

Overseas Ministries Study Center (OMSC)
Baker’s Guide to Christian Distance Education
Dimensions of the Faith at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary is a free online theological education program. The Ockenga Institute of Gordon-Conwell has taken seminary level courses and adapted them to a ‘go at your own pace’ distance learning program. You can read more about the purpose and vision of Dimensions at About Dimensions.


What is World Christian Foundations?
At the US Center for World Mission we have for ten years been deeply involved in the toughest, most extensive project we have ever tackled. We have been literally re-writing and enriching the entire college and seminary curriculum. Why would a mission center undertake a project requiring 100 textbooks, 1,000 additional articles and chapters, in 320 carefully engineered 4 to 5-hour lessons?

The university tradition which now blankets the earth tears into tiny course-sized fragments the reality of God and His Creation and even the human story. Thus, the average believer never sees the whole picture.

We felt there were many reasons to put it back together and make sure the resulting picture properly reflects the Biblical emphasis upon God and His mission to all the world. And to make it truly accessible to anyone anywhere. We are pleased that our Perspectives Study Program has encompassed over 40,000 students, but we have been chagrined that a single course like that is merely a band-aid in comparison to what we ought to do. We were tired of merely trying to add onto and “patch up” the college and seminary courses which people had already studied. What was really needed could not be done in a single additional course like Perspectives.

So we decided we would invade the mainstream curriculum, the legendary “liberal arts” curriculum, and invest it at every point with what we feel is the proper content and perspective, teaching everything people would normally learn in college and seminary (aside from vocational specialties) and doing so with a broad, 4,000-year global, mission perspective.


This page was last checked for dead links on May 31, 2016.