Why you are the way you are. understand yourself, and how come across
everyculture.com Culture of United States of America
USA (very basic overview of the US)
American Culture: Adjusting to Life in the United States Subtitle – Culture shock: Americans and American culture Southwestern Adventist University International Student Handbook (interesting description of American culture for foreign students. Show what we are like through their eys.
Be Careful Little Hands What You Do by Jim Reppart “As a person in a different culture, he once again becomes a learner and an observer, full of questions, and prone to make childish mistakes. He is at the mercy of his hosts in this foreign culture. If he does not listen to his hosts, he may end up continuing in his childish mistakes, even escalating into greater offenses and thus ruining his credibility with the very people he came to teach the way of salvation. It has been the experience of a number of missionaries to go to the field, labor hard, preach repentance, baptize believers and yet still be known as “wicked” people by the nationals. Why is this so?”
“What Is a US American?” Cornell University. International Students and Scholars Office, n.d.
Aldridge, M. Gene. “What is the Basis of American Culture? Or What Is It That Intercultural Communication Students Cannot Afford to Miss about the American Culture?” New Mexico Independent Research Institute, n.d.
Anderson, G. H. “American Protestant in Pursuit of Mission: 1886-1996.” in International Bulletin of Missionary Research 12 (3 July 1988): 98-102, 104-118.
Atkins, Andrew. “Know Your Own Culture: A Neglected Tool for Cross-Cultural Ministry.”Evangelical Missions Quarterly vol. 26 (no.3) July 1990, p. 271.
Boyce, Ralph L. “Cross-Cultural Understanding, American Values and U.S.-Indonesian Relations.” Paper presented to the University of SURABAYA, Bahasa, Indonesia, Thursday, 28 February 28 2002.
Dennis, Philip A. “Anthropology 1301: Understanding Multicultural America.” College Teaching 53 (March 2005): 65-70.
DuBois, Cora. “The Dominant Value Profile of American Culture.” American Anthropologist 57 (1955): 1232-1239.
Ferrand de Piazza, Hortensia. “Values in an Historical, Socio-Cultural Context.” In The Social Context And Values Perspectives Of The Americas. Edited by George F. Mclean and Olinto Pegoraro. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Life, Series 5: Latin America, No. 1; Series 6: Foundations Of Moral Education, No. 4. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, n.d.
Grouling, Thomas E. “Common Questions: Uniquely American Questions.” AmericanHospitals.com, n.d.
Kohls, Robert. “Why Do Americans Act Like That?” Swiss Engineering, n.d.
Konsky, Catherine; Blue, Janet; Eguchi, Mariko; and Kapoor, Suraj. “Individualistic Collectivistic Values: American, Indian, and Japanese Cross-Cultural Study.” trinity.edu. Accessed 7 November 2006.
Lederer, William J. and Eugene Burdick. The Ugly American. New York: W. W. Norton, 1958.
McLean, George F. (n.d.) “Hermeneutics, Historicity and Values.” In The Social Context And Values Perspectives Of The Americas. Edited by George F. Mclean and Olinto Pegoraro. Cultural Heritage And Contemporary Life, Series 5: Latin America, No. 1; Series 6: Foundations Of Moral Education, No. 4. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, n.d.
Moreau, A. Scott. “The Human Universals of Culture: Implications for Contextualization.” International Journal of Frontier Missions 12:3 (July-Sept. 1995): 121-125. (not on US culture specifically but how culture affects us)
Nuechterlein, James “What’s Right with Kansas.” First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life 151 (March 2005): 10.
Pokrovsky, Nikita. “Dimensions of Intercultural Communication between Russia and the United States.” Moscow Study Trips, 1999. efenster.home.igc.org/pokrov.htm. Accessed 12 February 2005.
Riel, Bob. “In the Land of the Red, White and Blue: Inside the American Mindset.” Relocation Journal & Real Estate News 10 (March 1996).
Tobin, Daniel. “Christian Missions and Manifest Destiny.” Northwestern Connecticut Community-Technical College, May 1998.
Tongren, Hale N.; Hect, Leo; and Kovach, Kenneth. “Recognizing Cultural Differences: Key to Successful U.S.-Russian Enterprises.” Public Personnel Management 24 (Spring 1995): 1-17.
Uchimura, Kanzo. “Can Americans Teach Japanese Religion?” Japan Christian Intelligencer 1 (1926): 357-61. Cited in Andrew Walls, The Missionary Movement in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission of Faith, pp. 221-222. MaryKnoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1996.
At life in the usa.com “a complete guide to American life for immigrants and Americans”
American Worldview Part 1
American Worldview Part 2
American Worldview Part 3
The American Dream
American culture
Althen, Gary. American Ways: A Guide for Foreigners in the United States. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2002.
Apel, Pat. Nine Great American Myths: Ways We Confuse the American Dream with the Christian Faith. Brentwood, TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt Publishers, 1991.
Baker, Wayne E. America’s Crisis of Values : Reality and Perception. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005.
Ball-Rokeach, S. J.; Rokeach, M.; and Grube, J. W. The Great American Values Test: Influencing Behavior and Belief through Television . New York: Free Press, 1984.
Bamlund, Dean C. Public and Private Self in Japan and the United States. Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, Maine 1975
Beck, Glenn. The Real America: Messages from the Heart and Heartland. New York: Pocket Books, 2003.
Bellah, Robert N.; Madsen, R.; Sullivan, W. M.; Swidler, A.; and Tipton, S. M. Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. Updated Edition. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1996.
Bellah, Robert N.; Madsen, R.; Sullivan, W. M.; Swidler, A.; and Tipton, S. M. The Good Society. New York: Knopf, 1991.
Bellah, Robert Neelly, and Madsen, Richard et al. Individualism and Commitment in American Life: Readings on the Themes of Habits of the Heart. New York: HarperCollins, 1987.
Bennett, William J. The Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
Bennett, William J. The De-Valuing of America: The Fight for Our Culture and Our Children. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Focus on the Family, 1994.
Bennett, William J. The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American Society at the End of the Twentieth Century. Revised ed. New York: Broadway Books, 1999.
Bernstein, Paul. American Work Values: Their Origin and Development. Albany, New York: State University of New York, 1997.
Biernat, M.; Vescio, T. K.; Theno, S. A.; and Crandall, C. C. “Values and Prejudice: Toward Understanding the Impact of American Values on Outgroup Attitudes.” In The Ontario Symposium: The Psychology of Values, Vol. 8, pp. 153-189. Edited by C. Seligman, J. M. Olson, and M. P. Zanna. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996.
Bloesch, Donald. The Future of Evangelical Christianity: A Call for Unity amid Diversity. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1983.
Bloom, Allan. The Closing of the American Mind: Education and the Crisis of Reason. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.
Bloom, H. The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Bowers, Joyce M., ed. Raising Resilient MKs: Resources for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers. ACSI International, n.d.
Christiansen, Paul D. and Michelle Young. 1996. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: Meeting the Challenge of Our Multicultural America & Beyond. Caddo Gap Press.
de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America (classic text on what it means to be American — written in early 1800s but still true.) full text online
DeVita, Philip R., and Armstrong, James D., eds. Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture. 2nd ed. Belmont, California: West/Wadsworth, 1998.
Dugan, Robert P., Jr. Winning the New Civil War: Recapturing America’s Values. Portland, Oregon: Multnomah, 1991.
Emrich, Duncan. Folklore on the American Land. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972.
Ester, P.; Halman, L.; and de Moor, R., eds. The Individualizing Society: Value Change in Europe and North America. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, 1994.
Ferrand de Piazza, Hortensia. “Values in an Historical, Socio-Cultural Context.” In The Social Context And Values Perspectives Of The Americas. Edited by George F. Mclean and Olinto Pegoraro. Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Life, Series 5: Latin America, No. 1; Series 6: Foundations Of Moral Education, No. 4. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, n.d.
Gordon, Alma Daugherty. Don’t Pig Out on Junk Food: The MK’s Guide to Survival in the U.S.Evangelical Missions Information Service, 1993.
Halamandaris, Bill. The Heart of America: Ten Core Values That Make Our Country Great. Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, 2004.
Hall, Edward T., and Hall, Mildred Reed. Understanding Cultural Differences: German, French and American. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1990.
Hall, Douglas John. Thinking the Faith: Christian Theology in a North American Context. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1989.
Hasman, Melvin. Spiritual Life in the Good Ol’ USA: Story-essays on Popular Culture and Christianity. La Mesa, CA: Potter’s Books, 1994.
Henry, J. Culture Against Man. New York: Random, 1963.
Hicks, Rick, and Hicks, Kathy. Boomers, Xers, and Other Strangers: Understanding the Generational Differences that Divide Us. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1999.
Horowitz, David. The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America’s Future. New York: Free Press, 1998.
Hughes, Robert. Culture of Complaint: A Passionate Look into the Ailing Heart of America, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Hurley, Jennifer A., ed. American Values. San Diego, California: Greenn Press, 2000.
Iwanska, Alicja. “Some American Values.” Cited in William A. Smalley in “The World Is Too Much With Us,” in Readings In Missionary Anthropology, edited by William A. Smalley, p. 701. South Pasadena, California: William Carey Library, 1978.
Johnson, J. E. “Manifest Destiny.” In Dictionary of Christianity in America: A Comprehensive Resource on the Religious Impulse that Shaped a Continent, p. 703. Edited by Daniel Reid, et al. Downer’s Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1990.
Jones, Howard Mumford. O Strange New World: American Culture: The Formative Years
Kim, Eun Y. The Yin and Yang of American Culture: A Paradox. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2001.
Kohls, L. Robert. Survival Kit for Overseas Living: For Americans Planning to Live and Work Abroad.. 4th ed. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2001.
Kohls, Robert. “Why Do Americans Act Like That?” Swiss Engineering, n.d.
Konsky, Catherine; Blue, Janet; Eguchi, Mariko; and Kapoor, Suraj. “Individualistic Collectivistic Values: American, Indian, and Japanese Cross-Cultural Study.” trinity.edu. Accessed 7 November 2006.
Kottak, Conrad Phillip, and Kozaitis, Kathryn A.. On Being Different: Diversity and Multiculturalism in the North American Mainstream. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Lanier, Alison R. Living in the U.S.A. 6th ed. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 20??.
Lewis, Hunter. A Question Of Values: Six Ways We Make The Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
Louv, Richard. The Web of Life: Weaving the Values that Sustain Us. Berkeley, California: Conari Press, 1996.
Marrella, Len. In Search of Ethics: Conversations with Men and Women of Character. Sanford, Florida: DC Press, 2001.
Marsden, George F. Fundamentalism and American Culture. The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelicalism: 1870-1925. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Marsden, George F., ed. Evangelicalism and Modern American Culture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1984.
May, Henry. The Enlightenment in America. New York: Oxford University, 1976.
McElroy, John Harmon. American Beliefs: What Keeps a Big Country and a Diverse People United. Chicago, Illinois: Ivan R. Dee, 1999.
McLean, George F. (n.d.) “Hermeneutics, Historicity and Values.” In The Social Context And Values Perspectives Of The Americas. Edited by George F. Mclean and Olinto Pegoraro. Cultural Heritage And Contemporary Life, Series 5: Latin America, No. 1; Series 6: Foundations Of Moral Education, No. 4. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, n.d.
Mitchell, Susan. American Generations: Who They Are, How they Live, What They Think. 4th ed. Ithaca, New York: New Strategist Publications, 2003.
Natadecha-Sponsel, Poranee. “The Young, the Rich, and the Famous: Individualism as an American Cultural Value.” In DeVita, Philip R., and James D. Armstrong, eds. Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture. 2nd ed. Belmont, California: West/Wadsworth, 1998.
Needleman, Jacob. The American Soul: Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Founders. New York: Penguin, 2002.
Noll, Mark A.; Hatch, Nathan O.; and Marsden, George M. The Search for Christian America. Westchester, Illinois: Crossway, 1983.
Ogden, Thomas C. Two Worlds: Notes on the Death of Modernity in American and Russia. Downer’s Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1992.
Peterson, Brooks. Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other Cultures Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2004.
Pirsig, Robert M. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values. New York: Bantam, 1984.
Procter, Michael, and Hornsby-Smith, Michael P. “Individual Religiosity, Religious Context and Values in Europe and North America.” In Religion in Secularizing Society: The Europeans’ Religion at the End of the 20th Century. Edited by Loek Halman and Ole Riis. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Reid, Daniel G. et al., eds. Dictionary of Christianity in America. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity, 1990.
Rogers, Glenn. Understanding American Culture: The Theological and Philosophical Shaping of the American Worldview.
Simon, Paul. Healing America: Values and Vision for the 21st Century. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1970.
Singer, C. Gregg. A Theological Interpretation of American History. Nutley, New Jersey: Craig, 1964.
Slater, Philip. The Pursuit of Loneliness. Boston: Beacon, 1970.
Smith, Carolyn D. 1996. The Absentee American: Repatriates’ Perspectives on America. Aletheia Publications: Bayside, NY.
Stewart, Edward C., and Bennett, Milton J. American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective . Revised ed. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1972. Amazon.com
Storti, Craig. Americans at Work: A Guide to the Can-Do People. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2004.
Storti, Craig. Old World/New World: Bridging Cultural Differences—Britain, France, Germany and the U.S. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2001.
Storti, G. Figuring Foreigners Out: A Practical Guide. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 1999.
Storti, G. The Art of Crossing Cultures. Yarmouth, Maine: Intercultural Press, 2001.
Tobin, Daniel. “Christian Missions and Manifest Destiny.” Northwestern Connecticut Community-Technical College, May 1998.
Tonkinson, Robert. The Jigalong Mob: Aboriginal Victors of the Desert Crusade. Menlo Park, California: Cummings, 1974.
Vaughan, Alden T., ed. The Puritan Tradition in America: 1620-1730. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.
Webber, Robert. Common Roots: A Call to Evangelical Maturity. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1978.
Williams, Mary, ed. American Values: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press, 2005.
Wolfe, Alan. One Nation, After All: What Middle-Class Americans Really Think About God, Country, Family, Racism, Welfare, Immigration, Homosexuality, Work, The Right, The Left, and Each Other. New York: Viking, 1998.
Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook EXCELLENT!
“Designed for Peace Corps Volunteers, this practical, hands-on guide is also a rich and useful resource for students who want to look into their own culture and become more understanding of people of other cultures.”
Building Bridges: A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding
“The booklet provides short, adaptable lesson plans and activities that build cross-cultural awareness, respect, and communication in your classroom. Lessons are flexible, easy to use, and standards-based. The introduction explains more about the purpose of the book, its audience (grades 6–12), the terms used, the standards addressed, and more. [note for kids, but still very good even for adults]
Unit I: Culture in the United States
Introducing Culture
Features of Culture
Defining Culture
Culture Is Like an Iceberg
Unit II: Culture Beyond the United States
On Being Seen as Different
Generalizations: How Accurate Are They?
Interpreting Behavior: Expanding Our Point of View
Resolving a Cross-Cultural Misunderstanding
Seeing Both Sides of an Issue
A Fundamental of Culture: Cultural Context
Brief Encounters
Window Into Another Culture
Europeans view of Americans
NOTE: see also anit Americanism below
Giorcelli, Christina, and Rob Kroes, (eds.) Living with America, 1946-1996.Amsterdam: VU University P, 1997.
Jarausch, Konrad, and Hannes Siegrist (eds.). Amerikanisierung und Sowjetisierung in Deutschland 1945-1970. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 1997.
Leggewie, Claus. Amerikas Welt: Die USA in unseren Köpfen. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2000.
Lüdtke, Alf, Inge Marßolek, and Adelheid von Saldern. Amerikanisierung: Traum und Alptraum im Deutschland des 20. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1996.
Mathe, Silvie. Anti-Americanism at Home and Abroad.Aix-en-Provence: U of Provence P, 2000.
McKay, George (ed.). Yankee Go Home (& Take Me With U): Americanization and Popular Culture.Sheffield: Sheffield Academic P, 1997.
Melling, Phil, and Jon Roper (eds.). Americanization and the Transformation of World Cultures. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996.
Pells, Richard. Not Like Us: How Europeans Have Loved, Hated, and Transformed American Culture Since World War II. New York: Basic Books, 1997.
Poiger, Uta G. (ed.). Transactions, Transgressions, Transformations. American Culture in Western Europe and Japan. New York: Berghahn, 2000.
Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques. Le défi américain. Paris: Denoel, 1967.
Anti Americanism
A Certain Idea of Europe (Cornell Studies… by Craig Parsons
Allies At War: America, Europe and the Cri… by Philip Gordon
America Against the World: How We Are Different and Why We Are Disliked by Andrew Kohut , Bruce Stokes “It has become a media axiom that anti-Americanism is on the rise around the world, and though the foreign policies of George W. Bush are often cited as a motivating factor, it seems reasonable that there must be more to the animosity than one president’s actions. Kohut, the director of the Pew Research Center, teams up with NPR commentator Stokes to present the results of an extensive Pew survey that polled more than 91,000 people in 50 nations to come up with an explanation that, when you strip away the extensive charts and tables, boils down to this: they hate us because we’re different. But, Kohut and Stokes suggest, we’re also misunderstood.” (Amazon)
America in the Eyes of the Germans: An Essay on Anti-Americanism by Dan Diner, Sander L. Gilman, and Allison Brown (April 1996)
America on Notice: Stemming the Tide of Anti-Americanism… by Glenn E. Schweitzer
Americanization And Anti-Americanism: The German Encounter with American Culture after 1945 by A Stephan (Jan 1, 2008)
Anti-Americanism [4 volumes]: History, Causes, Themes by Brendon O’Connor (Jun 30, 2007)
Anti-Americanism by Andrew Ross and Kristin Ross
Anti-Americanism by Jean-Francois Revel
Anti-Americanism in Europe (Hoover Classics) by Russell A. Berman (Feb 2008)
Anti-Americanism in Europe: A Cultural Problem… by Russell A. Berman
Anti-Americanism in Russia: From Stalin To Putin by Eric Shiraev and Vladislav Zubok (Dec 1, 2000)
Anti-americanism in the Islamic World by Sigrid Faath (Jul 2006)
Anti-Americanism: Irrational and Rational by Paul Hollander (Jan 1, 1995)
Anti-Americanisms in World Politics by Peter J. Katzenstein “Anti-Americanism has been the subject of much commentary but little serious research. In response, Peter J. Katzenstein and Robert O. Keohane have assembled a distinguished group of experts, including historians, polling-data analysts, political scientists, anthropologists, and sociologists, to explore anti-Americanism in depth, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The result is a book that probes deeply a central aspect of world politics that is frequently noted yet rarely understood. “ (Amazon)
Dangerous Nation: America’s Foreign Policy from Its Earliest Days to the Dawn of the Twentieth Century by Robert Kagan
Friendly Fire: Losing Friends and Making Enemies in the Anti-American Century by Julia E. Sweig (April 5, 2006)
Hating America: A History by Barry Rubin
Islamophobia and Anti-Americanism: Causes and Remedies by Mohamed Nimer (Jun 1, 2007)
Menace in the West: The Rise of French Anti$Americanism in Modern Times (Contributions in American Studies) by David Strauss (Oct 20, 1978)
Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe… by Robert Kagan
Superman versus Lex Luther: British Anti-Americanism since September 11. (Press Notes).: An article from: World Policy Journal by Mark Gilbert (Digital – Jul 30, 2005)
Taming American Power: The Global Response… by Stephen M. Walt
The American Enemy: The History of French Anti americanism… by Philippe Roger “ With elegance and good humor, Roger goes back 200 years to unearth the deep roots of this anti-Americanism and trace its changing nature, from the belittling, as Buffon did, of the “savage American” to France’s resigned dependency on America for goods and commerce and finally to the fear of America’s global domination in light of France’s thwarted imperial ambitions. Roger sees French anti-Americanism as barely acquainted with actual fact; rather, anti-Americanism is a cultural pillar for the French, America an idea that the country and its culture have long defined themselves against. ” (Amazon)
The Case For Goliath: How America Acts As… by Michael Mandelbaum
The Rise of Anti-Americanism by B. O”conner (Dec 16, 2005)
Uberpower: The Imperial Temptation of America by Josef Joffe
Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America… by Andrei S. Markovits (The Public Square) “ In this sweeping and provocative look at the history of European aversion to America, Andrei Markovits argues that understanding the ubiquity of anti-Americanism since September 11, 2001, requires an appreciation of such sentiments among European elites going back at least to July 4, 1776.” (Amazon)
Understanding Anti-Americanism: Its Origins and Impact at Home and Abroad by Paul Hollander (Jan 25, 2005)
With Us or Against Us: Studies in Global Anti-Americanism (CERI Series in International Relations a) by Denis Lacorne and Tony Judt (Jul 24, 2007)
American Literary Classics — full text online to 80+ Books
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