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Mission Finder “Mission Finder Connects Individuals & Donors To Christian Organizations, Businesses And Missions Around The World.”
Programs (for fuller list see Pre-field Training/Organizations-Centers)
- Center for Intercultural Training (Union Mills, NC) “CIT is a partnership of missional agencies, churches and organizations dedicated to training and equipping cross-cultural workers and their families for cross-cultural ministry. Participants attend courses at CITʼs 28 acre campus located near the mountains of western North Carolina. The quiet campus provides the ideal environment to build cross-cultural awareness and skills in a community-based learning environment.” (4 weeks Equipping + 2 weeks Second Language Acquisition)
Training Philosophy CIT values a holistic approach to the learning process. While the principle and skill aspects of cross-cultural preparation can be segmented into bite-sized subject matter, they are lived out in an integrated whole. Therefore, our programming attempts to integrate our values throughout the participants’ learning experience with us. We believe in community, age-appropriate learning, and spiritual formation.
- Access Truth Comprehensive resources for individuals, teams, mission agencies and churches who are equipping for cross-cultural church planting & discipleship
- Impact Eternity (YWAM) “Impact Eternity is a five week study to capture God’s heart and purpose for people groups around the world and how your church can become involved. This study provides the biblical foundation and the first steps in the process of adopting an unreached people group.”
- Kairos Course Formerly called the Condensed World Mission Course, Kairos is a condensation of Dr Jonathan Lewis’s World Mission study (The Perspectives Reader with an outstanding commentary with discussion questions interspersed throughout). The CWMC Reader and Study Guide combination contains eight chapters and covers the four essential areas of mission concern: Biblical, Historical, Cultural & Strategic. Note: This course has become a growing movement and is a strategic tool for the Church around the world to become involved in mission. It’s main hurdle is that – like the Perspectives Course – it requires a trained coordinator.
- Mission prep “a Canadian based organization committed to enhancing the long-term effectiveness of Christians serving in cross-cultural mission. We offer interactive training programs for the whole family in three areas: cross-cultural life & ministry, language acquisition strategies, and debriefing the missionary experience.” (2 weeks cross-cultural + 2 weeks language learning)
- Mission Training International “Mission Training International’s vision is to see cross-cultural messengers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ experience effectiveness, endurance and personal vitality. MTI accomplishes this through two main programs: COMPASS and DAR. Doing cross-cultural ministry is difficult and requires more than a sense of calling. It requires a broad set of skills and a healthy approach to life and ministry. A large majority of cross-cultural workers aren’t adequately prepared for their calling, which leads to frustration, burn-out, or more destructive patterns. This is where MTI can help. For 60 years, MTI has been providing relevant, practical, in-residence training on the make-or-break issues that help make cross-cultural messengers of the Gospel more effective.” (Colorado)
- Perspectives On The World Christian Movement (E Study Program) Introducing the Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic dimensions of world mission. Over 60 denominations and mission agencies endorse Perspectives. Provides 90-150 hours of study. Undergraduate and graduate credit available at various U.S. schools. Excellent for all believers, but especially helpful for missionary candidates, missions committees, church leaders and pastors. Fifteen different professors, each an expert in his/her own field (over 700 nationwide) Over 180 extension Sites across the U.S. Spanish Perspectives available on video as well as “Latinized” version of the textbook Also: African American, Korean and South Asian versions of the textbook. For information about Perspectives and a list of class locations contact: Perspectives Study Program/USCWM, 1605 Elizabeth Street, Pasadena, CA 91104, Ph: 626-398-2125 (For African American, Spanish, Korean, and South Asian-oriented Perspectives Readers call: 626-398-2200) (annotation theirs)
- TRAIN International equips individuals and teams preparing to live and work cross-culturally and provides debriefing when they return from the field. TRAIN International also offers coaching to churches who are sending and supporting cross-cultural workers. Our goal is that workers go prepared, stay effective, and return healthy and prepared for their next phase of ministry.
This page was last checked for dead links on May 21, 2016.