At Biblography with many indepth reviews by David Mays (Director of Learning Initiatives and Church Relations For The Mission Exchange [EFMA]) You can also subscribe for a free newsletter and/or purchase 650 book reviews on a CD Click on the links below to his site to see book reviews for selected Books:
Bible Study Guides
God’s Heart for the Nations, Jeff Lewis, Caleb Project
Missions, God’s Heart for the World, Paul Borthwick, IVP
Through God’s Eyes, Patrick Cate, William Carey Library
Until the Whole World Knows, Alicia Britt Chole,
Witnesses to All the World, Jim and Carol Plueddemann, Shaw (Waterbrook Press)
Toolkit CD, Wycliffe, 1.800.992.5433
Window on the World (Operation World for Kids), Gabriel Resources
Becoming a World Changing Family, Donna Thomas, Baker
Church Missions Operation
Church Missions Policy Handbook, ACMC
Cultivating a Missions Active Church, ACMC
Get your Church Involved in Missions, Michael Griffiths
Global Access Planner, Bruce Camp, ACMC
How Missions Mobilized is Your Church? ACMC
How to Get Your Congregation Involved in Missions, David Mays
How to Operate an Effective Missions Leadership Team, David Mays
Missions Policies on Disk, ACMC
Stuff You Need to Know About Doing Missions, David Mays, 4 volumes on CD
Today’s All-Star Missions Churches, Tom Telford, Baker
Christian Mission in the Modern World, John R. W. Stott,
Eternity in Their Hearts, Don Richardson, Regal
From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya, Ruth Tucker, Zondervan
Great Commission, Rose Dowsett
Great Omission, Robertson McQuilkin,
Key to the Missionary Problem, Andrew Murray, CLC
Let the Nations be Glad, John Piper, Baker
Stand in the Gap, David Bryant, Regal
Touch the World Through Prayer, Wesley Duewel, Zondervan
Cross-Cultural Preparation & Communication
Cross-Cultural Connections, Duane Elmer, IVP
Cross-Cultural Dialogues, Craig Storti, Intercultural Press
Cross-Cultural Servanthood, Duane Elmer, IVP
Don’t Go Overseas Until You’ve Read this Book, Neil Gallagher, Bethany
Ministering Cross-Culturally, Sherwood Lingenfelter, Baker
American Cultural Baggage, Stan Nussbaum, Orbis, 2005
Tentmaking, Patrick Lai, Authentic
Make Haste Slowly, Donald Smith, Institute for International Christian Communication
General Reading – Autobiographies/Stories
End of the Spear, Steve Saint, Tyndale
Bruchko, Bruce Olsen, Creation House
Called to Die, Estes, Wycliffe
Daughters of Islam, Miriam Adeney, IVP or WEA (?)
Don’t Let the Goats Eat the Loquat Trees, Thomas Hale
In Search of the Source, Neil Anderson, Wycliffe
Lords of the Earth, Don Richardson, Regal
Peace Child, Don Richardson, Regal
Shadow of the Almighty, Elisabeth Elliott, Harper & Row
Inspiration & Challenge
2020 Vision, Bill & Amy Stearns, Bethany House
Don’t Waste Your Life, John Piper, Crossway
Live Life on Purpose,Claude Hickman,
How to Get Your Congregation Involved in Missions, David Mays, ACMC
How to Be a World Class Christian, Paul Borthwick,
Run with the Vision, Bob Sjogren, Bill and Amy Stearns, Bethany
Local Cross-Cultural
A Beginner’s Guide to Crossing Cultures, Patty Lane, IVP
Cultural Change & Your Church, Michael Pocock & Joseph Henriques, Baker, 2002
First Look, The Start Talking, Donna Thomas,
World at Your Door, Tom Phillips, Bethany House
Missionary Care
Honourably Wounded, Marjory F. Foyle, EMIS
Serving as Senders, Neal Pirolo, Emmaus Road
Burn Up or Splash Down, Marion Knell, Authentic
Missionary Preparation
Equipping for Missions, Daniel Bacon, OMF
Send Me!, Steve Hoke and William Taylor, William Carey Library
Scaling the Wall, Kathy Hicks, Gabriel Resources, 2003
People Group Adoption
Adoption: A Practical Guide, Bruce Camp, USCWM Mobilization Div
Pastors and Preaching
Becoming a World Changing Church, David Mays, ACMC
Six Dangerous Questions, Paul Borthwick, IVP
Let the Nations be Glad, John Piper,
Antioch Revisited, Tom Julien, BMH Books, Winona Lake, IN
Building Strategic Partnerships, Daniel Rickett, Partners International
Making Your Partnership Work, Daniel Rickett, Partners International
Operation World, Patrick Johnstone
Touch the World Through Prayer, Wesley Duewel, Zondervan
Short-Term Missions
Before You Pack Your Bags, Prepare Your Heart, Cindy Judge
Coming Home, Fishers of Men, Re-Entry Guide by Howard Lisech, Deeper Roots Pub
Though the Eyes of Christ – A Short Term Missions Journal, Donna Thomas
Essential Guide to Short Term Mission, David Forward, Moody,
Serving with Eyes Wide Open, David Livermore, Baker
Short Term Mission Workbook, Tim Dearborn, InterVarsity Press
Trip Stuff, (on CD), David Mays
Spiritual Warfare
Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson
Building Global Vision, David Mays, ACMC
Changing the Mind of Missions, James Engel, IVP
Loving the Church – Blessing the Nations, George Miley
Exploring World Mission, Bryant Myers, World Vision Resources, 2003
Magnify Your Vision for the Small Church, John Rowell
Missions in the 3rd Millennium, 2nd ed., Stan Guthrie, Paternoster
Operation World, Patrick Johnstone
Operation World CD, Patrick Johnstone
The Next Christendom, Philip Jenkins, Oxford University Press, 2002
Today’s All-Star Missions Churches, Tom Telford, Baker
When the Saints Go Marching Out, Art Beals, Geneva Press
Atlas of World Christianity, Peter Brierley, Thomas Nelson
Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, Scott Moreau, Baker
Mission Handbook, Evangelism and Missions Information Service
Operation China CD Rom, Global Mapping International
Operation China, Paul Hattaway, William Carey Library
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, A Reader, William Carey Library
World Christian Encyclopedia, Barrett, Oxford University Press, 2001
World Christian Trends, Barrett, William Carey Library,
Global Missiology for the 21st Century, William Taylor, ed., WEA
Go and Make Disciples, Roger S. Greenway, P&R Publishing
God’s Missionary People, Charles Van Engen, Baker
Introducing World Missions, A. Scott Moreau, Gary R. Corwin, Gary B. McGee, Baker, 2004
Mission in the Old Testament, Walter Kaiser, Baker
Missions – Biblical Foundations & Contemporary Strategies, Gailyn Van Rheenen, Zondervan
Transforming Mission, David J. Bosch, Orbis
This page was last checked for dead links on June 2, 2016.