

The International Review of Mission
World Council of Churches  
At (recommendations, links to home pages, all annotations theirs. NOTE: many back issues are available on line above)

Global Missiology A quarterly publication in several languages with original research and contributions from researchers, practitioners and scholars of international representation with global perspectives.
International Journal Of Frontier Missions (quarterly – hard copy available also) The only scholarly journal focused solely on contemporary frontier missiology. A must for those seeking to keep abreast of the latest issues in finishing world evangelization. Archived issues found at:
Lausanne World Pulse (monthly)Lausanne’s online, monthly magazine providing missions and evangelism news, information and analysis.
Mission Frontiers(monthly – hard copy available also) Mission Frontiers is published bi-monthly by the U.S. Center for World Mission and is dedicated to fostering a global movement to establish an indigenous, and self-reproducing church planting movement amongst all of the 10,000 unreached peoples (ethnic groups) of the world as soon as possible.

Missiology (Quartlery) The American Society of Missiology publishes a quarterly journal, Missiology: An International Review, which has a worldwide circulation of approximately 2,150 subscribers (including 1,000 libraries).
Mission Maker Magazine 2007(annual) The 3rd annual edition! A 100-pg, full-color resource guide to help equip you effectively and strategically for God’s worldwide mission during 2007.

Encounters Mission Ezine (Redcliffe College Center for Missions Training UK)

Issue 21 (Dec 07) In the Eye of the Storm. Issue 21 deals with how the Church can move forward with confidence. More
Issue 20 (Oct 07) Mission and Migration. Issue 20 deals with one of the really big issues in mission today… More
Issue 19 (Aug 07) Book your Summer Holidays Now. Suggestions and reflections for your Summer reading… More
Issue 18 (Jun 07) Soul to Soul: Christian Mission and the Future of Europe. Darrell Jackson tackles the European question… More
Issue 17 (Apr 07) Mission and the Old Testament. How do ancient texts and the mission of the church relate in the 21st century? More

This page was last checked for dead links on May 31, 2016.