Sites how to prepare finances working abroad
Expat practical advice
Cross-cultural Worker Marriage Issues – a series of articles written by Ron Kotesky, and available for free in PDF format as an entire book
The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of Godby Timothy and Kathy Keller.
For Parents and Grandparents of Missionaries
- Involving Your Grandchildren in Missions (Adobe PDF)
- Parents of Missionaries – Tips for Coping (Adobe PDF)
- Parents of Missionaries – Tips for Getting Through the Holidays (Adobe PDF)
Books (NOTE: some more general than just “family issues”)
Window on the World (Operation World for Kids), Gabriel Resources
Albright, Chu, & Austin. (1986). Moving and Living Abroad: A Complete Handbook for Families. Hippocrene Books.
Andrews, L. A. The Family In Mission: Understanding And Caring For Those Who Serve Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library. 2004
Beaver, William (2001). Overseas Americans: The Essential Guide to Living and Working Abroad. Paladin Press.
Blohm, J. M. (1996). Where in the World Are You Going? Intercultural Press.
Bryson, Debra R. & Charise Hoge (2005). A Portable Identity: A Woman’s Guide to Maintaining a Sense of Self While Moving Overseas.(revised edition) Transition Press International.
Eidse, Faith & Nina Sichel (2004). Unrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Greenbury, L. R. (1992). Portable Careers: Surviving Your Partner”s Relocation. Kogan Page Limited.
Greenwald, Dorothy (1987). Coping with Moving. Rosen Pub Group.
Hess, Melissa Brayer (2002). Expert Expatriate: Your Guide to Successful Relocation Abroad – Moving, Living, Thriving. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
Jehle-Caitcheon, Ngaire (2003). Parenting Abroad. Aletheia Publications.
Jordan, Peter (1992). Re-Entry: Making The Transition From Missions To Life At Home. YWAM Publishing.
Kalb, Rosalind & Penelope Welch Moving Your Family Overseas 135 pp.
Knell, Marion Families on the Move Marjory Foyle reviews book on the challenges faced by MKs and TCKs
McCluskey, K. C. (Ed.). (1994). Notes from a Traveling Childhood. Reading for Internationally Mobile Parents and Children. U.S. Foreign Service Youth Foundation.
McKay, V. L. (1989). Moving Abroad: A Guide to International Living: VLM Enterprises.
Melton, William R. (2005). The New American Expat: Thriving and Surviving Overseas in the Post-9/11 World. Intercultural Press.
Meltzer, G., & Grandjean, E. (1993). The Moving Experience: A Practical Guide to Psychological Matters. Multilingual Matters Ltd.
Miller, Susan (1998). After the Boxes Are Unpacked: Moving On After Moving In. Focus on the Family Publishing
Miller, Susan (2004). But Mom, I Don’t Want To Move!: Easing the Impact of Moving on Your Children . Focus on the Family Publishing
Osland, J. S. (1995). The Adventure of Working Abroad. Hero Tales from the Global Frontier. Jossey-Bass.
Pascoe, Robin (1992). Surviving Overseas: The Wife’s Guide to Successfully Living Abroad. Times Books International.
Pascoe, Robin (1994). Culture Shock! Successful Living Abroad – A Parent’s Guide. Time Books International.
Pascoe, Robin (2000). Homeward Bound. A Spouse’s Guide to Repatriation. Expatriate Press, Ltd.
Pascoe, Robin (2003). A Moveable Marriage: Relocate Your Relationship without Breaking It. Expatriate Press Limited.
Piet-Pelon, N. J., & Hornby, B. (1992). Women’s Guide to Overseas Living. (2nd ed). Intercultural Press.
Roman, Beverly D. (2008) Relocation 101: Making the Most of Your Move. (rev. ed.) BR Anchor Publishing.
Roman, Beverly D. (2008). Home Away From Home: Turning Your International Relocation Into A Lifetime Enhancement(rev. ed.). BR Anchor Publishing.
Shepard, Steven (1997). Managing Cross Cultural Transition: A Handbook for Corporations, Employees and Their Families.Aletheia Publications.
Smith, C. D. (Ed.). (1996). Strangers at Home: Essays on the Effects of Living Overseas and Coming ‘Home’ To a Strange Land. Aletheia Publications.
Storti, C. (1990). The Art of Crossing Cultures. Intercultural Press.
Storti, C. (1997). The Art of Coming Home. Intercultural Press.
Taber, S. M. (1997). Of Many Lands. Journal of a Traveling Childhood. U.S. Foreign Service Youth Foundation.
Thomas, Donna Becoming a World Changing Family, Baker
Walters, D. L. (1991). An Assessment of Reentry Issues of the Children of Missionaries. Vantage Press.
Werkman, Sidney L. (1977). Bringing Up Children Overseas: A Guide for Families. Basic Books.
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