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Schroeder, Roger (2006). Catholic Church Growing Everywhere-Except in Europe. International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 30(3), 142-143.
Schilling, Timothy P (2006). Spreading the News: A Report on Europe’s New EvangelizationCommonweal, 133(15), 16-19.  (a catholic call to missionaries for Europe)
Schilling,  Timothy P Charles Dickinson. (2005). Catholicism in Europe. Commonweal, 132(2), 26-28.


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A History of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States by Thomas O’Gorman. 520 pgs.
Catholic Viewpoint on Church and State by Jerome G. Kerwin. 194 pgs.
Catholicism by George Brantl. 256 pgs.
Catholicism and Politics in Communist Societies by Pedro Ramet. 454 pgs.
Catholicism and the American Mind by Winfred Ernest Garrison. 267 pgs.
Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity by Mario Farrugia, Gerald O’Collins. 409 pgs.
Catholicism; A Study of Dogma in Relation to the Corporate Destiny of Mankind by Henri de S.J Lubac. 276 pgs.
Contraception and Catholics: a New Appraisal by Louis Dupre. 82 pgs.
Democracy and Catholicism in America by Currin V. Shields. 310 pgs.
Goodbye Father: The Celibate Male Priesthood and the Future of the Catholic Church by Richard A. Schoenherr, David Yamane. 275 pgs. …In the last half-century, the number of Catholic priests has plummeted by 40% while the number of Catholics has skyrocketed, up 65%. The specter of a faith defined by full…
Roman Catholicism and the American Way of Life Thomas T. McAvoy. 250 pgs.
The Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to the Thought and Worship of the Church by Walter J. Burghardt, William F. Lynch. 479 pgs.
The Religions of Democracy; Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism in Creed and Life by Louis Findelstein, J. Elliot Ross, William Adams Brown. 244 pgs.
Understanding Catholicism by Monika K. Hellwig. 190 pgs.? Click here for more books and articles on Catholicism (at Questia)
The Catholic Church through the Ages: A History by John Vidmar (Jul 1, 2005)
Understanding Roman Catholicism: 37 Roman Catholic Doctrines Explained by Rick Jones (1995)
The Truth of Catholicism: Ten Controversies Explored by George Weigel (Oct 23, 2001)
The Facts on Roman Catholicism (The Facts On Series) by John Ankerberg and John Weldon (2003)
What You Need to Know About Roman Catholicism : Quick Reference Guide by James G. McCarthy (PamphletOct 15, 1995)
Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences by Norman L. Geisler and Ralph E. MacKenzie (Sep 1, 1995)
Primer on Roman Catholicism (John Gerstner (1914-1996)) by John Gerstner (Sep 1997)
Encyclopedia of Catholicism (Encyclopedia of World Religions) by Frank K. Flinn (Oct 30, 2007)
The Riddle of Roman Catholicism by Pelikan (1959)
A Biblical Defense of Catholicism by Dave Armstrong (Jun 1, 2003)
Salvation: The Bible and Roman Catholicism by William Webster (Feb 1, 1991)
Roman Catholicism after Vatican II by Robert, A. Burns (Mar 12, 2001)
Fast Facts? on Roman Catholicism by John Ankerberg and John Weldon (Jan 1, 2004)
Roman Catholicism: Yesterday and Today by Robert A. Burns (Nov 1991)
Fundamentals of Catholicism, Vol. 2: God, Trinity, Creation, Christ, Mary by Kenneth Baker (1983)
Catholicism for Dummies by John Trigilio and Kenneth Brighenti (April 28, 2003)
The Heart of Catholicism: Essential Writings of the Church from St. Paul to John Paul II by Theodore E. James (May 1997)
The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described by Adrian Fortescue, J. B. O’Connell, and Alcuin Reid (Sep 2003)
Roman Catholic Worship: Trent to Today (Pueblo Books) by James F. White and Nathan D. Mitchell (Sep 2003)
Fundamentals of Catholicism, Vol. 1: Creed, Commandments by Kenneth Baker (Dec 1982)
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Catholicism, 3rd Edition (Complete Idiot’s Guide to) by Ph.D., Bob O’Gorman and M.A., Mary Faulkner (Aug 1, 2006)
Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on “Romanism” by “Bible Christians” by Karl Keating (May 1988)
Catholicism: The Story of Catholic Christianity by Gerald O’Collins and Mario Farrugia (2004)
Roman Catholic Beliefs in England: Customary Catholicism and Transformations of Religious Authority by Michael P. Hornsby-Smith (Mar 29, 1991)
Catholicism Today: A Survey of Catholic Belief and Practice by Matthew F. Kohmescher (Nov 1999)
Catholics and Evangelicals: Do They Share a Common Future? by Thomas P. Rausch (Nov 2000)
Roman Catholicism by John Armstrong (May 1, 1998)
Roman Catholicism by Loraine Boettner (Jun 1, 2000)
Understanding Catholicism by Monika K. Hellwig (Mar 1, 2002)
Roman Catholicism: The Basics by Michael Walsh (Jun 13, 2005)
Catholic Beliefs and Thelogy
(NOTE: most are textbooks for Catholic Seminaries) BOLD TITLES
Amaladoss, M. Making All Things New: Dialogue, Pluralism and Evangelism in Asia. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1990.
Austin, G. Anointing with the Spirit: The Rite of Confirmation The Use of Oil and Chrism. New York: Pueblo, 1985.
Baldovin, John and Maxwell E. Johnson (eds). Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2000.
Beal, J.P. et al. New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2000.
Begolly, M.J. Leading the Assembly in Prayer. San Jose, CA: Resource Publications, 1997.
Bernadin, Cardinal J. Guide for the Assembly. Chicago: LTP, 1997
Bernstein, E. (Ed). Liturgical Gestures, Words and Objects. Notre Dame: Centre for Pastoral Liturgy, 1995.
Best, T.F., and D. Heller. eds. Becoming a Christian: The Ecumenical Implications of our Common Baptism. Geneva: World Council of Churches Publications, 1999.
Billy, D., and D. Orsuto. eds. Spirituality and Morality: Integrating Prayer and Action. New York: Paulist Press, 1996.
Bliss, F.M. Catholic and Ecumenical: History and Hope. Franklin WI: Sheed & Ward, 1999.
Boff, L. The New Evangelisation: Good News for the Poor. Maryknoll: Orbis Press, 1991.
Bokenkotter, T. A Concise History of the Catholic Church. New York: Doubleday Image, 1990.
Bonneau, N. The Sunday, Lectionary: Ritual Word, Paschal Shape. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1998.
Bonneau, Normand. The Sunday, Lectionary: Ritual Word, Paschal Shape. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1998.
Bouley, A. (ed). Catholic Rites Today. Abridged Texts for Students. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1992.
Braybrooke, M. Pilgrimage of Hope: One Hundred Years of Global Interfaith Dialogue. New York: Crossroad, 1992.
Brown, N. (ed.) Faith and Culture: Gospel in Word and Action. Sydney: Catholic Institute of Sydney, 1990.
Brown, R. An Introduction to New Testament Christology. New York: Paulist Press, 1994.
Brown, R.E. An Introduction to New Testament Christology. New York: Paulist Press, 1994.
Brown, R.E. Priest and Bishop: Biblical Reflections. New York: Paulist Press, 1970.
Buby, B. Mary of Galilee. 3 vols. New York: Alba House, 1994-96.
Bur, J. How to Understand the Virgin Mary. New York: Continuum, 1996.
Cahill, L. S. Between the Sexes: Foundations for a Christian Ethics of Sexuality. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.
Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland (new revised edition). The Code of Canon Law in English Translation. London: Collins, 1997.
Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland. The Canon Law: Letter & Spirit. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2004.
Caparros, E, & H. Aub? et al (eds.) Code of Canon Law Annotated. Second edition revised and updated. Montreal: Wilson & Lafleur, 2004.
Catechism of the Catholic Church. Sydney: St Paul Publications, 1994.
Champlin, J. The Mystery and Meaning of the Mass. New York: Crossroad, 2004
Chauvet, L.-M. The Sacraments: The Word of God at the Mercy of the Body. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2001.
Cooke, B. Sacraments and Sacramentality. Rev. ed. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1994.
Coriden, J., et al. eds. The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.
Coriden, J.A. An Introduction to Canon Law (revised). New York: Paulist Press, 2004.
Coriden, J.A., T.J. Green & D.J. Heinshel (eds.). The Code of Canon Law: A Text and Commentary. New York: Paulist Press, 1985.
Crockett, W. Eucharist: Symbol of Transformation. New York: Pueblo, 1989.
Cunningham, Lawrence S. The Catholic Faith: An Introduction. New York: Paulist Press, 1987.
Curran, C.E., and R. McCormick. eds. The Use of Scripture in Moral Theology. Readings in Moral Theology. Vols 2, 4, 6. New York: Paulist Press, 1980-84.
Curran, C.E., and R.A. McCormick. eds. The Use of Scripture Today. Readings in Moral Theology. Vol. 8. New York: Paulist Press, 1993.
Cwiekowski, F. The Beginnings of the Church. New York: Paulist Press, 1988.
Dallen, J. The Reconciling Community: The Rite of Penance. New York: Pueblo, 1986.
D’Costa, G. The Meeting of Religions and the Trinity. Maryknoll: Orbis, 2000.
DeBerri, E. P., et al. Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret. 4th ed. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 2004.
DeGidio, S. Sacraments Alive: Their History Celebration and Significance. Mystic CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1991.
DeGidio, S. Sacraments Alive: Their History, Celebration, and Significance. Mystic CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1991.
Documents of Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World), 1965.
Documents of Vatican II, Lumen Gentium, (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church). 1964.
Donovan, D. The Church as Idea and Fact. Wilmington, Del.: Michael Glazier, 1988.
Donovan, D. What are They Saying about the Ministerial Priesthood? New York: Paulist Press, 1992.
Doran, K. More Joy in Heaven! Confession, the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1988.
Dorr, D. Option for the Poor: A Hundred Years of Vatican Social Teaching. Rev. ed. Melbourne: Collins Dove, 1992.
Downey, M. Clothed in Christ: The Sacraments and Christian Living. New York: Crossroad, 1987.
Duffy, S. J. The Graced Horizon: Nature and Grace in Modern Catholic Thought. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1992.
Duffy, S. The Dynamics of Grace: Perspectives in Theological Anthropology. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1993.
Dulles Avery. Models of the Church, 2nd Edition, Dublin: Gill and MacMillan 1988.
Dulles, A. Models of Revelation. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1992.
Dulles, A. The Priestly Office: A Theological Reflection. New York: Paulist Press, 1997.
Dulles, A. The Splendor of Faith: The Theological Vision of Pope John Paul II. New York: Crossroad, 2003.
Dunn, J.D.G. Christology in the Making. A New Testament Enquiry into the Doctrine of the Incarnation. London: SCM, 1980.
Dunn, P.J. Priesthood: A Re-examination of the Roman Catholic Theology of the Presbyterate. New York: Alba House, 1990.
Dupuis, J. Jesus Christ at the Encounter of World Religions. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1993.
Dupuis, J. Toward a Theology of Religious Pluralism. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1997.
Dupuis, J. Who Do You Say I Am? Introduction to Christology. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1994.
Edwards, D. Human Experience of God. New York: Paulist, 1983.
Elliott, P.J. What God Has Joined. The Sacramentality of Marriage. New York: Alba House, 1990.
Empereur, J. Prophetic Anointing: God?s Call to the Sick, the Elderly, and the Dying. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1982.
Fischer, B. Signs, Words and Gestures. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1990.
Fitzgerald, T., and D.A. Lysik. The Many Presences of Christ. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1999.
Flannery, A. (gen ed). Vatican Council II: More Post Conciliar Documents. Newport, NY: Costello Publishing Company, 1998.
Flannery, A. (gen ed). Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post Conciliar Documents. Newport, New York: Costello Publishing Company, 1998.
Flannery, A. ed. Vatican Council II: More Post-Conciliar Documents. Vol 2. Dublin: Dominican Publications, 1982.
Flannery, A. ed. Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents. Rev. ed. Northport, NY: Costello Publishing, 1992.
Fleming, A. Preparing for Liturgy: A Theology and Spirituality. (2nd (ed.).) Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1997.
Foley, E. From Age to Age: How Christians Celebrated the Eucharist. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1991.
Ford, N. M. The Prenatal Person: Ethics from Conception to Birth. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.
Gaillardetz, R. By What Authority? A Primer on Scripture, The Magisterium and the Sense of the Faithful. Collegeville, MI: Liturgical Press, 2003.
Galot, J. Theology of the Priesthood. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1985.
Galvin, J. ed. Faith and the Future: Studies in Christian Eschatology. New York: Paulist Press, 1997.
Gasslein, B. Preparing and Evaluating Liturgy. Ottawa: Novalis Press, 1997.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2000). Washington DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2003.
Gioia, F. (ed.) Interreligious Dialogue: The Official Teaching of the Catholic Church (1963?1995). Boston: Pauline Books & Media, 1997.
Gittins, A. Ministry at the Margins: Strategy and Spirituality for Mission.
Gittins, A. Reading the Clouds: Mission Spirituality for New Times. Strathfield, NSW: St Paul?s, 1999.
Gleeson, G.P. ed. Priesthood: The Hard Questions. Sydney: E.J. Dwyer, 1993.
Godwin, C. Spend and Be Spent. Alba House, 1977.
Graef, H. Mary: A History of Doctrine and Devotion. London: Sheed & Ward, 1985.
Gula, R. Reason Informed by Faith: Foundations of Christian Morality. New York: Paulist Press, 1989.
Gusmer, C. And You Visited Me: Sacramental Ministry to the Sick and the Dying. New York: Pueblo, 1984.
Hamel, R., and K. Himes. eds. Introduction to Christian Ethics: A Reader. New York: Paulist Press, 1989.
Harmless, W. Augustine and the Catechumenate. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1995.
Haughton, R. The Catholic Thing. Springfield: Templegate 1979.
Hayes, Z. Visions of the Future: A Study in Christian Eschatology. Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier Press, 1989.
Hellwig, M. Sign of Reconciliation and Conversion: The Sacrament of Penance for Our Times. Rev. ed. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1982.
Henn, W. Church: The People of God. New York: Burns & Oates, 2004.
Hentz, O. The Hope of the Christian. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1997.
Hoffman, E. (Ed). The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource. (3rd Ed.). Chicago: LTP, 1998.
Hoffman, E. ed. The Liturgy Documents: A Parish Resource. 3rd ed. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1991.
Hovda, R. Strong, Loving and Wise: Presiding in Worship. Washington: Liturgical Conference, 1976.
Hughes, K. A Mystagogy of Sacrament: Saying Amen. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1999.
Hughes, K. ed. Finding Voice to Give God Praise: Essays in the Many Languages of the Liturgy. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1998.
Hughes, K. Saying Amen: A Mystagogy of Sacrament. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1999.
Hughes, K. Saying Amen: A Mystagogy of Sacraments. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1999.
Hunt, A. What are they saying about the Trinity? New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
Irwin, K.W. Liturgy, Prayer and Spirituality. New York: Paulist Press, 1984.
Jeremias, J. The Eucharistic Words of Jesus. Trans. N. Perrin. London: SCM Press, 1966.
John Paul II. Crossing the Threshold of Hope. London: Cape, 1994.
John Paul II. Pastores dabo vobis: I Will Give You Shepherds. Boston: St Paul Books and Media, 1992.
John Paul II. The Encyclicals in Everyday Language. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1996.
John Paul II. The Encyclicals of John Paul II. Huntington: Our Sunday Visitor, 1996.
John Paul II. The Theology of the Body. Boston: Pauline Books and Media, 1997.
Johnson, L.T. The Creed: what Christians believe and why it matters. London: DL&T, 2003.
Johnson, M. The Rites of Christian Initiation: Their Evolution and Interpretation. Collegeville , Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1999.
Johnson, M.E. The Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults: Their Evaluation and Interpretation. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1999.
Johnson, M.E., et al. ed. Living Water, Sealing Spirit: Readings on Christian Initiation. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1995.
Kasper, W. An Introduction to Christian Faith. New York: Paulist, 1980.
Kasper, W. Jesus the Christ. Trans. V Green. London: Burns & Oates, 1976.
Kasper, W. The God of Jesus Christ. Trans. M.J. O?Connell. London: SCM Press, 1984.
Kasper, W. Theology of Christian Marriage. Trans. P. Smith. London: Burns & Oates, 1980.
Kavanaugh, A. Elements of Rite: A Handbook of Liturgical Style. NY: Pueblo, 1982.
Kearon, K. Medical Ethics: An Introduction. Dublin: Columba Press, 1995.
Kelly, A. Eschatology and Hope. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2006.
Kelly, A. The Creed by heart. Relearning the Nicene Creed. Blackburn, Vic.: Harper Collins Religious, 1996.
Knitter, P.F. Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1995.
Komonchak, J.A. Foundations in Ecclesiology. Boston College: Lonergan Workshop Monographs, 1995.
Kroeger, J. Live Mission: Challenges of Evangelisation Today. Maryknoll: Orbis Press 1994.
Kroeker, Charlotte. Music in Christian Worship: At the Service of the Liturgy. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2005.
Kung, H. Credo: the Apostles? Creed for Today. London: SCM, 1993.
Kwatera, Michael. Come to the Feast. Liturgical Theology of, by and for Everybody. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2005.
Lane, D. The Experience of God: An Invitation to do Theology. Revised Edition. New York: Paulist Press, 2003.
Lawler, M., and T. Shanahan. Church: A Spirited Communion. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1995.
Lennan, R. (ed.). An Introduction to Catholic Theology. New York: Paulist, 1998.
LeonDufour, X. Sharing the Eucharistic Bread: The Witness of the New Testament. Trans. M.J. O?Connell. New York: Paulist Press, 1987.
Lochman, J. The Faith we Confess. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1984.
Lysik, David (ed.). The Liturgy Documents. A Parish Resource. 4th edition, . Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2004.
Macquarrie, J. Christology Revisited. London: SCM Press, 1998.
Macquarrie, J. Mary for all Christians. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991.
Mahoney, R. Gather Faithfully Together: Guide for Sunday, Mass. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1999.
Marsh, T. The Triune God: A Biblical, Historical and Theoretical Study. Dublin: Columba Press, 1994.
Martimort, A.G. ed. The Church at Prayer: An Introduction to the Liturgy. Vol. 4, The Liturgy and Time. New ed. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1985-7.
Martinez, G. Signs of Freedom: Theology of the Christian Sacraments. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2003.
Martos, J. Doors to the Sacred: A Historical Introduction to Sacraments in the Catholic Church. Tarrytown, N.Y.: Triumph Books, 1981, 1982, 1991, 2001.
Mazza, E. Mystagogy: A Theology in the Patristic Age. Trans. M. J. O?Connell. New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1989.
Mazza, E. The Celebration of the Eucharist: The Origin of the Rite and the Development of its Interpretation. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1999.
McDermott, B. What Are They Saying about the Grace of Christ? New York: Paulist Press, 1984.
McDermott, B. Word Become Flesh. Dimensions in Christology. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1993.
McDermott, B.O. Word Become Flesh: Dimensions of Christology. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1993.
McDonnell, K., and G.T. Montague. Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Evidence from the First Eight Centuries. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991.
McOustra, C. Love in the Economy: Catholic Social Doctrine for the Individual. Slough: St. Paul Publications, 2000.
Meeks, B.G. ed. The Landscape of Praise: Readings in Liturgical Renewal. Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1996.
Mick, L. Understanding the Sacraments Today. Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press, 1987.
Mick, L.E. Worshipping Well: A Mass Guide for Planners and Participants. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1997.
Moloney, F. Mary, Woman and Mother. Homebush: St Paul Publications, 1988.
Moloney, F.J. Woman, First Among the Faithful: A New Testament Study. Melbourne: Dove Communications, 1984.
Moloney, R. The Eucharist. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1995.
Moltmann, J. The Crucified God. London: SCM, 1974.
Moore, G. Why the Mass Matters: A Guide to Praying the Mass. Sydney: St Paul?s, 2004.
Morris, T. The RCIA Transforming the Church ? A Resource for Pastoral Implementation. New York/Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1989, 1997.
NCCB Liturgy Committee. Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest. New York: Catholic Publishing Co., 1994.
Nelson, J., and S. Longfellow. eds. Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994.
Nichols, A. Holy Order: Apostolic Priesthood From the New Testament to the Second Vatican Council. Oscott Series 5. Dublin: Veritas, 1990.
Nichols, A. The Shape of Catholic Theology: An Introduction to its Sources, Principles, and History. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991.
Nichols, A. The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger: An Introductory Study. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1988.
Noll, R. Sacraments: A New Understanding for a New Generation. Mystic CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1999 (2nd printing 2001).
Noll, R. Sacraments: A New Understanding for a New Generation. Mystic CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1999.
Nouwen, H. The Wounded Healer. New Jersey: Garden City, 1972.
O?Brien, D.J., and T.A. Shannon. eds. Catholic Social Thought: The Documentary Heritage. Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1992.
O?Collins, G. Christology. Oxford: University Press, 1995.
O?Collins, G. Christology: A Biblical, Historical and Systematic Study of Jesus Christ. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
O?Collins, G. Foundations of Theology. Chicago: Loyola U. Press, 1971.
O?Collins, G. Retrieving Fundamental Theology: The Three Styles of Contemporary Theology. New York: Paulist Press, 1993.
O?Donnell, J. The Mystery of the Triune God. London: Sheed & Ward, 1988.
O?Loughlin, F. Christ Present in the Eucharist. Strathfield NSW: St Paul Publications, 2000.
Ormerod, N. Creation, Grace and Redemption. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2007.
Osborne, K. Reconciliation and Justification: the Sacrament and Its Theology. New York: Paulist Press, 1990.
Osborne, K. The Christian Sacraments of Initiation. New York: Paulist,1987.
Osborne, K.B. Priesthood: A History of Ordained Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church. New York: Paulist Press, 1989.
Osborne, K.B. Sacramental Theology: A General Introduction. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1998.
Palmer, P.F. ed. Sacraments and Forgiveness: History and Doctrinal Development of Penance, Extreme Unction and Indulgence. Westminster: Newman Press, 1959.
Phan, P. (Ed.). The Gift of the Church: A Textbook on Ecclesiology. Collegeville MN: The Liturgical Press, 2000.
Phan, P. ed. The Gift of the Church: A Textbook Ecclesiology in Honor of Patrick Granfield. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2000.
Pieper, J. The Four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, Temperance. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003.
Pinckaers, S. The Sources of Christian Ethics. Trans. Sr M. Thomas Noble. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1995.
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Rome: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2004.
Poschmann, B. Penance and Anointing of the Sick. Trans. F Courtney. Freiburg: Herder, 1964.
Power, D.N. The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalising the Tradition. New York: Crossroad, 1992.
Power, D.N. The Sacrifice We Offer: The Tridentine Dogma and its Reinterpretation. New York: Crossroad, 1987.
Rahner, K. Foundations of Christian Faith. New York: Crosssroads, 1984.
Rahner, K. Foundations of Christian Faith. New York: Seabury, 1978.
Rahner, K. Mary, Mother of the Lord. Trans. W. J. O?Hara. Friburg: Herder, 1963.
Ratzinger, J. Eschatology, Death and Eternal Life. Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1988.
Ratzinger, J. Eschatology, Death and Eternal Life. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1988.
Ratzinger, J. Introduction to Christianity. New York: Seabury, 1969.
Ratzinger, J. Principles of Catholic Theology: Building Stones for a Fundamental Theology. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1995.
Ratzinger, J. The Spirit of the Liturgy. Trans. J. Saward. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000.
Reilly, M. Spirituality for Mission. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1978.
Richstatter, T. The Sacraments: How Catholics Pray. Cincinnatti Ohio: St Anthony Messenger Press. 1995.
Rutherford, R., and T. Barr. The Death of a Christian: The Order of Christian Funerals. New York: Pueblo, 1990.
Sachs, J.R. The Christian Vision of Humanity. Basic Christian Anthropology. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1991.
Schatz, K. Papal Primacy: From its Origins to the Present. Trans. J Aotto and L M. Moloney. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1996.
Scherer, J.A. and S.B. Bevens (eds.) New Directions in Mission and Evangelisation. Vol. 1, 2 and 3: Maryknoll: Orbis Books 1992?1999.
Schillebeeckx, E. Marriage: Human Reality and Saving Mystery. Trans. D. Smith. London: Sheed & Ward, 1976.
Schreiter, R. In Water and in Blood: A Spirituality of Solidarity and Hope. New York: Crossroad, 1988.
Schreiter, R. The Ministry of Reconciliation: Spirituality and Strategies. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1998.
Schultenover, DG (ed). Vatican II: Did Anything Happen? Continuum 2007
Smith, M. Facing Death Together: Parish Funerals. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2002.
Smolarski, D. How Not to Say Mass. (Rev. Ed). New York: Paulist Press, 2003.
Smolarski, D. Sacred Mysteries. New York/Mahwah NJ: Paulist Press, 1995.
Smolarski, D. Sacred Mysteries: Sacramental Principles and Liturgical Practices. New York: Paulist Press, 1995.
Smolarski, D.C. The Mass: Questions and Answers. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2002.
Sobrino, J. Christ the Liberator. Maryknoll: Orbis, 2001.
Stasiak, K. Sacramental Theology: Means of Grace, Ways of Life. Chicago: Loyola, 2001.
Sullivan, F.A. The Church We Believe In: One, Holy and Apostolic. New York: Paulist Press, 1988.
Tavard, G. The Church, Community of Salvation: An Ecumenical Ecclesiology. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1992.
The Rites of the Catholic Church. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1991.
The Rites of the Catholic Church. Study edition. NY: Pueblo, 1983.
Tillard, J. Church of Churches: The Ecclesiology of Communion. Trans. R.C. DePeaux. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1992.
Torevell, D. Losing the Sacred: Ritual, Modernity and Liturgical Reform. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 2000.
Turner, P. Confirmation: The Baby in Solomon?s Court. New York: Paulist Press, 1993.
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