
Cross-cultural Psychology

Adamopoulos, John & Yoshihisa Kashima (Eds.) (1999) Social Psychology And Cultural Context.
Adler , Leonore Loeb & Uwe P. Gielen (Eds.) (2002) Migration: Immigration And Emigration In International Perspective.
Adler, Lenore L. & Uwe P. Gielen (1993) Cross-Cultural Topics In Psychology
Antonakis , Antonakis, Anna Cianciolo, & Robert Sternberg (Eds.). (2004) The Nature Of Leadership (448 Pages).
Aycan , Zeynep (Ed.) (1997) Expatriate Management: Theory And Research. New Approaches To Employee Management Series, Vol.4,
Berry , John W. , Ype H. Poortinga, & Janak Pandey (General Editors) (1966) Handbook Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2nd Ed.)
Berry, John W., Ype H. Poortinga, Marshall H. Segall, & Pierre R. Dasen (2002) Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research And Applications (2nd Ed.).
Berry, John W., Jean S. Phinney, David L. Sam, & Paul Vedder (2006) Immigration Youth In Cultural Transition: Acculturation, Identity, And Adaptation Across National Contexts
Boehnke, Klaus (1996) Is Intelligence Negligible? The Relationship Of Family Climate And School Behavior In A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Bond, Michael H. (1991) Beyond The Chinese Face: Insights From Psychology.
Bond, Michael H. (1996) The Handbook Of Chinese Psychology
Bond, Michael H. (1997) Working At The Interface Of Cultures: Eighteen Lives In Social Science.
Boski, Pawel, Fons J. R. Van Der Vijver, & A. M. Chodynicka (Eds.) (2002) New Directions In Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Chun, Kevin M., Pamela Balls Organista, And Gerardo Marin (Eds.) (2002) Acculturation : Advances In Theory, Measurement, And Applied Research
Comunian, Anna L. And Uwe P. Gielen (Eds.) (2000) International Perspectives On Human Development.
Cushner, Kenneth & Richard Brislin (1997) Improving Intercultural Interactions: Modules For Cross-Cultural Training Programs (Vol. 2).
Cushner, Kenneth & Richard Brislin (1996) Intercultural Interactions: A Practical Guide.
De Munck, Victor (2000) Culture, Self, And Meaning.
Diener, Edward & Eunkook Suh (Eds.) (2000) Culture And Subjective Well-Being.
Eleftheriadou, Zack (1994) Transcultural Counselling
Esses, Victoria M., John F. Dovidio, And Kenneth L. Dion (2002) Immigrants And Immigration
Feather, Norman T. (1999) Values, Achievement And Justice: Studies In The Psychology Of Deservingness.
Frese, Michael (Eds.) (2000) Success And Failure Of Microbusiness Owners In Africa: A Psychological Analysis.
Friedlmeier, Wolfgang, Beate Schwarz & Pradeep Chakkarath (Eds.) (2006) Culture And Human Development: The Importance Of Cross-Cultural Research To The Social Sciences
Gardiner, Harry, & Corinne Kosmitzki (2007) Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development (4th Ed.).
Gelfand, Michele J. & Jeanne M. Brett (2004) Handbook Of Negotiation: Theoretical Advances And Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Georgas, James, John W. Berry, Fons J.R. Van De Viljer, Cigdem Kagiticibasi & Ype H. Poortinga (2006) Families Across Cultures: A 30 Nation Psychological Study
Georgas, James, Marina Manthouli, Elias Besevegis & Annakokkevi (Eds.) (1996) Contemporary Psychology In Europe: Theory, Research, And Applications.
Gibbons, Judith L. & Deborah A. Stiles (2003) The Thoughts Of Youth: International Perspectives On Adolescents’ Ideal Persons.
Gielen, Uwe P. & Anna Laura Comunian (Eds.) (2000) The Family And Family Therapy In International Perspective.
Gielen, Uwe P. & Jaipaul Roopnarine (Eds.) (2004) Childhood And Adolescence: Cross-Cultural Perspectives And Applications.
Gielen, Uwe P. , Jefferson M. Fish, & Juris G. Draguns (Eds.) (2004) Handbook Of Culture, Therapy, And Healing
Goldstein, Susan (2006) Cross-Cultural Explorations: Activities In Culture And Psychology
Grad, Hector, Amalio Blanco, & James Georgas (0) Key Issues In Cross-Cultural Psychology. Selected Papers From The Twelfth International Congress Of The IACCP, Pamplona-Iruna, Spain, July 1994.
Greenfield, Patricia M. And Rodney R Cocking (Eds.) (1994) Cross-Cultural Roots Of Minority Child Development
Gudykunst, William B. & Y. Y. Kim (0) Communicating With Strangers: An Approach To Intercultural Communication (3rd Ed.)
Gudykunst, William B., S. Ting-Toomey & T. Nishida (Eds.) (0) Communication In Personal Relationships Across Cultures
Gudykunst, William B., S. Ting-Toomey & T. Nishida (Eds.) (1996) Communication In Personal Relationships Across Cultures
Harkness, Sara & Charles M. Super (Eds.) (0) Parents’ Cultural Belief Systems: Their Origins, Expressions, And Consequences.
Hatfield, Elaine & Richard L. Rapson (2005) Love And Sex: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Hofstede, Geert (2001) Culture’s Consequences:Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions And Organizations Across Nations (2nd. Ed.).
Hofstede, Geert (Ed.) (1998) Masculinity And Femininity
Kagitçibasi, Çigdem (0) Family And Human Development Across Cultures: A View From The Other Side.
Kagitcibasi, Cigdem (2007) Family, Self, And Human Development Across Cultures: Theory And Applications (2nd Ed.)
Kao, Hehenry S. R. & Durganand Sinha (Eds.) (1996) Asian Perspectives On Psychology.
Kashima, Yoshihisa, Margaret Foddy, And Michael Platow (Eds.) (2002) Self And Identity: Personal, Social, And Symbolic.
Keller, Heidi (2007) Cultures Of Infancy
Landis, Dan And Rabi Bhagat (Eds.) (1996) Handbook Of Intercultural Training (2nd Ed.).
Lee, Yueh-Ting, Lee J. Jussim, & Clark R. Mccauley (Eds.) (1996) Stereotype Accuracy: Toward Appreciating Group Differences
Lee, Yueh-Ting, Clark Mccauley, & Juris Draguns (Eds.) (1999) Personality And Person Perception Across Cultures.
Lefley, Harriet P. & Dale L. Johnson (Eds) (2002) Family Interventions In Mental Illness: International Perspectives
Lefley, Harriet P. (1998) Families Coping With Mental Illness: The Cultural Context. New Directions For Mental Health Series #77.
Lonner, Walter J. & Susanna A. Hayes (Eds.) (2007) Discovering Cultural Psychology: A Profile And Selected Readings Of Ernest E. Boesch
Lonner, Walter J. & Roy R. Malpass (Eds.) (1994) Psychology And Culture
Matsumoto, David (1997) Culture And Modern Life.
Matsumoto, David (0) A World Of Diversity.
Matsumoto, David (0) Culture And Psychology.
Matsumoto, David (1994) People: Psychology From A Cultural Perspective.
Matsumoto, David (2002) The New Japan: Debunking Seven Cultural Stereotypes.
Maynard, Ashley E., & Mary I. Martini (Eds.) (2005) Learning In Cultural Context: Family, Peers, And School
Mboya, Mzobanzi M. (1999) Culture And Self From An African Perspective.
Mccrae, Robert R. And Juri Allik (Eds.) (2002) The Five-Factor Model Of Personality Across Cultures
Mcinerney, Dennis (Ed.) (2001) Research On Sociocultural Influences On Motivation And Learning.
Moghaddam, Fathali M. (1997) Social Psychology: Exploring Universals Across Cultures.
Munro, Don, John F. Schumaker & Stuart C. Carr (Eds.) (1997) Motivation And Culture.
Nagayama Hall, Gordon C. And Sumie Okazaki (Eds.) (2002) Asian American Psychology : The Science Of Lives In Context
Ng, Sik Hung, Christopher N. Candlin, & Chi-Yue Chiu (Eds.) (2004) Language Matters: Communication, Culture, And Identity
Pandey, Janak, Durganand Sinha, & Dharm P. S. Bhawuk (Eds.) (1996) Asian Contributions To Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Pedersen, Paul B. & Allen Ivey (1993) Culture-Centered Counseling And Interviewing Skills: A Practical Guide.
Pedersen, Paul B. & Daniel Hernandez (1996) Decisional Dialogues In A Cultural Context: Structured Exercises.
Pedersen, Paul B. (2004) 110 Experiences For Multicultural Learning.
Pedersen, Paul B. Pedersen (1997) Culture-Centered Counseling Interventions: Striving For Accuracy.
Pedersen, Paul B., Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, And Joseph E. Trimble (2002) Counseling Across Cultures (5th Ed.).
Pederson, Paul B. (1999) Hidden Messages In Culture-Centered Counseling: A Triad Training Model
Peltzer, Karl (1996) Counselling And Psychotherapy Of Victims Of Organised Violence In Sociocultural Context.
Peltzer, Peltzer, (1995) Psychology And Health In African Cultures: Examples Of Ethnopsychotherapeutic Practice.
Petit, Catherine (2002) La Migration Dans L’organisation Psychique Des Couples Interculturels. [The Effect Of Migration On The Psychological Organization Of Intercultural Couples.]
Ratner, Carl (1997) Cultural Psychology And Qualitative Methodology: Theoretical And Empirical Considerations.
Ratner, Carl (2002) Cultural Psychology: Theory And Method
Robila, Mihaela (Ed.) (2004) Families In Eastern Europe
Rogoff, Barbara (2003) The Cultural Nature Of Human Development.
Roopnarine, Jaipaul L. & Uwe P. Gielen (Eds.) (2004) Families In Global Perspective
Ros, María & V. Gouveia (Eds.) (2001) Psicología Social De Los Valores Humanos: Desarrollos Teóricos, Metodológicos Y Aplicados [Social Psychology Of Human Values: Developments In Theory, Methods And Applications].
Sam, David L., & John W. Berry (2006) The Cambridge Handbook Of Acculturation Psychology
Samuda, Ronald J., Reuven Feuerstein, Alan S. Kaufman, John E. Lewis & Robert J. Sternberg (1998) Advances In Cross-Cultural Assessment.
Sebben, Andréa And Fernando Dourado Filho (2005) Os Nortes Da Bússola: Manual Para Conviver E Negociar Com Culturas Estrangeiras [The Compass: A Manual For Living And Negotiating With Foreign Cultures] (In Portuguese)
Segall, Marshall H., Pierre R. Dasen, John W. Berry, & Amp; Ypeh. Poortinga (1990) Human Behavior In Global Perspective: An Introduction To Cross-Cultural Psychology
Singelis, Theodore M. (Ed.) (1997) Teaching About Culture, Ethnicity, And Diversity: Exercises And Planned Activities.
Smith, Peter & Michael Bond (1998) Social Psychology Across Cultures (2nd Ed.).
Smith, Peter B., Michael Harris Bond, Cigdem Kagitcibasi (2006) Understanding Social Psychology Across Cultures
Sorrentino, Richard M., Dov Cohen, James M. Olsen, & Mark P. Zanna (Eds.) (2005) Culture And Social Behavior
Sternberg, Robert J., & Elena L. Grigorenko (Eds.) (2004) Culture And Competence : Contexts Of Life Success
Stevens, Michael J., & Uwe P. Gielen (2006) Toward A Global Psychology: Theory, Research, Intervention, And Pedagogy
Strohschneider, Stefan (2001) Kultur – Denken – Strategie: Eine Indische Suite. Bern: Huber.
Sue, Derald Wing, Allen E. Ivey, & Paul B. Pedersen (0) Theory Of Multicultural Counseling And Therapy
Sweder, R.A., Minow, M., & Markus, H.R. (2004) Engaging Cultural Differences: The Multicultural Challenge In Liberal Democracies
Taft, Ronald (1996) Annotated Bibliography Of Cross-Cultural Psychology Papers
Thomas, David C. (2001) Essentials Of International Management: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Thomas, Elwyn (2000) Culture And Schooling: Building Bridges Between Research, Praxis And Professionalism.
Triandis, Harry C. (1994) Culture And Social Behavior
Triandis, Harry C. (1995) Individualism And Collectivism.
Trommsdorff, Gisela, W. Friedlmeier, H.-J. Kornadt (Eds.) (1998) Japan In Transition: Social And Psychological Aspects.
Tyler, Forrest B. (2001) Cultures, Communities, Competence, And Change.
Valsiner, Jean (2000) Culture And Human Development
Van Der Vijver, Fons & Kwok Leung (1997) Methods And Data Analysis For Cross-Cultural Research.
Verkuyten, Maykel (2004) The Social Psychology Of Ethnic Identity
Ward, Colleen, Stephen Bochner, And Adrian Furnham (2001) The Psychology Of Culture Shock, Second Edition.
Watkins, David, D. A., & J. Biggs (Eds.). (1996) The Chinese Learner: Cultural, Psychological And Context Influences.
Watkins, David And John Biggs (Eds.) (2001) Teaching The Chinese Learner: Psychological And Pedagogical Perspectives
Weinreich, Peter & Wendy Saunderson (2002) Analysing Identity:Cross-Cultural, Societal And Clinical Contexts.
Williams, John E & Deborah L Best (1990) Measuring Sex Stereotypes: A Multinational Study (Revised Ed.).
Williams, John E & Deborah L Best (1990) Sex And Psyche: Gender And Self Viewed Cross-Culturally
Williams, John E., R. C. Satterwhite, & J. L. Saiz (1998) The Importance Of Psychological Traits: A Cross-Cultural Study.