
To Muslims

NOTE: see context > religious > Islam for many more resources 


Al-Injil: Good News For You
An answer to the claims of Islam
Answering Islam – a Christian / Muslim debate
Answering Muslims
Bible and Quran
Christian Debater

Good News for the Crescent World
Gospel for Muslims .org
Grace and Truth
Institute for Islamic Studies (jounal articles in German and English)
Islam Unveiled
Islam: The Way, The Truth and The Light?
IslamReview by The Pen vs. the Sword
Light of Life
Middle East Resources
Path of Peace
Religion Research Institute
The Debate Site
The Faith Defenders
The Good Way
The Page
The Spirit of Islam
Truthnet: Islam
Waters of Life

In Arabic (NOTE: many of the above are in both English and Arabic) (index to many other sites in Arabic)

Muslim Ministry Training  (links found at SEND U)

  • 6 month Internships in the Philippines with SEND – contact the SEND International Office
  • One year internship with TAG in Dearborn, Michigan – contact SEND International Office
  • Exploring the World of Islam by Caleb Resource – 12 lesson course offered online and at various locations in the USA
  • Orientation to Muslim ministry in North America by Crescent Project
  • See also a suggested reading list for those preparing to work among Muslim peoples.


Doors into Islam CT September 9, 2002 September 11 has made Muslim evangelism even more dangerous and still more rewarding.

Islam in Latin America (Adobe PDF)

Islam, U.S.A. CT April 3, 2000 God-fearing Muslims from every corner of the earth are moving into American neighborhoods. Are we ready to welcome them and tell them the truth about Jesus?
Muslim and Jewish evangelism – comparing notes by David Zeidan (scroll down to page 273, see especially the advice starting on page 278)
Preaching Jesus To Muslims Deborah Chapman.

Women In Islam (Adobe PDF)

At more at site)

Intro to islam

Is there a true religion?
Dear Abdallah … is a series of letters touching on many topics of Muslim-Christian dialogue.
Discussion with a Marabout
Comparing the best arguments for Islam and Christianity
What Islam Really Teaches About Allah and Jesus
‘Isa, the Muslim Jesus
Islam as the ‘End’ of Christianity: Assessing the Arguments for Abrogation
Do Muslims and Christians speak the same language?

Concise introductory information on Islam:

A Topical Study of the Qur’an
A Short Comparison of Islam and Christianity
The Matter of the Muslim and Islam
The Matter of Islam and Christianity

Comparative Index to Islam (HUGE index of resources, articles, etc.)

Question (from Muslims) and Answer panel (actual questions submitted by muslims)

At SEND U  (great site)

  • From Seed to Fruit: Global Trends, Fruitful Practices, and Emerging Issues Among Muslims by Dudley Woodberry
  • Resource for Women working in Muslim Contexts recommended by Ken.
  • Woman to Woman, Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend – book by Joy Loewen. In this practical and very personal book, Joy shares not only her insights into befriending Muslim women, but many helpful stories from her own experiences. Her goal is to help readers “move from fear to love and compassion” so that they, too, can love as Christ does. Woman to Woman is essential reading for Christian leaders, ministries, and any layperson who wants to grow in love for and understanding of Muslims.
  • Conversation Ideas for building relationships with Muslim women – Joy Loewen’s blog.
  • Seven Themes of Fruitfulness – an article from International Journal of Frontier Missiology – “The authors are members of the Fruitful Practices Taskforce, which is a collaborative, multi-agency network of missiologists who are studying effective field practitioners and how God is working through them. Through this they identify and publicize practices that are demonstrably “fruitful” in facilitating faith movements among Muslim peoples.”
  • Crescent Project – Crescent Project’s mission is to inspire, equip and serve the Church to reach Muslims with the Gospel of Christ for the Glory of God.
    Training is essential for effective ministry among Muslims. Our Bridges Seminar and Bridges DVD study provide a practical understanding of Muslims, as well as methods that any Christian can use to effectively communicate the Gospel. Our three-day Oasis Conference is an introduction and affirmation to what God is doing in the Muslim world. Our one-week Sahara Challenge takes a deeper look at Islam, culture, and ministry skills to prepare leaders for work among Muslims.
  • TAG – Training Apprentices to Go is Ward Church’s (Michigan) 10-month program to train interns to start Jesus-community planting movements in the Muslim world. It is for busy people who have full-time jobs or are full-time students, but who will give 12-14 hours per week to developing their passion for Jesus, their passion for his Kingdom, and their passion for Going to see Jesus-communities growing in places where they currently don’t exist.
  • Carl Medearis, through his website, is now offering free teaching videos on line. He also offers a 7 week video course for $29 USD, which is more in depth than the free ones, but his stuff is pretty good. I wouldn’t agree with him on everything he says, but I really like his attitude and down to earth interactions in terms of relating to Muslims, and I find his talks challenging. His two best books – Muslims, Christians and Jesus and Speaking of Jesus, are great challenging reads. (Tim M)
  • There is also COMMA, which is a coalition of groups in North America working with Muslims, but they have lots of links and resources for people working with Muslims anywhere.
  • A site that is helpful in terms of apologetics is Ravi Zacharias Ministries Two of the amazing people associated with RZIM are Nabeel Quereshi (Seeking Allah: Finding Jesus) and Adbu Murray. Any debates/articles/books by either of these two are of great depth and value. You can search their debates onyoutube.
  • is a website that has many different Christian contributors. (Note: A few of these contributors are a bit strident, but most are not.) There are also links to other resources and websites that might prove helpful.
  • Rolland Muller’s home page lists his books, printed and electronic, and his resources link at the bottom left of his home page gives a healthy list of resources that can be downloaded for free.


Accad, Fouad Elias. “The Qur’an: A Bridge to Christian Faith.” Missiology 4 (1976), 331-342.
Adeney, Miriam. “Rajah Sulayman was no water buffalo: Gospel, anthropology, and Islam.” In No Other Gods Before Me? John G. Stackhouse, Jr., ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2001, 65-83.
Ayoub, Mahmoud M. “Towards an Islamic christology, pt. 2: The death of Jesus, reality or delusion (a study of the death of Jesus in Tafsir literature).Muslim World 70 (1980), 91-121.
Bhajjan, Sam V. “Identifying Barriers in the Church’s Reception of Muslim Converts.” Bulletin of Christian Institutes of Islamic Studies 5/3-4 (1982), 92-101.
Brown, Dan. “Is Planting Churches in the Muslim World ‘Mission Impossible’?” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 33 (April 1997): 156-160.
Brown, Rick, “Contextualization without Syncretism”, International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 23, no3, Fall 2006, pp. 127-133.
Brown, Rick, “Why Muslims are Repelled by the Term ‘Son of God’” EMQ Vol. 43, no. 2 (October 2007): 422-429.
Cockerill, Gareth L. “To the Hebrews/To the Muslims: Islamic Pilgrimage as a Key to Interpretation.” Missiology 22 ( 1994), 347-359.
Covell, Ralph R., editor. [Christianity and Islam, thematic issue]. Missiology 11 (1983), 131-184, 201-227.
Cragg, Kenneth. “Conversion and Convertibility—With special reference to Muslims.” In Down to Earth: Studies in Culture and Christianity. John R.W. Stott and Robert Coote, eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1980, 193-208.
Dixon, Roger L. “The major model of Muslim ministry.” Missiology 30 (2002), 443-54.
Dutch, Bernard, “Should Muslims become ‘Christians’?” , International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 17, No. 1, Spring 2000, pp 15-23.
Eenigenberg, Sue. “Women Muslims, Converts, Missionaries: Dealing with Fear.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) 37/4 (October 2001).
Eenigenburg, Don. “The pros and cons of Islamicized Contextualization.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 33 (July 1997): 310-315.
Engqvist, Bertil. “A vision from the world beyond: Islam.” In Global Missiology for the 21st Century. William D. Taylor, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2000, 439-445.
Gibb, H.A.R. “Pre-Islamic Monotheism in Arabia.” Harvard Theological Review 55 (1962), 269-280.
Gillard, Dean S. “Context is Critical in Islampur Case”, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1998, pp. 415-417.
Gilliland, Dean S. “Principles of the Christian Approach to an African-Based Islamic Society.” Missiology 25 (1997), 5-13.
Goldsmith, Martin. “Community and Controversy: Key Causes of Muslim Resistance.” Missiology 4 (1976), 317-323.
Griffith, Sidney Harrison. “Kenneth Cragg on Christians and the Call to Islam.” Religious Studies Review 20 (1994), 29-35. Christian Witness Among Muslims, p. 8
Haqq, Akbar. “Communicating the Gospel to Muslims.” In The Work of an Evangelist. Minneapolis, MN: 1984, 625-640.
Ismail, Zafar. “The Muslim Convert and the Church.” International Review of Mission (IRM) 72 (1983), 385-392.
Kerr, David A. “Christian-Muslim Relations.” In Toward Century 21 in Christian Mission: Essays in honor of Gerald H. Anderson. James M. Phillips and Robert T. Coote, eds. Grand Rapids , Mich.: Eerdmans, 1992, 348-362.
Kerr, David A. “The Prophet Muhammad in Christian Theological Perspective.” International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR) 8 (1984), 112-116.
Khair-Ullah, F.S. “Linguistic hang-ups in communicating with Muslims.” Missiology 4 (1976), 301-316.
Khair-Ullah, Frank S. “Evangelism Among Muslims.” In Let the Earth Hear His Voice. J.D. Douglas, ed. Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1975, 816-824.
Kings, Graham. “Abdul Masih: Icon of Indian indigeneity.” IBMR (1999), 66-69.
Kuitse, Roelf. “Christology in the Qur’an.” Missiology 20 (1992), 355-369.
Larson, Warren F. “Critical Contextualization and Muslim Conversion.” International Journal of Frontier Missions (IJFM) 13 (1996), 189-191.
Leffel, Jim, “Contexualization: Building Bridges to the Muslim Community”, Crossroads OnlineJournal, Issue 1, viewed 12 April 2007.
Lester, Toby. “What is the Koran?” Atlantic Monthly 283/1 (January 1999), 43-56.
Lewis, Rebecca, “Strategizing for Church Planting Movements in the Muslim World, International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 21, No. 2, Summer 2004, pp. 73-77.
Livingstone, Greg. Planting Churches in Muslim Cities. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1993.
Love, Fran. “Church Planting that Includes Muslim Women.” IJFM 13 (1996), 135-8.
Malik, Alexander. “Confessing Christ in the Islamic Context.” In Asian Faces of Jesus. R.S. Sugirtharajah, ed. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1993, 75-84.
Massey, Joshua, “God’s Amazing Diversity in Drawing Muslims to Christ”, International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 17, No. 1, Spring 2000, pp 5-13.
Massey, Joshua, “Islam, once a Hopeless Frontier, Now?, Part II: Living like Jesus, a Torah-Observant Jew: Delighting in God’s Law for Incarnational Witness to Muslims”, International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1 April 2004, pp 54-71.
Maurer, Andreas. “In Search of a New Life: Conversion motives of Christians and Muslims.” Missionalia 30/2 (August 2002), 288-303.
Morton, Jeff. “Narratives and Questions: Exploring the Scriptures with Muslims.” EMQ 40 (2004), 172-176.
Moucarry, “Theological Principles for Evangelizing Muslims.” Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) 20 (1996), 178-181.
Musk, Bill A. “Honour and Shame.” ERT 20 (1996), 156-167.
Musk, Bill. “Dreams and the ordinary Muslim.” Missiology 16 (1988), 163-172.
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. “Islamic-Christian Dialogue: Problems and Obstacles to be Pondered and Overcome.” Islam & Christian Muslim Relations 11 (July 2000): 213-227.
Nazir-Ali, Michael. “Directions in Mission: Christian worship, witness and work in Islamic contexts.” IRM 76 (1987), 33-37.
Nazir-Ali, Michael. “Martyn and Martyrs: Questions for Mission.” IBMR 23 (1999), 56- 60.
Oppenheimer, Mike, “A “New Evangelism” for the 21st Century”, Let Us Reason Ministries, 13 April 2002, viewed 12 April 2007.
Parshall, Phil. “Danger! New Directions in Contextualization.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 34 (October 1998): 404-410.
Peters, Francis E. “Jesus and Muhammad: A historian’s reflections.” Muslim World 96 (1996), 334-341.
Peters, Ken. “The Concept and Practice of Christian Mission.” IRM 65 (1976), 374-384.
Peters, Ken. “Touching the mystical heart of Islam.” EMQ 25 (1989), 364-369.
Racey, David. “Contextualization: How Far is Too Far?” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 32 (July 1996): 304-309.
Robinson, Neal. “Creating Birds from Clay: A miracle of Jesus in the Qur’an and in Classical Muslim exegesis.” Muslim World 79 (1989), 1-13.
Rudvin, Arne. “Islam—An Absolutely Different Ethos?” IRM LXXI (1982), 59-65.
Sadiq, John W. “Muslim Converts in the Church.” Indian Church History Review 10 (Je 1976), 67-77.
Saeed, Abdullah. “The Charge of Distortion of Jewish and Christian Scriptures. Muslim World 92 (2002), 419-436.
Sanneh, Lamin “Muhammad, Prophet of Islam, and Jesus Christ, Image of God: A Personal Testimony.” IBMR 8 (1984), 169-174.
Sanneh, Lamin “Muslim-Christian Encounters: Governments under God.” Christian Century 109 (Dec. 2, 1992), 1103-1106.
Sanneh, Lamin “Women in the Muslim World.” Christian Century 110 (June 16-23, 1993), 644-647.
Sanneh, Lamin O. “Amulets and Muslim Orthodoxy: One Christian’s venture into primal religious spirituality.” IRM 63 (1974), 515-529.
Sanneh, Lamin. “Can a House Divided Stand? Reflections on Christian-Muslim Encounter in the West.” IBMR 17 (1993), 164-168.
Schlorff, Samuel P. “Muslim Ideology and Christian Apologetics.” Missiology 21 (1993), 173-185.
Schlorff, Samuel P. “Muslim Ideology and Christian Apologetics”, Missiology, Vol. 21, No. 2, April 1993.
Schlorff, Samuel P. “The Translational Model For Mission In Resistant Muslim Society: A Critique And An Alternative.” Missiology 28 (2000), 305-328.
Sharkey, Heather J. Arabic antimissionary treatises: Muslim responses to Christian evangelism in the modern Middle East.: International Bulletin of Missionary Research (2005)
Shenk, Calvin E. “The Demise of the Church in North Africa and Nubia and its Survival in Egypt and Ethiopia: A question of contextualization?” Missiology 21 (1993), 131- 154.
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Sinclair, Lisa M. “The Legacy of Isabella Lilias Trotter.” IBMR 26/1 (2002), 32-35.
Smith, Dean, Why Muslims become Christians (2007)
Smith, Jane I. “Christian Missionary Views of Islam in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” Islam & Christian Muslim Relations 9 (October 1998): 357-373.
Spencer, Robert. “Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions about the World’s Fastest Growing Faith. San Francisco : Encounter Books, 2002.
Swanson, Mark N. “Beyond Prooftexting: Approaches to the Qur’an in some early Arabic Christian Apologies.” Muslim World 88 (1998), 297-319.
Tebbe, James A. “Comparing Christ And Qur’an: A Brief Theological History And Assessment Of Liabilities.” IRM 88 (1999), 414-424.
Teeter, David. “Dynamic Equivalent Conversion for Tentative Muslim Believers.” Missiology 18 (1990), 305-313.
Tennent, Timothy C. “Followers of Jesus (Isa) in Islamic Mosques: A Closer Examination of CV-5 ‘High Spectrum’ Contextualization”, International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 23, No. 3, Fall 2006, pp. 101-115.
Travis, John and Anna, “A Focus on Insider Movements”, Mission Frontier, September-October 2005, pp. 12-15.
Travis, John, “Messianic Muslim Followers of Isa”: A Closer Examination of C5 Believers and Congregations”, International Journal of Frontier Missions, Vol. 17, No. 1, Spring 2000, pp. 53-60.
Travis, John, “The C1 to C6 Spectrum: A Practical Tool for Defining Six Types of ‘Christ-Centred Communities’ (‘C’) Found in the Muslim Context”, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1998, pp. 407-408.
Travis, John,, “Must all Muslims leave ‘Islam’ to Follow Jesus?”, Evangelical Missions Quarterly, Vol. 34, No. 4, October 1998, pp. 411-4415.
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Williams, Mark S. “Aspects of High- Spectrum Contextualization in Ministries to Muslims”, Journal of Asian Mission, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2003, pp. 75-91.
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Zebiri, Kate. “Contemporary Muslim Understandings of the Miracles of Jesus.” Muslim World 90 (2000), 71-90.


Building Bridges  Building Bridges Between Christianity and Islam

Abdul-Haqq, Abdiyah Akbar Sharing Your Faith With A Muslim (Aug 1, 1980)
Accad, Fouad Elias. Building Bridges: Christianity and Islam. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1997. 158 pp.
Adeney, Miriam. Daughters of Islam : building bridges with Muslim women . Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
African Christian Press Christian Witness Among Muslims : A Guide to Understanding the Muslim Religion through the Eyes of Jesus (1971)
Andrew. Brother Secret believers : what happens when Muslims believe in Chri…
Blair, C. F. Tentmaking: A Contextualized Approach to Islam. Missiology, April, (1983).
Boxtel, Henry Van
Braswell Jr., George W. Islam: Its Prophet, Peoples, Politics and Power. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996.
Caner, Ergun and Emir Caner Unveiling Islam  
Caner, Ergun Mehmet and Emir Fethi Caner Out of the Crescent Shadows: Leading Muslim Women into the Light of Christ (Aug 2003)
Challen, Edward Love Your Muslim Neighbour: Investigating the impact of Islam in the world today (2006)
Cloer, Clayton Parnell Samuel Zwemer: A Model of Muslim Contextualization (Thesis) (2000)
Dorman, Harry Gaylord Toward Understanding Islam: Contemporary Apologetic of Islam and Missionary2006
Downey, Karol, ed. From Fear to Faith: Muslim and Christian Women. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2002.
Ehlke, Roland Cap Speaking The Truth In Love To Muslims
Fleenor, Lester God Almighty!: His Word for Christians, Jews, And Moslems  
Grahamfinlaym Sons Of Ishmael; How Shall They Hear?
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck, and Wadi Zaidan Haddad, eds. Christian-Muslim Encounters. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1995.
Hamada, Louis B. Understanding the Arab World. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990.
Healing The Broken Family Of Abraham: New Life For Muslims (2001)
John, George Operation Crescent Moon : Underground Christians Reaching Mu…
Kateregga, Badru D. and David W. Shenk. A Muslim and Christian in Dialogue. Scottdale, PA: Herald, 1997.
Khalidi, Tarif, ed., trans. The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and stories in Islamic literature. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2001.
Krabill, James R. Anabaptists Meeting Muslims : A Calling For Presence In The …
Krabill, James R., David W. Shenk, and Linford Stutzman Anabaptists Meeting Muslims: A Calling For Presence in the Way of Christ(Jan 21, 2005)
Licona, Michael R. Paul Meets Muhammad: A Christian-Muslim Debate on the Resurrection (Feb 1, 2006)
Livingstone, Greg. Planting Churches in Muslim Cities. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.
Love, Fran, and Jeleta Echheart, eds. Ministry To Muslim Women: Longing To Call Them Sisters. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2000.
Madany, Bassam M. The Bible and Islam
Mallouhi, Christine A. Miniskirts, Mothers & Muslims  
Mallouhi, Christine A. Waging Peace on Islam. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000.
Marsh, Charles R. Share your faith with a Muslim
McCahill, Bob Dialogue of Life: A Christian Among Allah’s Poor (Jan 1995)
McCurry, Don M. The Gospel and Islam: A 1978 Compendium. Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1979.
McCurry, Don. Healing the Broken Family of Abraham: New Life for Muslims, Colorado Springs: Ministries to Muslims, 2001.
McDowell, Bruce A. Muslims And Christians At The Table : Promoting Biblical Und
Ministry in Islamic Contexts. Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization 1995
Moucarry, C.G. The Prophet & the Messiah: An Arab Christian’s perspective on Islamand Christianity. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001.
Muller, Roland (pseudonym). Tools for Muslim Evangelism. Belleville, ON: Essence Publishers, 2000.
Musk, Bill Andrew. The Unseen Face of Islam : Sharing the Gospel with Ordinary Muslims Sutherland, Australia: Albatross Books, 1989.
Musk, Bill Touching the Soul of Islam: Sharing the Gospel in Muslim Cultures (April 26, 2005)
Nazir-Ali, Michael. Frontiers in Muslim-Christian Encounter. Oxford: Regnum Books, 1987.
Nehls, Gerhard Premises and principles of Muslim evangelism (1991)
Nickel, Gordon. Peaceable Witness Among Muslims. Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 1999.
Oksnevad, Roy, and Dotsey Welliver, eds. The Gospel for Islam : reaching Muslims in North America . Wheaton, IL: Evangelism and Missions Information Service, 2001.
Parrinder, Geoffrey. Jesus in the Qur’an. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 1995. Originally published 1965.
Parshall, Phil Muslim Evangelism: Contemporary Approaches to Contextualization (Aug 1, 2003)
Parshall, Phil New Paths in Muslim Evangelism: Evangelical Approaches to Contextualization (Dec 1980)
Parshall, Phil The Last Great Frontier: Essays on Muslim Evangelism (2000)
Parshall, Phil, Muslim Evangelism: Contemporary Approaches to Contextualization, Waynesboro, GA: Gabriel Publishing, 2003.
Parshall, Phil, Beyond the Mosque: Christians Within Muslim Community
Parshall, Phil. Understanding Muslim Teachings and Traditions: A Guide for Christians. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1994. 240 pp.
Rasooli, Jay M., and Cady H. Allen. Dr. Sa’eed of Iran: Kurdish Physician to Princes and Peasants, Nobles and Nomads. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1983.
Register, Ray, G. Dialogue and Interfaith Witness with Muslims (Nov 1, 2007)
Rickards, Donald R The Contextualization Of The Gospel In The World Of Islam (Liberty Baptist Seminary spring theological lectures) (1984)
Saal, William Reaching Muslims For Christ (Feb 9, 1993)
Safa, Reza F. Inside Islam : exposing and reaching the world of Islam Sarker, Abraham Understand My Muslim People (Nov 30, 2004)
Sheikh, Bilquis and Richard H. Schneider I Dared to Call Him Father: The Miraculous Story of a Muslim Womans Encounter with God (April 1, 2003)
Shenk, David W. Journeys of the Muslim Nation and the Christian Church: Exploring the mission of two communities. Waterloo, ON: Herald Press, 2003.
Swartley, Keith E. Encountering the world of Islam
Taber, Shirin Muslims Next Door: Uncovering Myths and Creating Friendships (Sep 1, 2004)
Tanagho, Samy Glad News! God Loves You, My Muslim Friend (Sep 1, 2004)
Valkenberg, Pim Sharing Lights on the Way to God: Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Theology.2006
Van der Werff, Lyle L. Christian Mission to Muslims: The record: Anglican and Reformed approaches in India and the Near East, 1800-1938. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1977.
Von Denffer, Ahmad Mission to Muslims in Germany (Situation Report) (Dec 1985)
Wilson, J. Christy, Jr. More to be Desired than Gold. Third Edition. South Hamilton, MA: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, 1996.
Woodberry, J. Dudley Muslims and Christians on the Emmaus Road: Crucial Issues in Witness Among Muslims (1991)
Zwemer, Samuel M. Islam A Challenge To Faith;



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