


First Nations Version of the New Testament

Indigenous Jesus  “Exploring the intersection of indigenous visual art and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” is a platform for viewing and downloading videos and animations that share the gospel message in hundreds of different languages. This website is the result of a partnership called the 20/20 Vision. The goal of this campaign is, “To produce and distribute an indigenous evangelistic audio-visual tool for every one of the Least Evangelized Mega Peoples by the year 2020, so that all can clearly see and understand the gospel message and embrace it as their own“.


Contextualizing The Christian Message For The Czech Republic Jason Locke.

Contextualization: Theological and cultural Issues in Evangelical Models – a paper by Gary Ridley,     presented at SNAAC 2016

Faith Without Borders CT May 19, 1997 This isn’t your father’s old-time religion. As the faith explodes in Third World contexts, the church is facing old questions in new ways. Here is how believers in the developing countries are changing the face of Christianity.

Relationship Between the Gospel and Culture: The Continuing Debate Ed Mathews

Leffel, Jim, “Contexualization: Building Bridges to the Muslim Community”, Crossroads OnlineJournal, Issue 1, viewed 12 April 2007.


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Apologia: Contextualization, Globalization, and Mission in Theological Education by Max L. Stackhouse (Jan 1988)
Biblical Interpretation and the Church: The Problem of Contextualization by D. A. Carson (Dec 2002)
Contextualization And Syncretism by Dr. Gailyn Van Rheenen (Oct 2006)
Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology And Mission by Dean E. Flemming (Nov 2005)
Contextualization of Christianity and Christianization of language: A case study from the highlands of Papua New Guinea (Erlanger Monographien aus Mission und Okumene) by G. L Renck (1990)
Contextualization of Christianity in Africa: A Case Study of the Kpelle Tribe in Liberia by John Kallon (Feb 26, 2007)
Contextualization of theology by John Alexander Gration (1991)
Contextualization of theology, a new sophism?: A study of the relationship between theology and culture by Theodore B Witmer (1986)
Contextualization of theology: An evangelical assessment by Bruce C. E Fleming (1980)
Contextualization: A Theology of Gospel and Culture by Bruce J. Nicholls (Nov 2003)
Contextualization: Asian theology (Asian perspective) by Bong Rin Ro (1976)
Contextualization: Meanings, Methods, and Models by David J. Hesselgrave and Edward Rommen (Aug 2003)
Contextualization: Theology of Gospel and Culture by Bruce J. Nicholls (Jan 1979)
Contextualization: Toward a meaningful and relevant ministry in context by Wati Aier (1978)
Education for Christian ministries in Sri Lanka: (An understanding of the concept of contextualization). A dissertation (University Microfilms facsimile) by Donald J Kanagaratnam (1978)
Muslim Evangelism: Contemporary Approaches to Contextualization by Dr. Phil Parshall (Aug 1, 2003)
One Faith, Many Cultures: Inculturation, Indigenization and Contextualization (Boston Theological Institute Annual) by Ruy O. Costa (Feb 1988)
The contextualization of the gospel in the world of Islam (Liberty Baptist Seminary spring theological lectures) by Donald R Rickards (1984)
The implications of contextualization for mission partnerships by Eric A Gass (1992)
The Relationship Between Epistemology, Hermeneutics, Biblical Theology and Contextualization: Understanding Truth by Douglas Welker Kennard (Oct 1, 1999)
Theology in the Philippine Setting: A Case Study in the Contextualization of Theology. by Rodrigo D. Tano (1981)


Examples of

  •  is a platform for viewing and downloading videos and animations that share the gospel message in hundreds of different languages. This website is the result of a partnership called the 20/20 Vision. The goal of this campaign is, “To produce and distribute an indigenous evangelistic audio-visual tool for every one of the Least Evangelized Mega Peoples by the year 2020, so that all can clearly see and understand the gospel message and embrace it as their own“.

    It is our desire that the Body of Christ would rise to the challenge of using effective cross-cultural evangelism tools utilizing the latest in mobile communication technologies, coupled with linguistically and culturally appropriate presentations of the gospel message. The 20/20 Vision project is an initiative to see new indigenous media produced for the remaining unreached people groups.

    HENNA, a temporary artwork drawn on the skin, is a major part of some cultures.
    Women put beautiful designs on their hands and feet for special occasions.For hundreds of years, henna, a natural dye made from the leaves of a henna plant, has been in used as a temporary tattoo in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.Henna accompanies engagements, weddings, births, religious events, festivals and everyday life. Henna is largely worn for cosmetic purposes. Henna is also thought to have medicinal uses and rumored to also be a sunscreen as well as a hair dye.Before weddings, women will often host a party where the bride’s hands and feet are decorated with intricate henna designs.The Hindu style of henna is characterized by paisley and peacock prints. Many of the designs feature the “evil eye,” a superstition among Hindus. “Fatima’s hand” is a popular design among Muslim women. Fatima was Muhammad’s daughter.Henna is also being used to tell a different sort of story—God’s stories. Christians in South Asia and Africa developed designs depicting Bible stories. The designs incorporate symbols representing key components—sin, God, forgiveness. Believers tell the stories as they apply the henna. Now, hundreds of women are writing His word not just on their hearts, but on their hands as well.

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