
Sports Outreach


Passion for Sport (UK)

Athletes in Action

Christian Team Ministries

Christians in Sport (UK)

Crosswalk Sports

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Global Baseball

Hoops of Hope Basketball Ministry

Infinity Sports

OC International (Sports Ambassadors)

Pro Athletes Outreach

Uttermost Sports



Browne, L. Sport and Recreation, and Evangelism in the Local Church . Grove Books 1991
Burkhead, Frank Jr. Sports Ministry for Christ
Clifford, Craig Edward Coaching for Character: Reclaiming the Pri…
Connor, Steven. Sports Outreach: Principles and Practice for Successful Sports Ministry. Scotland: Christian Focus Publications. 2003
Connor, Steve. Sports Outreach Discovery Team (Paperback)Christian Focus (September 1, 2003)
Cooper , Andrew. Playing in the Zone: Exploring the Spiritu...
Garner, John. Recreation and Sports Ministry: Impacting Postmodern Culture. Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003.
Higgs, Robert J. God in the Stadium: Sports and Religion in…
Hoffman, Shirl. Sport and Religion. Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1992.
Ladd, Tony and James A. Mathisen. Muscular Christianity: Evangelical Protestants and the Development of American Sport.. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2002.
Liddell, Eric. The Disciplines of the Christian Life. Nashville: Abingdon. 1985
Oswald, Roger. Equipping and Sending Athletes and Mission Teams to the Mission Field. Church Sports International
Oswald, Roger. Evangelistic Sports Clinics. Church Sports International, 2003.
Oswald, Roger. Sports Ministry and the Church. Church Sports International, 2002.
Oswald, Roger. Starting a Sports Ministry in the Local Church. Church Sports International
SET Leadership Team. Guidelines for Sports Ministries in Missions. Richmond: International Mission Board, 2000.
Yessick, Tommy. Sports Ministry for Churches. Nashville: Convention Press.
Mason, Bryan. Into the Stadium: An Active Guide to Sport and Recreation Ministry in the Local Church. UK: Spring Harvest.1982
Cash, Courtney S. Training Southern Baptist Missionaries To Use Sports As A Tool For Evangelism, Discipleship And Church Planting Thesis (D. Ed. Min.)–Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.

This page was last checked for dead links on June 14, 2016.