About.com: Russia for Visitors
BBC Country Profiles: Russia
Economist Country Briefings: Russia
Lonely Planet: Russia
Wikipedia: Russia
Will Go To: Russia
World Health Organization: Russian Federation
Russian search engines and directories:
Ves Russkii Internet
Columbia University Libraries: Russian, Eurasian & East European studies
Harvard University Widener Library Slavic Collection
pbs.org faceofrussia
Russia and Eastern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to English-Language Publications, 19921999 by Helen F. Sullivan and Robert H. Burger ( – Oct 15, 2001)
Slavic Studies on the Net (Harvard)
Stanford University Slavic and Eastern European Studies
The Extreme Nationalist Threat in Russia: The Growing influence of Western Rightist ideas (Routledgecurzon Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) by Thomas Parland ( – Dec 23, 2004)
University of California, LA
University of Chicago Library Slavic and East European Collection
Cold War International History Project
friends-partners.org History of Russia in pictures
h-net.org russia “H-RUSSIA encourages scholarly discussion of Russian and Soviet history and makes available diverse bibliographical, research and teaching aids.”
Red Files (PBS)
Revelations of the Russian Archives
Russia books at Amazon.com classified as “history”
Russian National Tourist Office
Soviet History Internet Archive
Billington, James H. The Icon and the Axe—An Interpretive History of Russian Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1970. 786 pp.
Clendenin, Daniel B. From the Coup to the Commonwealth—An Inside Look at Life in Contemporary Russia. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1992. 181 pp.
Meller, Mikhail and Nekrich, Aleksander. Utopia in Power—The History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Present. New York: Summit Books, 1986.
Primary Documents
Digitized maps of Russia
Documents in Russian History: An Online Sourcebook
Sources for Catherine the Great
Geography / Maps
Mission Atlas Project – Europe (click on country to right)
New Russia—Official Site of the Russian National Tourist Office
Russia and the Former Soviet Republics Maps at the University of Texas
Russia at geography.about.com
St. Petersburg Web
Russian culture
From everyculture.com Culture of Russia
Soviet culture
Culture and Customs of Russia (Culture and Customs of Europe) by Sydney Schultze ( – Sep 30, 2000)
Russia: Appointment Alert! Making appointments
Russia: Business Dress Guidelines for business dress
Russia: Conversation Welcome topics of conversation
Russia: First Name or Title? Addressing others with respect
Russia: Gift Giving Selecting and presenting an appropriate business gift
Russia: Let’s Make a Deal! – Part 1 What you should know before negotiating
Russia: Let’s Make a Deal! – Part 2 What you should know before negotiating
Russia: Let’s Make a Deal! – Part 3 What you should know before negotiating
Russia: Prosperous Entertaining – Part 1 Entertaining for business success
Russia: Prosperous Entertaining – Part 2 Entertaining for business success
Russia: Public Behaviour – Part 1 Acceptable public conduct
Russia: Public Behaviour – Part 2 Acceptable public conduct
Russia: Russia’s Unique Business Environment – Part 1 This article by Vladimir Fetsenko, Ph.D., gives valuable insights into the Russian way of doing business.
Russia: Russia’s Unique Business Environment – Part 2 This article by Vladimir Fetsenko, Ph.D., gives valuable insights into the Russian way of doing business.
Billington, James H. The Icon and the Axe—An Interpretive History of Russian Culture. New York: Vintage Books, 1970. 786 pp.
Bosrock, Mary Munay. Put Your Best Foot Forward: Russia. International Education Systems, St. Paul, Minnesota 1995
Copleston, Frederick. Philosophy in Russia—From Herzen to Lenin and Berdayaev. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986. 445 pp.
Oden, Thomas C. Two Worlds—Notes on the Death of Modernity in America & Russia. Downers Grove, Illinois: 1992. 175 pp.
Richmond, Yale. From Nyet to Da—Understanding the Russians. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1996. 219 pp.
Friends and Partners Electronic Books. friends-partners.org/friends/culture/literature/books.html.
Publichnaia Electronnaia Biblio-theka (Online Public Library). online.ru/sp/eel/russian/.
Fine arts and theater
Museums of Russia. museum.ru
The Bolshoi Theatre. bolshoi.ru
The Hermitage. hermitage.ru
The State Russian Museum. rusmuseum.ru
Demographics / Needs
Russian State Committee for Statistics
Publichnaja elektronnaja biblioteka (E. Peskin’s Archive), Russian literature
Russian at www.ilovelanguages.com
Dictionaries and Translators. word2word.com/dictionary.html.
Foreign Languages for Travelers travlang.com/languages/index.html.
Embassy to the United States
Offitsialnaia Rossiia. (Official Russia)
Polit.Ru—Informatsionno Politi-cheskii Kanal
Russian Federation
Note: see context > Religious > Orthodoxy
Looking for God in Russia CT November 2006 Finding Jesus in Orthodox robes and evangelical jeans.
Menconi, Margo Lyn. “Understanding and Relating to the Three Cultures of Cross-Cultural Ministry in Russia.” Missiology 24:4 (October 1996): 519-31.
Clendenin, Daniel B. Eastern Orthodox Theology—A Contemporary Reader. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995. 224 pp.
Copleston, Frederick. Russian Religious Philosophy. Notre Dame: Search, 1988. 158 pp.
Daniel, Wallace L. The Orthodox Church And Civil Society in Russia (Eugenia and Hugh M. Stewart ’26 Series on Eastern Europe) ( – Aug 21, 2006)
Deyneka Jr., Anita and Peter. A Song in Siberia. Elgin: David C. Cook, 1977. 230 pp.
Ellis, Jane. The Russian Orthodox Church: A Contemporary History. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press, 1986. 531 pp.
Forest, Benjamin and Juliet Johnson, and Marietta T. Stepaniants Religion And Identity In Modern Russia: The Revival Of Orthodoxy And Islam (Post-Soviet Politics) ( – May 30, 2005)
Glanzer, Perry L. The Quest for Russia’s Soul – Evangelicals and Moral Education in Post-Communist Russia. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2002. 234 pp.
Goricheva, Tatiana. Talking About God is Dangerous. New York: Crossway, 1987. 103 pp.
Hill, Kent. The Soviet Union on the Brink. Portland: Multnomah, 1991. 418 pp. (ncludes section on religions role in the collapse)
Ratushinskaya, Irina. Grey is the Color of Hope. New York: Vintage, 1989. 355 pp.
Sawatsky, Walter. Soviet Evangelicals Since World War II. Scottdale, Penn: Herald Press, 1981. 473 pp.
Steinberg, Mark D. and Heather J. Coleman Sacred Stories: Religion And Spirituality in Modern Russia (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies) (2007)
Ugolnik, Anthony. The Illuminating Icon. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. 276 pp.
Witte, John and Michael Bourdeaux Proselytism and Orthodoxy in Russia: The New War for Souls (Religion & Human Rights Series) (1999)
All news at mondotimes.com – Russia
Komsomolskaia Pravda
Live TV, Radio, Camera
Nezavisimaia Gazeta
Novaia Gazeta
Radio Ekho Moskvy
The Moscow Times
From SENDu (great page for missionary training)
Teaching materials in Russian from Jay Francis
Books by Randall Hillebrand, a CrossWorld missionary serving in Ukraine (offered in PDF format in English and Russian) – can be downloaded for free
- Building a Dynamic Church Training Manual
- Evangelism: How to Mobilize Your Church
- Persecution: A Biblical Perspective
- Divorce and remarriage
Orientation reading list for German missionaries coming to Russia
Several of John Piper’s books available in Russian and Ukrainian from Desiring God (translated by In Lumine)
Back to Jerusalem (book about the Chinese church mission movement) in Russian.
Unreached people groups in Ukraine
Unreached people groups in Russia
A History of Modern Russia from Nicholas II to Vladimir Putin by Robert Service. Harvard University Press:, Cambridge, Mass., 2005.
A History of Russia by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky. Oxford University Press: New York, 2000.
A History of Russian Economic Thought by Vincent Barnett. Routledge: New York, 2005.
A thousand Years of Russian History by Sonia E. Howe (ed.). Nova Science: New York, 2005.
Communist Economies in Russia by Bruno Sergi. Akademiai Kiado: Budapest, 2004.
Last of the Empires: A History of the Soviet Union, 1945-1991 by John Keep. Oxford University Press: New York, 1995.
Leaders of Russia and the Soviet Union: from the Romanov Dynasty to Vladimir Putin by John Paxton. Fitzroy Dearborn: New York, 2004.
Old Russia and Byzantium; the Byzantine and Oriental Origins of Russian Culture by Alexander Konrad. W. Braumuller: Wien, 1972.
On the Ruins of Empire: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Former Soviet Union. Greenwood Press: Westport, Conn., 1997.
Pan-Slavism: Its History and Ideology by Hans Kohn. Vintage Books: New York, 1960.
Political Culture in Post-Communist Russia by James Alexander. 2002.
Politics in Russia by Thomas F. Remington. Longman: New York, 1999.
Pop Culture Russia!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyleby Birgit Beumers. ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, Calif, 2005.
Religion in the New Russia; the Impact of Perestroika on the Varieties of Religious Life in the Soviet Union by James H. Forest. Crossroad: New York, 1990.
Revolutionary Passage: from Soviet to Post-Soviet Russia, 1985-200 by Marc Garcelon. Temple University Press: Philadelphia, 2005.
Rulers and Victims; the Russians in the Soviet Union by Geoffrey Hosking. Harvard University Press;Cambridge, Mass. 2006.
Russia and the Idea of Europe: a Study in Identity and International Relations by Iver B. Neumann. Routledge: New York, 1996.
Russia during the Period of Radical Change by Yury Polsky. Edwin Mellen Press: Lewiston, 2003.
Russia in Search of Itself by James H. Billington. The John Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, MD. 2004
Russia, People and Empire 1552-1917. by Geoffrey Hosking. Harvard University Press; Cambridge, Mass. 1997.
Russian Cinema by David C. Gillespie. Longman: New York, 2003.
Russian Empire: Some Aspects of Tsarist and Soviet Colonial Practices by Institute for Soviet and East European Studies. John Carroll University Press: Maryland, 1985.
Russian Society and the Orthodox Church: Religion in Russia after Communism by Zoe Knox Routledge: New York, 2005.
Soviet Political Economy in Transition: from Lenin to Gorbachev by A.F. Dowlah. Greenwood press: New York, 1992.
The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Empire: Forty Years that Shook the World, from Stalin to Yeltsin by Fred Coleman. St. Martin’s Press: New York, 1996.
The Dynamics of Russian Politics: A Short History by Barbara B. Green. Greenwood Press: Westport, Conn, 1994.
The Icon and the Axe by James H. Billington. Alfred Knopf: New York, 1970.
The Legacy of the Soviet Union by Wendy Slater (ed.). Palgrave: London, 2004.
The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Raymond Pearson. St. Martin’s Press: New York, 1998.
The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 1917-1991 by Richard Sakwa. Routledge: New York, 1999.
The Russian Empire: a Multiethnic History by Andreas Kappeler. Pearson Education: Harlow, England, 2001.
Understanding Soviet Politics; The Perspective of Russian History by Cyril E. Black.Westview Press: Boulder, Co., 1986.
This page was last checked for dead links on June 24, 2016.