relations Series) by Dansk Center for Migration Og Etniske Studier, Steven Vertovec, and Alisdair Rogers (Jul 1998)
Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics, rev. ed. (Duke Press Policy Studies) by Pedro Ramet (Dec 1988)
Religion and Society in Modern Europe (Making of Europe) by Ren? R?mond and Antonia Nevill (1999)
Religion and the European mind, (The L. P. Stone lectures, Princeton Theological Seminary) by Adolph Keller (Unknown Binding1934)
Religion in a Secularizing Society: The Europeans’ Religion at the End of the 20th Century (European Values Study, 5) by Loek Halman and Ole Riis (Dec 2002)
Religion in an Expanding Europe by Timothy A. Byrnes and Peter J. Katzenstein (Jun 19, 2006)
Religion in Modern Europe: A Memory Mutates (European Societies) by Grace Davie (Oct 12, 2000)
Religion in the New Europe (Conditions of European Solidarity) by Krzysztof Michalski (Aug 31, 2006)
Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in European Society by Ellen Badone (Jan 23, 1990)
The Long European Reformation: Religion, Political Conflict and the Search for Confirmity, 1350-1750 (European History in Perspective) by Peter G. Wallace (Nov 22, 2003)
The Role of Religion in Modern European History (Main Themes in European History) (1964)
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