NOTE: not all organizations necessarily evangelical.
Back2Back Ministries is an international Christian non-profit organization dedicated to being a voice for orphans. We exist to love and care for orphans and vulnerable children, by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs that they might overcome their life circumstances and break free from the cycle of generational poverty.
CBN WorldReach
Child Care and Orphan Care
Crisis Care Training International is a response to the cry for help in compassionately training children-in-crisis caregivers… a provider of practical and effective training programs and resources
Operation Blessing International
A Guide to Understanding and Coping with Compassion Fatigue
From ‘Liberation’ to ‘Exile’: A New Image for Church Mission by Ephraim Radner “Church people are not effectively engaged with social ills or with the poor. It is rare to come across teachings in the church dealing with the practical tasks of reforming communities.” (annotation from site)
Missions Among the World’s Suffering Masses,” Richard Chowning.
The Summons to a New Era in World Mission by I. W. Moomaw “The intensifying quest for justice and human rights by millions of people across the earth gives a new dimension to world mission, calling for a depth of witnessing, caring and humility beyond anything we have yet employed. The nonviolent quest by the world’s poor challenges the churches with the most urgent summons of this century.’ (annotation from site)
The Local Church: Local Change and Global Impact – Article by C. René Padilla
Phillip Eichman’s Medical Missions Book (entire book on line) see especially:
Chambers, R., 1983, Rural Development: Putting the Last First,London: Longman
Elliot, C., 1987, Comfortable Compassion, London: Hodder & Stoughton
Elliston, E.J. (ed.), 1989, Christian Relief and Development, Dallas: Word
Grigg, V., 1992, Cry of the Urban Poor, Monrovia: MARC
Gutierrez, G., 1985, We Drink From Our Own Wells,Maryknoll: Orbis
Hope, A. & Timmel, S., 1984, Training for Transformation, (3 vols.), Gweru: Mambo Press
Linthicum, R., 1991, Empowering the Poor, Monrovia: MARC
Lupton, Robert D. Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life: Rethinking Ministry to the Poor 2007
McAlpine, Thomas H. By Word, Work, and Wonder: Cases in Holistic Mission. Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1995.
Myers, B., et al, 1995, Serving with the Poor in Asia: Cases in Holistic Mission, Melbourne: World Vision
Myers, Bryant L. Walking With the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development Paperback: 288 pages. (September 1999)
Nicholls, B., 1985, In Word and Deed, London: Paternoster
O’Gorman, F., 1992, Charity and Change, Melbourne: World Vision
Perkins, J.M. (ed.), 1995, Restoring At-Risk Communities, Grand Rapids: Baker
Samuel, V. & Sugden, C. (eds.), 1987, The Church in Response to Human Need, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
Scott, W.J., 1980, Bring Forth Justice, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans
Stott, John Christian Mission in the Modern World
Tamamori, T., 1996, Serving with the Poor in Africa: Cases for Holistic Mission, Melbourne: World Vision
Vallely, P., 1990, Bad Samaritans, London: Hodder & Stoughton
At Missionary (NOTE: all annotations are theirs)
Tim Chester, Good News to the Poor: Sharing the Gospel Through Social Involvement. IVP. 2004. Formerly an international researcher for Tearfund UK, Chester now leads a group of church mission initiatives into a British unchurched city community. He speaks from familiarity with poverty in many different countries and contexts, and does an excellent job of showing the biblical imperative for holistic mission.
Jayakumar Christian. God of the Empty-Handed: Poverty, Power and the Kingdom of God. Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1999. Christian, who has worked with the poor in India and the world for more than 30 years, explores the relationship of poverty to powerlessness, masterfully integrating anthropology, sociology, politics and a biblical theology. He includes seven pragmatic responses to the poor and identifies key guidelines for re-equipping grassroots practitioners and missionaries who work with them.
Tim Dearborn. Beyond Duty: A Passion for Christ a Heart for Mission. MARC, 1997.Dearborn was a Presbyterian missions pastor before directing World Vision’s Institute for Global Engagement. A superb six-part small study of the role of God’s people throughout the world, designed for small groups and classes.
Gary A. Haugen. Just Courage, God’s Great Expedition for the Restless Christian. IVP, 2008. Author also of Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World (1999) Haugen is president of International Justice Mission (IJM), a ministry of radical hope that rescues victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery and oppression around the globe.
John B. Hayes. Sub-merge: Living Deep in a Shallow World. Regal, 2006. Hayes, the founder of a Christian order among the poor, invites today’s Christian radicals to “plunge in, go deeper, and sub-merge yourself!” Learn what it means to do more than give a handout, and discover how to build authentic faith-based relationships among the poorest of the poor.
Dewi Hughes. God of the Poor: a Biblical vision of God’s Present Rule. Paternoster/OM Publishing, 1998. Dewi is the theological adviser to Tearfund UK. The book comes in two sections: biblical foundations, and practical applications. Well illustrated from around the world.
Bryant L. Myers. Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of Transformational Development.Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1999. Veteran international development specialist Myers provides a masterpiece of biblical integration and application that draws widely on the best Christian and scientific sources of holistic development. Myers challenges us to follow Jesus by respectfully embracing the poor. A needed corrective to a very Word-oriented evangelical missions enterprise.
Community development
Jayakumar Christian. God of the Empty-Handed. MARC, 1999.
Donald B. Kraybill. The Upside-Down Kingdom. Herald Press, 1978.
Scott McKnight. Embracing Grace: A Gospel for All of Us. Paraclete Press, 2005.
Bryant L. Myers, Walking with the Poor. World Vision International/Orbis, 1999.
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