Avodah Institute “to help leaders integrate the claims of their faith with the demands of their work.”
Business Men’s Fellowship (UK) “The Business Men’s Fellowship is a men’s organisation founded by Christian Businessmen. Its purpose is to express the love and power of God, working in and through men in everyday live. Personal true-life stories of men, and their relationship with Jesus Christ, are given at regularly scheduled breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings.”
Business As Mission.com n (USA) tons of downloadable resources.
Business Men’s Fellowship (USA) “BMF is a worldwide organization of men filled with passion to see other businessmen find salvation, inner peace, and fulfillment in life through Jesus Christ. We are men committed to daily Christlike living through the guiding influence and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.”
Buiness Professionals Network “The Business Professional Network (BPN)
- Seeks ways to encourage and support others in the task of “missions through business.”
- Connects western world business resources with needs and opportunities in the developing world
- Provides training to nationals in business principles and integrity
- Administers trust funds (revolving loan funds) and helps entrepreneurs find access to capital
- Assists and encourages other organizations working in business-related missions.”
The C12 Group “brings Christian business owners together to increase their business skills and to show them how to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry for Jesus.”
CBMC Home Page “We provide tools designed to mentor business and professional men, and the support, reinforcement, and encouragement of being involved with a committed team. In a society that’s constantly changing, CBMC offers a variety of innovative personal evangelism strategies that are in-depth, long-term, and relationship-based.” (also provides Operation Timothey discipleship program, Living Proof, LeaderLink training seminars)
CBMC Forums “A CBMC FORUM consists of five to eight local Christian business owners and one trained moderator who meet monthly to exchange business knowledge, experiences, and godly wisdom with confidentiality. Our aim is to assist in equipping business owners and executive managers to be God’s representatives in the marketplace. “
Chrism “an association for all Christians who see their secular employment as a primary field of Christian ministry and for those who would support and encourage that vision.
Christen in der Wirtschaft (CiW)(German)“CiW ist einer der größten christlichen Wirtschaftsverbände Deutschlands. Mit unserem Wissen, unseren Erfahrungen und Überzeugungen – basierend auf einem biblisch orientierten Wertefundament – sowie unserem qualifizierten Netzwerk ermutigen wir Menschen zu einem aktiven Christsein auch im beruflichen Umfeld und bieten christliche Orientierungshilfen für den Arbeitsalltag in Industrie, Dienstleistung, Handel und Handwerk.“
Recommended Links (German)
ERF (German)
Faktor C
Jesus auf der Chefetage
Bund katholischer Unternehmer
Christliche Wirtschaftskonferenz
Kongress Christlicher Führungskräfte
Christianity 9 to 5 “Christianity 9 to 5 TM is a website that is designed to equip Christians for workplace and business success in God’s eyes. Created and maintained by Professor Michael Zigarelli of the Charleston Southern University School of Business, this online ministry is dedicated to the following vision and mission: Our Vision God revealed through Christians at work Our Mission To provide life-changing resources that equip Christians to live their faith at work authentically and appropriately”
Crown Financial Ministries (Larry Burkett and Howard Dayton)
Europartners.org (Europe) “Europartners is a movement of local organizations committed to “connecting people in responsibility to Christ.” It forms the European branch of the International association of Christian Business Men’s Committees, active in more than 80 countries, worldwide.” Europartners Ministry (US office)
Faith At Work “Faith at Work (New Zealand) provides training and resources related to career and life planning, the theology of work and vocation, everyday spirituality, ethics for business and the marketplace, and the ministry and mission of the laity in daily life from a Christian perspective.”
Fellowship of Companies for Chirst “to encourage and equip Christian Chief Executive Officers (CEO’s) and Company Owners to operate their businesses and conduct their personal lives according to Biblical principles in pursuit of Christ’s eternal objectives.”
United Kingdom
Global Opportunities “GO is a servant agency which mobilizes and equips cross-cultural lay witnesses – “tentmakers”, we welcome any Christian with the needed skills who is committed to making Christ known to another people group.” We aim to provide an Internet portal where we:
- Offer free resources, and workplace bible studies to help individuals and fellowships be godly at work.
- Providing information on the latest events servicing Christians at work
- Provide free access to directories of workplace fellowships, professional sector fellowships, other workplace ministries, and midweek town/city centre meetings.
- Provide website space and unique resources for your workplace group to share with others.
God is at work (Ken Eldred) includes links to articles and books
International Christian Chamber of Commerce “The mission of the (ICCC) is to serve as a vehicle in extending the operation and principles of wisdom, love and the rule of God Almighty into the marketplaces of the world.
Central to this purpose is the mission of releasing business people into the walk of God’s Kingdom; helping release the anointing into their respective businesses, and redeeming businesses, business people and finances for a higher purpose through the outward manifestation of an inward walk of faith. Also central to this mission is the networking and mobilizing of Kingdom entrepreneurs, executives, educational and governmental leaders into the purposeful, strategic, global Kingdom initiatives underway in our day.” (lots of booklets, DVDs, etc. for purchase)
Integrausa.org (BAM agency working in Eastern Europe and Eurasia) “We provide training and loans for aspiring entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. More than 70 staff work in Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Russia, providing business training seminars, one-on-one mentoring, and counsel on marketing, sales, inventory management, and finance. “
Interserve (sending agency) “Interserve is a network of Christians from all over the world who, using their professional skills, work together to serve people of Asia and the Arab world – getting alongside them in tackling material, physical, mental and spiritual needs.”
IVCG (Germany, Switzerlan, Austria, France, Spain, Belgium)
- verbindet Menschen in Verantwortung
- regt Entscheidungsträger zum Nachdenken an
- gibt Antworten auf lebensentscheidende Fragen
- hält sich nicht mit Nebensächlichkeiten auf
- will Sie nicht für sich vereinnahmen
83 articles, books, etc for sale (in German mostly) see especially their links to other European organizations.
KingdomCompanies (an association of Christian businesses — membership required)
Leaders’ Integrity Foundation (German) “Positive Werte und eine darauf basierende Unternehmungskultur tragen nachweislich zu nachhaltigem Wirtschaftserfolg und Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter und Führungsverantwortlichen bei. In den letzten Jahren haben Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft als Folge von Werteverlust und mangelnder Wahrnehmung von Verantwortung ökonomisch wie moralisch grossen Schaden genommen. Folge dieser Entwicklung sind neben Sachwertzerstörung Vertrauensverlust in die Mächtigen der Wirtschaft und Politik, Verunsicherung und Orientierungslosigkeit in der Bevölkerung sowie der Schwund von Vorbildern.“
Marketplace Christian Network “The purpose of Marketplace Christian Network is a group of Christian world-wide, joined together in one single vision, to actively proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ where we work with words and our lifestyle and be a beacon of light in this decadent age. “
Marketplace Leaders.org “Marketplace Leaders is an organization that helps men and women discover their God-ordained calling to their vocations. Also on this site is the International Coalition of Workplace Ministries, which brings leaders in the faith and work movement together once a year for an annual summit. The Marketplace Leaders website points visitors to practical tools like magazines, books, job sites, and planners, some of which are free. It also offers a “Marketplace Mentor” program for a monthly fee.”
Prof .Stream (Slovenia) “Association Professional stream unites professional people, who want to follow Christian principles in their personal and business life. We unite people of all business’ profiles with intention to connect and offer advice with making decisions on everyday-business level. We want to increase possibilities of business success and improve quality of personal life, with connecting, mutual exchange of experiences from business and personal life and with advices of well-known businessmen. With organizing seminars, led by well-known businessmen from all over the world and with our other activities, we want to help employed people with their problems and challenges they confront on their workplaces.”
Salt on the Net “Our staff develops and publishes devotions each weekday on the World Wide Web. We also provide an e-mail subscription service to distribute devotions. Messages are designed to be relevant to the challenges business people face everyday. Each devotional message is written by a Christian business person, who has faced the challenges of living out their faith, in an environment that emphasizes the bottom line.” (also online bookstore)
Transformational Business Network “TBN is a network of business people and corporate organisations that uses an enterprise approach to tackle global poverty. TBN supports commercially sustainable small-medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries that create jobs, empower the poor and transform communities.” See their resources link for articles on how to alleviate poverty through business. See also there useful links for private sector initiatives to reduce poverty.
- to get the national churches onboard for tentmaking missions
- to provide national representatives with the needed materials to do the job
- to provide ongoing stimulus and support
- to offer a link to each national rep(s) and if required their own free webpage & email address.
- to motivate development of annual conferences & training seminars hosted in turn by various member nations
- together to train & send labourers into the harvest, specifically into unreached areas of the world.”
Work matters.org “WorkMatters is changing lives through the workplace. Our desire is to enable all workers to live a 24/7 faith, to understand that our work does matter to God, and to use our skills in a way that pleases Him.”
Workplace Resources “For the first time ever, the most comprehensive selection of workplace / work life resources have been assembled into one dynamic global bookstore for your convenience. You will find the largest selection of discounted work life resources on the Internet. We are also bringing together resources from other workplace ministries and authors so you can have one convenient portal bookstore to find all your life and work needs.” (HUGE Bookstore – most every book on topic available)
This page was last checked for dead links on August 18, 2016.