
To Cults

NOTE: see Context > Religious > Cults and New age for many more resources.



Green, Michael. But Don’t All Religions Lead to God?: Navigating the Multi-Faith Maze. Grand Rapids , MI: Baker Books, 2002.
Groothuis, Douglas R. Confronting the New Age: How to Resist a Growing Religious Movement. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1988
Hawkins, Craig S. Goddess Worship, Witchcraft, and Neo-Paganism. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998.
Hexham, Irving; Stephen Rost; eds. Encountering New Religious Movements: A Holistic Evangelical Approach. Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Publications, 2004.
Miller, Elliot. A Crash Course on the New Age Movement: Describing and Evaluating a Growing Social Force. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1989.
Rhodes, Ron, and Bodine, Marian. Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons. Eugene, Or: Harvest House Publishers, 1995.
Rhodes, Ron. The Challenge of the Cults and New Religions: The Essential Guide to Their History, Their Doctrine, and Our Response. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2001. BT 1240 .R48 2001
Spencer, Aida Besancon; Donna F. G. Hailson; Catherine Clark Kroeger; William David Spencer. The Goddess Revival. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1995.