Sites (Many of the annotations are from Calvary Missions Resource Connection)
Among Worlds Magazine Among Worlds is a gathering place where TCKs can be understood without explanation and can travel together on the bumpy, pot-holed road of living “among worlds” as the children (most of us now grown) of expatriates.Barnabas International
Barnabas Re-Entry Retreats – These weeks are designed to help MKs transitioning back to North America with the process. We highly recommend them.
Cross Cultural Kids Cross Cultural Kids is the blog of Ruth Van Renken, co-author of Third Culture Kids: Growing up Among Worlds. It contains information about TCKs, resources for them, and Van Renken’s work.
Euro TCK Euro TCK is a UK-based website designed to provide information about the annual TCK conference in Europe. In addition, it publishes articles on the TCK experience and has a resource list.
Families in Global Transition Families in Global Transition has articles on issues facing families who live overseas (not just missionaries) and hosts an annual conference.
Global Nomad Virtual Village (GNVV) is a “virtual village” that provides third culture kids growing up in a foreign land a permanent “place” to keep in touch.
iCHED ICHED is SIL’s International Children’s Education Department. Their website has excellent articles about Third Culture Kids, dealing with transitions, and their education; a list of books on being a TCK; and links to online resources for TCKs. They also have links to companies from many different countries that provide home education resources. This website is a gold mine, particularly for information about educating your child overseas.
Interaction International “The mission of Interaction International is to be a catalyst and a resource working cooperatively in the development of programs, services and publications to provide and contribute to an ongoing flow of care that meets the needs of Third Culture Kids (TCKs) and internationally mobile families.” To fulfull this goal, Interaction International publishes Among Worlds Magazine, a magazine for adult TCKs, and have available back issues of Interact Magazine, which addresses issues in TCK education and care, and their website has suggestions of books to use with children about TCK issues. Additionally, they run seminars on transitioning to college, educational planning, issues related to MK care, re-entry for adults, and training those within the church who care for overseas missionaries.
International Family Transitions International Family Transitions has articles, seminars, and book recommendations on many aspects of moving overseas with children, educating children overseas, and re-patriating children.
International Society of Missionary Kids The International Society of Missionary Kids is a ministry of Assemblies of God churches designed to meet the needs of MKs within their organization. Though much of the information is specific to AOG MKs (scholarships, mission trips), the site does contain helpful information on schooling options and resources.
Lost In Transit – Group blog of expatriates living around the world (though mostly in a Western context).
Member Care Media Member Care Media provides short teachings for missionaries that can be listened to online and includes teachings on TCKs as well as many other topics.
Michele Phoenix blog Michele Phoenix’s blog contains articles and videos by a woman who grew up as an MK and then spent 20 years teaching TCKs. Her blog shows tremendous insight into issues and attitudes that MKs face.
Mission Training International Mission Training International offers a pre-field preparation program for children along with their pre-field preparation for adults.
Missionary Family Counseling Services Missionary Family Counseling Services provide counseling services for any missionary family returning for fulough, education or permanent residence in the U.S. either in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, or by phone. Services are free for MKs in college and are charged based on ability to pay for others.
MK Connection “MK Connection is a central place for finding things of interest to MKs and other TCKs. It contains links to schools around the world, writings by TCKs, web pages, and mailing lists for connecting with other TCKs. “
MK Ministries MK Ministries is a branch of the missions program for United Pentecostal Church which exists to minister to missionary kids, listing resources and archived magazines and devotionals for MKs.
MK Planet MK Planet is the most comprehensive MK website I’ve found. It contains a blog, forums, a Facebook group, a book club on to encourage MKs to connect with other MKs. There is a resource center with lists of clubs and organizations, support, scholarships, blogs, magazines, books, etc. They also have a store with books helpful to MKs for purchase and a calendar with conferences geared toward MKs listed.
MK2MK MK2MK is a division of Campus Crusade for Christ to support MKs. Their website has links to some articles relevant to MKs and their parents in the resources section.
Mu Kappa – a fraternal association of MKs in college. Provides many good links as well as sponsoring many re-entry programs for TCKs.
Multilingual Children’s Association The Multilingual Children’s Association is not targeted to missionaries, but it does contain a great deal of information that would be helpful to parents raising their children multilinually in a missionary situation, including articles, a resource directory, and a long list of recommended books.
SHARE Education Services – Dedicated to helping your child find the best education route.
TCK World TCK World contains the research of Dr. Ruth Van Reken who coined the term Third Culture Kids. Also included on the website are teleclasses and articles, some of which require only an email address to access, others requiring a membership.
TCKid TCKid contains some articles on TCKs and an online community for adult TCKs.
Travel With Your Kids Travel With Your Kids is filled with practical advice on traveling with children and moving overseas as a family. It also contains links to other related websites. The website is not specifically for missionaries but general to all overseas travel and moves.
Transition Issues and the Foreign Service Child
Child Care
Foreign Service Youth Foundation
Talking with Youth About War, Crisis and Natural Disasters
Third Culture Kids
Recommendations from SEND U (SENDU is a great site by the way)
Resources for TCK Life and Education recommended by Judy Severns.
- The best and most comprehensive link for parents is by Wycliffe. It has many current resources and there are articles and resources on education, transition, as well as one of the best guides to preparing your young people for college or university or to enter directly into the workforce. Any SEND member can register and then get into all aspects of this comprehensive site. They update it regularly too. If people want to register, they should make sure they give SEND International as their organization and/or use their SEND email address.
- Quick, Tina L. The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition. Summertime Publishing, 2010. This is a book which should be read by parents and graduating high school students, and then kept in a safe place for quick reference. There are many very practical suggestions regarding the transition into university, from how to manage a credit card to how to get along with a roommate. Written by an adult TCK, and with the experience of having her own TCKS transition into university, the author has a lot of credibility. To my knowledge this is the most recent and complete book of this type. Ms. Quick is not a professing Christian, so her few pages on premarital sex do not reflect the Biblical perspective, but she is very conservative in her advice to students and gives an honest warning of the consequences of engaging in sexual relationships, outside of marriage.
- Pollock, Dave C, and Van Reken, Ruth E. Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, revised edition. Boston: Nicholas Brealey, 2009. This is the primary source for understanding what it is like to be a Third Culture Kid. It is meant to be used as a reference handbook. It definitely should be on the “must read” book for all parents of Third Culture Kids. Through the work of Dave Pollock, the evangelical missionary community has led the way in understanding the beautifully complex world of third culture kids.
- The Worlds Within: An anthology of TCK art and writing: young, global and between cultures, edited by Eva László-Herbert and Jo Parfitt. Sharon Wicker writes, “This collection of essays, drawings, poems and journal entries written by TCKs from across the globe gives an insider view of the TCK perspective. Contributors range from 6 to 27 and call a great variety of countries and places home. Well, that’s really the question, isn’t it? Where IS home? Where David Pollock & Ruth van Reken’s definitive work on TCKs fills the mind, this book fills the heart. The spectrum of issues and challenges, joys and heartaches come through the pens of those who have lived the life. Parents, teachers, member care personnel and TCKs themselves can gain helpful insights in these pages.”
- Pascoe, Robin. Raising Global Nomads: Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World. Vancouver: Expatriate Press, 2006. This is another book, by a secular author, who has been there and done it. She provides lots of illustrations from her personal adventures of living overseas. It is an easy read, full of helpful advice and information.
- Brooks, David F. and Blomberg, Janet. Fitted Pieces. This is a reference book with articles related to education of missionary children. There are chapters on national schools, International school, MK school, language issues, special education needs, transitions from one school to another, and a host of other topics. Each article is written by educators who have expertise in their field. Almost any question that parents may have are probably addressed in this book. It is available on a CD, which makes it a lot more convenient for transporting overseas. It is available for a very reduced price from the SEND office or fromSHARE Education Services.
- Bowers, ed. Raising Resilient MKS. This is a resource for all parents who are raising their children in cross cultural settings. While it is slightly dated, it still has much timeless information to encourage missionary parents. Since it is available free in an online format, it is easily accessible.
- TCKID – – for all TCKS
- TCK World – the first and oldest TCK website which is full of resources and information
- I am a missionary kid blog
- mkPlanet
- Mu Kappa, a fraternal association for MKs
- Interaction International
- Libby Stephens: Humanizing the Transition Experience. Libby Stephens is a former TCK educator, and now is a consultant and speaker. She makes trips every year to many of our MK schools to help prepare graduating seniors for their transition to university. Her website but once you get there, you will want to check out her resource page. It is about as complete as one could get.
- Dorman, Dr. Jan. Language Development for MKs A wonderful and informative article about some issues that should concern all parents of our MKS. The author, Dr. Jan Dorman, is an adult MK and also the parent of two MKS. She currently is a professor at Messiah College in Pennsylvania, and recently spoke at the 2013 Inter-mission MK Education meeting. She has also written a book called Teaching English in Missions Effectively and With Integrity.
- Preparing to Homeschool Young Children on the Field Recommended by Judy Severn, this is an ebook (available for US$5) published by PACE (Professional Association of Cross-Cultural Consultants in Education)
TIME: Rooted To Nowhere
To Be a Third Culture Kid – from the point of view of a Foreign Service teen living abroad.
When No Place Feels Like Home by Corinna Schuler
“Third Culture Kids: ‘Hidden Immigrants’ on Campus.” Recruitment and Retention in Higher Education 19 (April 2005).
At (Can download entire E-book, below are links to chapters — annotations theirs)
Adolescence: This article is what parents need to know about adolescence since the Bible does not mention adolescence (which was not invented yet).
Children’s Adjustment: Many times Cross Cultural Workers need to remind themselves of the special needs of their children as they make adjustments to living in a different culture. This article gives suggestions and ideas for helping understand our children’s needs.
TCK Books: This annotated bibliography evaluates a dozen or so reasonably priced books for and about children and teenagers growing up cross-culturally.
E-Books at cross cultural (GREAT Member Care Site – annotations theirs)
Understanding Adolescence (E-Book) Since the “Adolescence” article is the one opened most frequently, Ron has updated his book, Understanding Adolescence, published by Victor Books in 1987. Written for parents of adolescents and children in their later elementary years, it is also helpful to teachers, youth workers and anyone else working with teenagers.
Third Culture Kids and Adolescence: Cultural Creations (E-Book) Ron wrote a book for TCKs, one to accompany Understanding Adolescence (written for parents). Third Culture Kids are obviously created by living in two cultures, and the whole phenomenon of adolescence was invented by Western culture. This book examines the role of culture in creating adolescent TCKs, and includes a practical section at the end of each chapter, a section titled “What Can Adolescent TCKs Do?”
We’re Going Home: Reentry for Elementary Children
I Don’t Want to Go Home: Parent’s Guide for Reentry for Elementary Children Ron and Bonnie (an elementary teacher) wrote We’re Going Home (108 pages) for children ages 6-12 who are returning to their passport countries. Written at a third grade level, We’re Going Home includes the story of a family returning to its passport culture. Each chapter also has activities such as scrambled words, crossword puzzles, word searches, mazes, and codes. Ron also wrote I Don’t Want to Go Home (54 pages) as a companion volume for parents. Each chapter in the parent’s book has information about TCKs in the Bible, children’s TCK issues today, and suggestions to help children reenter well. Both books are included in each of the files to be downloaded below.
Third Culture Kids: The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds by David C. Pollok & Ruth Van Reken
At U.S. State Department Suggested Book List for Parenting and Living Abroad
Bender, Margaret (2002). Foreign at Home and Away: Foreign-Born Wives in the U.S. Foreign Service. Writers Club Press. Stories of women born in other countries who, through their marriages to American diplomats, became representatives of the United States. Experiencing immigrant life in a unique way, they share the challenges faces by other women in cross-cultural marriages away from their own countries.
Bowers, Joyce M. (1998). Raising Resilient MKs: Resources for Caregivers, Parents and Teachers. Association of Christian Schools International. A comprehensive collection of the best and most current thinking on a wide range of topics dealing with the nurturing and education of “missionary kids”.
Copeland, Anne (Ph.D.) and Bennett, Georgia (2001). Understanding American Schools: The Answers to Newcomer’s Most Frequently Asked Questions. The Interchange Institute. This book guides newcomers to the United States, or those who have been abroad for a long time, about the challenges of understanding the U.S. school system. Foreign born spouses might find this book especially helpful.
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Eakin, Kay Branaman (1998). According to My Passport I’m Coming Home. U.S. Department of State, Family Liaison Office. Addresses the challenges young internationally mobile people face when moving “home” from another culture and offers strategies for dealing with such changes.
Eakin, Kay Branaman. According to My Passport I’m Coming Home. Washington D.C., Family Liaison Office, 1999.
Fenzi, Jewell with Nelson, Carl L. (1994). Married to the Foreign Service: An Oral History of the American Diplomatic Spouse. Twayne Publishers. 170 individuals offer candid and revealing testimony about the lives and roles of Foreign Service spouses through interviews spanning the twentieth century.
Hess, Melissa Brayer and Linderman, Patricia (2002). The Expert Expatriate. Nicholas Brealey Publishing/Intercultural Press. An easy-to-follow guidebook full of practical and useful suggestions on successfully relocating overseas.
Jehle-Caitcheon, Ngaire (2003). Parenting Abroad. Aletheia Publications. Written by an expatriate, who lived abroad for twenty-six years, this guide provides useful insights on the many and complicated issues that arise as one raises children abroad.
Johnson, Spencer (1998,2002). Who Moved My Cheese?, Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens, and Who Moved My Cheese? for Kids. Putnam Press. This is parable about how each of the four characters react differently to change in their lives. The parallels with Foreign Service life are obvious.
Kalb, Rosalind and Welch, Penelope (1992). Moving Your Family Overseas. Intercultural Press. The authors of this book are Americans who draw on their personal experiences to balance general advice and detailed suggestions as they explore the major issues in raising children in the internationally mobile lifestyle.
Langford, Mary et. al. (2002). The Essential Guide for Teachers in International Schools. John Catt Educational Ltd. A roadmap for future international schoolteachers; a lantern on the road to understanding and interacting with other cultures in an international environment. Insight into what to expect for those contemplating teaching overseas.
Maxfield, B. (2000). Up, Up, and Away!!!! Washington, DC: Foreign Service Youth Foundation.
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. . Mainly for the kids themselves.
McCluskey, K. C. (Ed.). (1994). Notes from a Traveling Childhood: Reading for International Mobile Parents and Children. Washington, DC: Foreign Service Youth Foundation
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. . Writings intended to bring to life, the exciting and challenging experience of the “Foreign Service” life-style.
Mcclusky, Karen Curnow, ed. Notes from a Traveling Childhood. Washington D.C., Foreign Service Youth Foundation, 1994. A collection of writings by parents and children, educators, researchers and mental health professionals about the affects of international mobility on families. The 123-page anthology deals with parenting in new cultures, international education, a sense of roots, the impact of organizational affiliation, the difficulties of returning home after an extended period overseas, and moving from the child’s perspective. Order this publication from the Foreign Service Youth Foundation
Meltzer, Gail and Grandjean, Elaine (1989) The Moving Experience: A Practical Guide to Pyschological Survival. Cleveland: Multilingual Matters, Ltd. This book gives practical suggestions for surviving the psychological stresses and challenges of moving for both local and international moves.
Parker, Elizabeth and Rumrill-Teece, Katharine (2001). Here Today There Tomorrow: A Training Manual for Working with Internationally Mobile Youth. Washington, DC: Foreign Service Youth Foundation
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. Lesson plans for guiding teens through constructive discussion about the challenges of transition.
Pascoe, Robin (2000). Homeward Bound: A Spouse’s Guide to Repatriation. Expatriate Press. Written to help better prepare the globally nomadic family to gain the greatest benefits from their experiences, this book covers topics ranging from re-entry shock to marketing one’s international experiences to prospective employers.
Piet-Pelon, Nancy and Hornby, Barbara (1985). In Another Dimension: A Guide for Women Who Live Overseas. Intercultural Press. Good, solid, practical advice to help women take advantage of one of life’s greatest opportunities… that of sharing in another culture.
Pollack, David C. and Van Reken, Ruth (1999) The Third Culture Kid Experience. Intercultural Press, Inc. Based on both research and the personal stories of countless individuals, this book fully explores the various implications of growing up abroad as a “Third Culture Kid” by individuals. The authors are internationally considered to be leaders and experts in the field of TCK studies.
Pollock, David C. and Ruth E. Van Reken. The Third Culture Kid Experience. Yarmouth, ME, Intercultural Press, 1999.
Seaman, Paul Asbury (1997). Paper Airplanes in the Himalayas – the Unfinished Path Home. Cross Cultural Publications. An autobiographical account by a “Third Culture Kid” of his journey from his childhood in Pakistan, to boarding school for missionary kids to the struggle in his adult years to find a sense of belonging. Recounts one mans struggles to find peace with the Third Culture Kid experience.
Smith, Carolyn (1996) Strangers at Home: Essays on the Effects of Living Overseas and Coming “Home” to a Strange Land. Aletheia Publications. The editor of this book is a Foreign Service spouse who understands well the full implications of the international nomadic lifestyle. The compilations of essays by others who have been through it offer many insights, as well as practical suggestions for helping children – especially teenagers – to adjust.
Stepanek, Vanessa (2000). Riding the Crosswinds. Johnson Printing “A journey as seen through the eyes of a young girl growing up abroad, always moving and travelling, as she is exposed to the hidden messages of the world.”
Summerfield, Ellen (1997). Survival Kit for Multicultural Living. Intercultural Press, Inc. An insightful examination of the cultural and ethnic cross-currents that have swept the United States. The author offers concrete steps the reader can take toward successful multicultural living.
Taber, Sara Mansfield (1997). Of Many Lands: Journal of a Travelling Childhood. Washington, DC: Foreign Service Youth Foundation
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. A journal for people brought up on foreign countries, the author allows the reader to record his/her international experiences with samples of her own journal entrees.
Taber, Sara Mansfield. Of Many Lands: Journal of a Traveling Childhood. Washington D.C. Foreign Service Youth Foundation, 1997. A learning and exploring tool to help those who have grown up in many countries put together the stories of their lives. It describes the author’s experiences at different ages in several countries, followed by statements and questions designed to evoke the reader’s own life experiences. Order this publication from the Foreign Service Youth Foundation
Addleton, Jonathan S. Some Far and Distant Place: Muslim-Christian Encounters Through the Eyes of a Child 2002
Addleton, Jonathan S. Missionary Kid Memoirs: A Review Essay. (book review): An article from: International Bulletin of Missionary Research 2000
Alter, Stephen All the Way to Heaven: An American Boyhood in the Himalayas 1998
Arensen, Shel Hidden Treasure of Lamu (Rugendo Rhino Club Series) 1996
Arensen, Shel Mystery of Poison Arrow Tree (Rugendo Rhino Club Series) 1996
Arensen, Shel Secret Oath, The (Rugendo Rhinos Series, The) 2003
Arensen, Shel The Carjackers (Rugendo Rhinos Series, The) 2003
Arensen, Shel The Rugendo Rhinos and the Legend of Captain Kidd’s Island 2000
Arensen, Shel Poachers Beware! (Rugendo Rhinos Series, The) 2003
Arensen, Shel Test of Tribal Challenge (Rugendo Rhino Club Series) 1996
Austin, Clyde Cross-Cultural Reentry: A Book of Readings 1986
Bascom, Tim Chameleon Days: An American Boyhood in Ethiopia 2006
Befus, David R Getting With God’s Program: Expatriates In International Ministry : A Critical Appraisal From A Missionary Kid/mission d 2001
Bell, Linda Hidden Immigrants: Legacies of Growing Up Abroad (West and the Wider World Series, Vol 11) 1997
Blohm, Judith, M Where In the World Are You Going? 1996
Bowman, Crystal Boxes, Boxes Everywhere 2004
Brammer, Deb Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World 1995
Burgan, Lori Collins Moving with Kids: 25 Ways to Ease Your Family’s Transition to a New Home 2007
Cameron, Rosalea Missionary Kids (MKs) 2006
Cleveland, Edwin Thomas A program of orientation for “Missionary kids” enrolled at Samford University 1979
Coleman, Daniel The Scent of Eucalyptus: A Missionary Childhood in Ethiopia 2003
Cook, Faith Troubled Journey: A Missionary Childhood in War-Torn China 2004
Copeland, Anne P. Global Baby 2004
Danielson, Edward E Missionary kid, MK 1984
Demaree, Paul Holland The missionary kid 1977
Dow, Phil School in the Clouds: The Story of the Rift Valley Academy 2004
Echerd, Pam Understanding and Nurturing the Missionary Family: Compendium of the International Conference on Missionary Kids Quito E 1989
Echerd, Pam Planning for Mk Nurture: Compendium of the International Conference on Missionary Kids Quito Ecuador January 4-8, 1987 1989
Eidse, Faith Unrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global 2004
Espey, John Jenkins Minor Heresies, Major Departures: A China Mission Boyhood (Philip E.Lilienthal Books) 1994
Fitted Pieces: A Guide for Parent’s Educating Children Overseas 2001
Foreign Devil Boy or Older Brother? (A Missionary Kid’s Experiences of Life in the Orient) 2003
Foyle, Marjory F. Honourably Wounded: Stress Among Christian Workers 1993
Friesen, Paul R. Ultimate Sacrifice: An Intimate Look into Missionary Boarding Schools and the Ultimate Sacrifice of the Children 2003
Fritz, Jean Homesick: My Own Story (Yearling Book) 1984
Fuller, Alexandra Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood 2003
Gillespie, James P Around The World And Headed South: Growing Up A Twin And Missionary Kid 2003
Gillies, Warna D. Children On The Move: Third Culture Kids. (education of children who live outside of their native country for periods of 1998
Godshalk, C.S. Kalimantaan 1999
Godwin, Peter Mukiwa: A White Boy in Africa 2005
Gordon, Alma Dougherty Don’t Pig Out On Junk Food The MK’S (Missionary Kid’s) Guide To Survival In The U.S. 1993
Gray, Charlene Children of the Call: Issues Missionaries’ Kids Face 1998
Gray, Nigel Country Far Away 1991
Hardy, LeAnne Between Two Worlds: A Novel 2003
Harrison, Helen Bagby From M.K. To R.M: From Missionary Kid To Retired Missionary 1983
Herr, Ethel L Harry and the missionaries’ kids: Five puppet scripts 1974
Hibbard, Esther Lowell “And Gladly Teche”: Memoirs Of A Missionary Kid 1988
Hillam, Corbin Jennifer of the City 1990
Hillam, Corbin Jennifer of the Jungle 1990
Honer, Mary Andersen Missy Fundi: Kenya Girl 2003
Huxley, Elspeth The Flame Trees of Thika: Memories of an African Childhood (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) 2000
Jehle-Caitcheon, Ngaire Parenting Abroad 2003
Jordan, Peter Re-Entry: Making the Transition from Missions to Life at Home 1992
Kell, Marion Burn-up or Splash Down: Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-entry 2007
Kelley, Linda Harvey Mks And Their Playmates: True Stories About Missionary Kids And Their Playmates 1996
Kendall, Douglas Missionary Kids in Space 2004
Kerr, Andy You Know You’re an Mk When… 1997
Knell, Marion Families on the Move 2001
Kregel, Jon Dealer: A Soccer Star’s Deliverance from the Cocaine Underworld 1998
Kristen Stagg MK2MK
Kuegler, Sabine Child of the Jungle: The True Story of a Girl Caught Between Two Worlds 2007
Kurtz, Jane Jakarta Missing 2001
Lloret, David B. Tales from the Life of an Urban Missionary Kid 2004
Loong, Helen and Polly Chan, Kids Without Borders: Journals of Chinese Missionary Kids 2000
Maugans, Jayne E. Faith Families Then and Now 2006
Mayo, Josh Help! I’m Raising My Kids While Doing Ministry 2006
Military Brats and Other Global Nomads: Growing Up in Organization Families 2002
Moffett, Sylvia The Missionary Kids Adventure Series: Book 1 (The Missionary Kids Adventure) 2006
Moore, Emily Bushey When I Was A Child: Mks Share (NWMS reading Books) 1989
Munnerlyn, Jen The Adventure Begins: 1st Day at Detinu International School 2006
Neil, Pirolo, Serving As Senders: How to Care for Your Missionaries 2000
Nelson, Dean Every Full-Moon Night: Memories from Missionary Kids 2005
Nida, Patricia C. Families on the Move: Human Factors in Relocation 1983
Notes from a Traveling Childhood: Readings for Internationally Mobile Parents & Children 1994
Orr, Elaine Neil Gods of Noonday: A White Girl’s African Life 2003
Palmer, Catherine The Happy Room 2003
Parker, Elisabeth Here Today There Tomorrow 2001
Pascoe, Robin Raising Global Nomads: Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World 2006
Pascoe, Robin Culture Shock! Successful Living Abroad: A Parent’s Guide 1999
Pollock, David C. Third Culture Kids 2001
Raising Resilient MKs: Resource for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers
Reimer, Helen Stark A growing plant: Reflections of an M.K. (missionary’s kid) 1975
Rolfe, William J. and Amy Lofton Monkeys, Snakes, And Elephants-Stories From Missionary Kids 1994
Roman, Beverly D. Footsteps Around the World: Relocation Tips for Teens, 2nd Ed. 2005
Roman, Beverly D. My Family is Moving 2006
Roman, Beverly D. Home Away From Home : Turning Your International Relocation Into a Lifetime Enhancement, Revised Edition 2006
Roman, Beverly D. Let’s Move Overseas: The International Edition of Let’s Make A Move! 1999
Sanford, Timothy L. Have to Be Perfect: And Other Parsonage Heresies 1998
Scamps, Scholars, And Saints: An Anthology Of Anecdotes, Reflections, Poems, And Drawings By Third Culture Kids 1991
Schimmels, Mary P Kids Of The Kingdom: A Working Bibliography On Missionary Kids 1991
Seaman, Paul Asbury Far Above the Plain: Private Profiles and Admissible Evidence from the First Forty Years of Murree Christian School, Pak 1996
Seaman, Paul Asbury Paper Airplanes in the Himalayas: The Unfinished Path Home (West and the Wider World, V. 13.) 1997
Snell, Ron It’s a Jungle Out There (The Rani Adventures; Bk. 1) (The Rani Adventures Series : Vol 1) 1995
Snell, Ron Jungle Calls (The Rani Adventures; Bk. 3) (Rani Adventures) 1998
Snell, Ron “Life is a Jungle!” (Book Two of the Rani Adventures) 1997
Storti, Craig Art of Coming Home 2001
Strangers At Home: Essays on the Effects of Living Overseas and Coming “Home” to a Strange Land 1996
Swol-Ulbrich, Hilly van “When Abroad-Do as the Local Children Do”: Ori’s Guide for Young Expats 2004
The Missionary Kid (Stories of Discovery) 2003
Useem, Ruth Hill A Third Culture Kid Biography (Studies in third cultures) 1999
Van Reken, Ruth E. Letters Never Sent: One Woman’s Journey from Hurt to Wholeness 1995
Viorst, Judith Alexander, Who’s Not (Do You Hear Me? I Mean It!) Going to Move 1998
Viser, William C. It’s Ok to Be an Mk: What’s It Like to Be a Missionary Kid 1986
Waber, Bernard Ira Says Goodbye (Live Oak Readalong) 2005
Walters, Doris L The Untold Story Missionary Kids Speak From the Ends of the Earth 2007
Williams, Karen Lynn When Africa Was Home (Orchard s) 1994
A growing plant: Reflections of an M.K. (missionary’s kid) by Helen Stark Reimer (1975)
Children of the Call: Issues Missionaries’ Kids Face by Charlene Gray (Jun 1998)
don’t Pig Out On Junk Food the MK’S (Missionary Kid’s) Guide to Survival in the U.S. by Alma Dougherty Gordon (1993)
Every Full-Moon Night: Memories from Missionary Kids by Dean Nelson (Feb 2005)
Foreign Devil Boy or Older Brother? (A Missionary Kid’s Experiences of Life in the Orient) (2003)
Getting with God’s program: Expatriates in international ministry : a critical appraisal from a missionary kid/mission director by David R Befus (2001)
It’s Ok to Be an Mk: What’s It Like to Be a Missionary Kid by William C. Viser (Dec 1986)
Kids of the kingdom: A working bibliography on missionary kids by Mary P Schimmels (1991)
Missionary kid, MK by Edward E Danielson (1984)
Missionary Kids And Their Playmates by Linda Harvey Kelley (1996)
Missionary Kids in Space by Douglas Kendall (Jan 13, 2004) Tales from the Life of an Urban Missionary Kid by David B. Lloret (Nov 8, 2004)
MKs and their playmates: True stories about missionary kids and their playmates by Linda Harvey Kelley (1996)
monkeys, Snakes And Elephants: Stories From Missionary Kids by William Rolfe and Amy Lofton (1994)
Planning for Mk Nurture: Compendium of the International Conference on Missionary Kids Quito Ecuador January 4-8, 1987 by Pam Echerd and Alice Arathoon (Nov 1989)
The Missionary Kid (Stories of Discovery) (2003)
The Missionary Kids Adventure Series: Book 1 (The Missionary Kids Adventure) by Sylvia Moffett (2006)
Understanding and Nurturing the Missionary Family: Compendium of the International Conference on Missionary Kids Quito Ecuador January 4-8, 1987 by Pam Echerd and Alice Arathoon (Nov 1989)
Gray, Charlene. 1995. Children of the Call: Issues Missionaries’ Kids Face. New Hope: Birmingham, AL.
Kalb, Rosalind and Penelope Welch. Moving Your Family Overseas. Intercultural Press.
Kohls, Dr. L. Robert. Survival Kit for Overseas Living: For Americans Planning to Live and Work Abroad. Third Edition. Intercultural Press
Pascoe, Robin. 1999. Culture Shock! Successful Living Abroad – A Parents Guide. Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company.
Pollock, David C. and Ruth E. Van Reken. The Third Culture Kid Experience: Growing Up Among Worlds. Intercultural Press: Yarmouth, ME.
Viser, William C. 1986. It’s OKAY to Be an MK: What It’s Like to Be a Missionary Kid. Broadman Press.
Walters, Dr. Doris L. 1996. Missionary Children: Caught Between Cultures. Second Edition. Missionary Family Counseling Services, Inc., 514 South Stratford Road, Winston-Salem, NC
This page was last checked for dead links on June 16, 2016.